Here are some pics of the bags on my bike. I avoided having to move the turn signals by making a small cutout in the center strap for access to the seat lock key. It can not be seen. They don't get in the way, and in my opinion the style doesn't clash with the bike's looks. When they are fitted riders can still sit comfortably. On mine where they sit the back of the bag lids does sit against the turn signal stalks but they can still be opened and closed.
They are from River Road and were very reasonable, around $100 at my LMS. They come in braided, studded, and plain. I went with plain - again, I thot it went best with the style of bike.
They are of course smallish, and the slant does rob you of a bit of space too. My laptop for instance does fit in them but the lid will not close when it is in it. That means it could get wet, so I eventually bought a courier bag for the laptop. That was just for peace of mind.
They will carry two grocery bags apiece plus a little more.
Up front I have a fork bag from The Iron Horse. I got the largest they make. I keep my rain gear in it all the time so I am "all weather". It fills the bag, but I wanted to keep my saddle bags clear for groceries etc.
What ever bags you get make sure and put a little set of bungees in it first thing. With those you can carry damn near anything on the back of the seat and grab bar.