Your spring compressors won't compress them you mean or they're too big for the springs? If they won't compress them, there's something screwy somewhere.
Against all advice, I put the bottom end of the shock in a vice, made sure the pre-load was turned all the way 'off', and with gloves on pulled down on the springs. My hands were nowhere near the retaining ring doing this. My wife, putting her effort into my bike for the first time ever (unless you count ignoring my spending and greasy clothes as effort) grabbed the retaining rings with needlenose pliers and got them out.
Wasn't nearly as hard as I expected, and no dramatic releases of tension (except my own).
I then masked off the shaft, cleaned them as best I could and hung them using a sophisticated system of coat hangers in the garage. Sprayed them with many coats of Tremclad black rust paint. Dried them under my radiant heater in the garage, and then brought them back indoors for reassembly.
Rechroming the existing springs was going to cost as much as new Hagon springs ($80 a pair) so I ordered new 20 pound springs. Gorgeous chrome on them.