After many years of riding, 16 years ago my last like, a Goldwing interstate was sold off. The arrival of kids demanded more family friendly transport. However widely allowed my a small project bike and bought myself a stripped down cb750 f2 in honda Britain kit. I had no build experience but powered by enthusiasm I stipped it fully with great expectations. However a family crisis put it on the backburner almost of the bat, sadly the old girl has sat covered in my garage ever since. Fast forward 16 years and while sorting said garage with daughter N°2 she pulled of the tarp and demanded we get it done. Given we were in lockdown and entertainment was in demand we set about it. Now neither of us is particularly mechanically minded but reading many threads here and reading etc we have rough plan. Clean rolling chassis with no fussy bits, get the engine ready for a careful start, then see where we are. Given work worries much like many atm we are carefully budgeting where we think it's best spent while cleaning and reusing as much as possible for now. I will try to keep this updated and I am sure I will be asking many stupid questions, making lots of mistakes etc, that's the fun though isn't it. She's been off the rode now 23 years, would be nice to get it up and running. Here's a few pics.