The stock fuse holder can develop problems over time. (What machine doesn't?)
1- the fuse clips can develop spring fatigue. Poor contact pressure yeilds higher resistance. Heating the fuse and causing it to melt.
2- the fuse clips develop a clear oxidation that is resistive. Current through resistance generates heat, melting the fuse.
The stock 15 amp fuse runs normally at 2/3 of rating. This warms the fuse. You can feel this with your thumb. Add resistance 1&2 above and it will blister your thumb.
Adding electrical loads like high watt head lights and dyna ignitions, can push a warm fuse into hot territory. Bigger fuses mask the true problem, but allow the bike to be driven. Many prefer bandaids to root cause correction.
All my bikes still have the stock fuse block. If you polish the clips every 5-10 years, and make sure the clips grasp the fuse so hard you need a tool to lever the fuse out, it works fine.