More than a quarter of a million people in the USA dead.
Here's the problem with your mantra: is it possible that the number is incorrectly inflated? Not due to intentional cause, but merely due to "associated" death. Simply because someone has tested positive for Covid then dies, it is automatically attributed to a Covid-caused death. This is factually incorrect. And there are ample examples of persons and medical professionals attesting to this.
And if Covid is lethal, then why are so many testing positive yet not dying? Heck, there's heaps of people who test positive yet are asymptomatic. Whether they wore a mask or not, they are not dropping dead like flies.
250k dead is sad. Yet nearly 3,000,000 people die every year in the US and another close to 1,000,000 fetuses are aborted. So should we get all wound up over 250k?
Stats from the CDC for 2018:
Number of deaths for leading causes of death:
Heart disease: 655,381
Cancer: 599,274
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 167,127
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 159,486
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 147,810
Alzheimer’s disease: 122,019
Diabetes: 84,946
Influenza and Pneumonia: 59,120
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 51,386
Intentional self-harm (suicide): 48,344
So with Covid added in post-2020, respiratory deaths will climb. Okay, yep, tragic. But is it apocalyptic? Not by a long shot.
From my end, I never believe in anything I don't know the truth of. Period. Carved in granite in my DNA. And that leads to-
- differing data on cause/effect on Covid. There's data to both sides of the argument. Which is correct? Which is undeniably
true? You can't answer that because you take it on "faith" that the source of your information is infallible and accurate. And has been said, science often contradicts itself with further evidence. But over the cliff you go today not waiting for more, better information...
Personally I have traveled internationally for the past 2 years extensively. I even flew internationally to APAC in March during the height of transmission and spread. No mask. No mandate. No quarantine. Guess what, no infection. I have traveled still this calendar year domestically and have only worn a mask while aboard a domestic flight as it was required for travel by the carrier. Fine, happy to consent to their rules to use their service. But not in the airport coming or going. Guess what, no infection. How can that be? I am traveling to all the major "hotspots" and mingling with thousands upon thousands of non mask-wearing people and still not getting sick. It certainly has caused me to be dubious to the validity of the claims of morbidity and infection rates.
In my entire life I have never, ever had the flu. Not once. I have never had a flu shot. I don't get sick, I don't get infections, heck I barely get colds and I have 4 kids. I don't live an especially "healthy lifestyle" as dictated by the "mainstream" health professionals. Yet no illness. Hmmm.... Cause to ask, "Well, what then...?"
So you are welcome to believe as you do and live as you wish. But it is a fallacy to presume that others who live and choose to believe differently are ignorant, amoral, or intellectual cave-dwellers. Perhaps it is we, not you, who are enlightened enough to ask the tougher questions. Maybe not.But I guarantee those answers aren't coming from your mainstream sources as this point because they are speculating and projecting based upon theoretical models. Insufficient time and historical studies have not occurred to prove one way or another.
Until then, rant on all you wish-