Just got back from my first ride on the cb393f!
A few concerns and comments.
First the good; fired up immediately and the engine sounds great. Much smoother and quieter than before. Settled into a pleasant idle.
The concern:
It was very smokey right off the bat. However, I did burn several liters of oil through that pipe, so I'm sure there is some stuff burning off in there.
I went for a quick test ride and it felt great. Pulled well and sounded good. But smokey. Yes, all the rings are in correctly, I double checked and had someone else confirm!
I got back and pulled the #4 plug, which is the cylinder that was mega fouled in spring. It looked perfect! Nice and tan. I parked it for an hour or two
Went for a second test ride, a bit longer this time. Again it fired up well and felt great. When I got back I decided to pull all four plugs to see. #1 was wet. I don't THINK it was wet with oil, but with gas. #2 also looked gassy, 3/4 were dark but dry. I did the sniff test, but it was inconclusive. I didn't really smell anything
What do you think based on the photos? I wiped the wet #1 plug wth my finger and didn't get any black marks on my skin. But the oil is brand new, so it wouldn't really be black yet I'd suspect?
So I'm thinking I have a fuel or maybe ignition issue. I have cruisin image jets in there now, I believe 35. But these plugs look very rich. Stock needle I believe.
I DO know that my petcock has a very slow leak. And the two wet plugs are the lower side of the engine when it's on the sidestand, which is how I had it parked. So maybe I have a carb issue that caused the plugs to get wet while parked for two hours. But wouldn't that have burned off after a 5 minute ride?
Is there a way to confirm this is fuel and not oil? I held a match to the wet plug and it didn't catch fire...

1-4 after I wiped the plug with my finger.

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