hello guys ,
I've quickly read through the entirely topic ( great work and research ! ) and been searching for itg airfilters @ the web ( saussage type ) ;
if you are a bit handy you could made one out of chicken wire (square holes)(
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Chicken-Wire-Mesh-4M-x-0-9M-Galvanised-Cage-Aviary-Fencing-13mm-Square-Hole-/272839056034?hash=item3f86799aa2:g:tjIAAOSw311ZsoeT ) ;
see youtube itg airfilters (
unifoam filter sticks great and quick together with loctite 406 ( superglue for rubber and plastics ) .
I normally run with a airbox of steeldragon; just kept the baseplate and intake runners , made the saussage so it hangs in the outer milled edge of the baseplate. ( prerolled the wire to a diameter of 70/75 mm , make some cutting to finish sides. see video itg .... and glued the foamfilter to the outer side of the baseplate ( same glue foam sticks on aluminium ) , it's just a test ,
but the inner distance between backplate (cover) and intake runners from steeldragons breadbox was only 25 a 35 mm, so I was curious and made a saussage myself . there is indeed more air to breathe , the breadbox isn't bad but I have the impression there a bit of quicker gas response now. also as read in the forum the holes are a bit small and the total filter surface is at the small size ( but nothing wrong with the steeldragon ; still nicest plug 'n play airbox.
cheers and happy 2018...
I run with cb500 four '73 ( 550cc cilinder ) 4 to 4 swabrick pipes , 650 cam (63hp type 4° advanced) , 649a? carbs ;Boyer Bransden ignition ( for now 38 slow , 120! main and needle 4th clip )