It's been said that "Success has many fathers, whereas failure is an orphan". After many great rides on the K0 "Old Bill" dedicated to Bill the Demon, who passed around the same time I built this bike, or perhaps "Red dawn" (just to give Don another name option for his K0 thread) I noticed last week, that my 52 year old lady is suffering from a little incontinence. I noticed that my beautiful "Made in the USA" Redwings right boot was getting sprayed with a little oil. Not a lot, but also, If I park it on the centre stand, I get a drip of oil under the ignition side of the engine. Oh dear.....
K0 Thursday 25 Feb 2021 9a by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Now today was a PITA, I logged onto the ol' virtual saltmine, and after only 30 minutes, the internet dropped out. Being a technophobe, I had no idea what the problem was, so after trying to reset the modem to no avail, I logged into my service providers website and discovered that the NBN (National internet system) was down for maintenance in various parts of Oz, and wouldn't be back on until 4pm.
Hmmnn, I wandered out to the garage, and looked for the source of the leak. I removed the points cover, and Oh dear again, there was a little pool of oil behind the cover. Now the last time I had an issue like this, the case sealant (some loctite sh1t) had basically melted and oil was running out between the case halves. This didn't seem to be the case (pun intended) here though, as I could still see a thin blue line of RTV, with no obvious leakage therein. I marked the Kokusan ignition plate so I wouldn't have to re-time the ignition, and removed it.
K0 Thursday 25 Feb 2021 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
When I removed the auto advance unit, I noticed a ring of oil around where it mounts onto the end of the crank.
K0 Thursday 25 Feb 2021 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
And looking at the end of the crank, it looked pretty obvious, that the O ring on the 6mm stud had gone to God.
K0 Thursday 25 Feb 2021 1 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Well that was a relief! All I needed to do was remove the threaded shaft! I tried using my Stud remover visegrip tool, but nope, it was tight. OK, so I "double nutted" it, but same/same, it wouldn't move. I could twist the shaft, but it wouldn't crack. OK, last try, my half inch drive stud remover, first with a standard ratchet wrench, then with a 3 foot breaker bar! till no movement, and all the while I was weighing up a small leak vs snapping the shaft off. Fcuk it, what redneck fix could I attempt?
Well, there was a dried out O ring allowing oil to pass through, so why not shove another couple of O rings into that space behind the auto advance mechanism? I shoved a couple of O rings in there, then splooged some high temp silicon on it for good measure. I then put everything back together and tightened down the 10mm nut, and was happy to feel it squishing the O rings etc. I fired the bike up, and not surprisingly, I'd managed to bend the shaft, so I used a sharpie to find the high spot, and gave it a few whacks with my plastic mallet until it was more or less straight again. Sweet. The good news was, that after 5 minutes of running on the centre stand, no drips! I did think about having another go at removing it when the engine was hot, but thought, "Fcuk that, it's not leaking, so leave it alone. Rednecking to the rescue, again.
But of course, what happens in the garage doesn't always stay that way when you're out on the road, so i decided that, as the wife had gone over to help her 87 year old Ma, and i had nothing to do, I'd go for a ride. My favourite ride at the moment is still to Heathcote for a pie, so I jumped onto the ol' red beast, and took off. Luckily I checked the fuel level and it was low, so I stopped at a Shell station, and filled it with 98. While there, I had the usual admirers come up and want to tell me that they had one just like mine, back in the day, that they wished they still had it, etc etc. This happens a lot.
I stopped to take a couple of pics after jarring my back quite badly when I hit a pot hole mid corner, as much as I love these back roads, they've got lots of pretty bad surface issues. I must throw a pair of Konis on it. It was nice to get off and have a little walk around.
K0 Thursday 25 Feb 2021 6 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
K0 Thursday 25 Feb 2021 3 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Anyhoo, feeling refreshed, I jumped back on and rode on to Heathcote. being a weekday the place was pretty quiet but that was cool, I had a choice of tables, and enjoyed a delicious Beef and Shiraz pie, and a mocca milk drink to wash down my anti-inflammatories.
K0 Thursday 25 Feb 2021 8 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
The ride back was very pleasant, only one mobile speed camera car hiding in the trees, but I saw him from a reasonable distance (the advantages of being an old Forward Scout) and slowed the fcuk down. At the 116 mile mark I had to switch to reserve and rode on for another 14 miles until I filled up again. It took 13 litres to do around 130-odd miles, so it's getting around 45 MPG (Imperial gallons = 4.54 litres) which, even though I was averaging between 70 and 90 MPH, confirms that it's running a bit rich. The only new consumable I didn't use when I built the bike was a new air filter because I forgot to buy one so I used an old one, which was fine when the top carb seals weren't in place, but has added to the rich running since.
As my K2 bitsa is going nowhere, I stole the K&N filter that has done maybe 500 miles, if it's lucky. It'll flow a lot more air than it's predecessor.
K0 Thursday 25 Feb 2021 9c by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Anyhoo, it's still going like a rocket, isn't dribbling oil out of the points cover, and I've now done 1364 trouble free miles. I hope the internet's working tomorrow, I really do...........
K0 Thursday 25 Feb 2021 9 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr