Today was a rough day commuting. Super wet, humid, drizzling, cold. Around quitting time it was snowing at work and my better half reported hail at home. Sucked it up and did the needful with my Bell Bullitt fogging up to all hell both ways despite a fresh coat of anti-fog spray in the morning. Open the visor at every stop, crack it when needed with freezing air pouring in, wipe snot at next stop, and repeat. The whole while try to avoid the potholes opening up from winter that I can't see on account of the fogged visor, and be cautious on the shiny road that looks like it's about 1* from freezing into a sheet of ice.
I like the large panoramic visor of the Bullitt and retro style, but I clearly need something better for winter commuting. Unfortunately I don't see a pinlock visor made for this helmet. Anyone using pinlock? Is it everything they promise? Is it even a fraction of what the marketing wanks claim? What helmet?