I plan on checking for spark on the # 2 & 3 cylinders after work, I only took one picture of the #2 cylinder's spark plug after I pulled it.
I did quite of bit of googling and asking around about the exhaust setup I have and it appears that going from a 100 stock main jet to 105 is all that usually needs to be done. The rest of the bike is completely stock, the frame even has all of it's tabs!
I'm basically just standing on the shoulders of enthusiasts that have come before me here in Southern California and copied the jetting of members (that TwoTired helped) from years passed I found on an old thread. I did verify the rebuild kit I ordered has the Keihin stamp versus the Mikuni stamp on them.
I know the jetting is closer to correct because the plugs went from bone white, to having a slight tan to them.
I did vacuum sync the carbs, the first time I was close but when I would let off the throttle the rpms would gradually fall back down to idle during my first test ride. After syncing again, and really dialing them in best I could, the bike rode like a dream (for a day).
When I first got the bike (2 months ago), I checked the following:
Valve clearances,
Ignition cables,
I'll report back in a few hours after I've tested for spark.