So I've "retired" twice. I spent 34 years with the Feds. I looked for and got hired by the Hawaii Dept. of Transportation prior to my Fed retirement. This was all a part of a long term plan. We moved from the Sacramento area to Maui. We knew it would be an expensive move so we needed to have some income to get settled. I spent 9 years with HDOT and retired again two years ago. Now I work a few days a week self employed here in south Maui, very casual. I spend a lot of time doing woodwork, currently making a Lego table for my grandson. I still work because life isn't cheap here. We did a lot of things to get control of expenses such as solar panels for power, we have no electric bill. We took out the lawn, the house is pretty small (1200 sq ft), the garage is 1100 sq ft, half of it is my work space.
I think not working at all is a bad idea, the mind and body need to be in motion. My first project after retirement from HDOT was restoring the K3 750. That was a great way to kick it off.
It's working out fine, sometimes we are a bit too busy but it balances out. No, we don't spend days drunk on the beaches here, which are great. We go to the beach, ride the K3, do gardening, take care of the chickens, keep the family rolling.
Don't stop working, stay busy.