I guess I was NOT SURE about something...
Idiocracy, if you haven't seen it, see it. It becomes more true every year.
So I've solved a few mysteries.
The seller stated that he can't turn the engine with the kicker.
Neither can I so off came the points cover hoping to be able to turn the engine. Nope, the stub bolt had already been broken off, I think I spotted a shiny new one in one of the boxes.
So off came the stator and shift covers and I put a 19mm box end on the rotor bolt. Now I can turn the engine, but only about 50 degrees before something contacts something else... well at least the rings aren't frozen.
So off comes the cam cover, everything looks to be here and assembled correctly. I fully backed off all of the valve adjustments and gave it a shot, now I can turn the engine 360 degrees! Whoooo! Since plugs are out I put a finger over each each hole and gave the wrench a turn, compression is very strong.
Unfortunately looking down the cam chain tunnel I see more blue silicone, the PO used it on the head gasket too.
I don't suppose i can leave it like this can I?
I admit I'm very curious to know what pistons are in there.
There were some markings on the cam, can anyone tell me if this is a stocker?
Is this a new camchain?
Looks like cases were never split, I wonder where the advancer is?
And I can see red assembly lube in a few low lying areas, this engine was never run I think.