lol, i like the way you think!!!!

But i do like the response, thats what i'm looking for, I dont know production numbers or rarity/nastalgia factor on these yet. And with the move, remodel, and any spare time trying to get these other flip bikes finished or listed (some zuki's, xs's, etc, need cash!!), havnt had time to sit here and educate myself on these.
i know hte F will out perform the K, but by leaps and bounds, or just a little? Not that performance is a major factor at all, as none of these would compete with modern bikes, i'm looking more for the nastalgia and rarity factor in all of this ya know. I guess what seperates the 74 k from other years would be the double exhaust, but seeing as thats shot and needs replaced anyways, i dont see that as a big deal other then the personal interest of it being my birth year. I see alot of cb750's on the road everywhere, mostly late 70's, mostly young guys got they got em cheap, but i dont see alot of F models around, or maybe it's just cause i dont keep my eye out for them. Then theres the whole top end issue i've seen alot talk about, again, i know the basics, but i'm more of a cosmetic guy, would rather have sound and reliable, but then again, it's only the top end and shouldnt be too bad and i'm sure can score one on ebay when needed. (wont use the A model for parts as it's a running driving bike, any running bike is worth a grand during prime riding season up here, no reason to save for parts when i can get what i need for a hudnred when i need it ya know).
I guess information that would be helpful, would be what years cb look like the 74 and when was the cross over? I mean is this like a 71-76 thing with low still existing numbers, or are they common, anything unique about this particular year, or is a 78 basically the same thing but different exhaust (which i'd be going diffferent anyways as i'd like to keep original, but i see they do top dollar on ebay and out of my price range) and maybe tank, but for that matter, i could ebay a 20 dollar tank and slap it on any year ya know for the same style look. I guess what i'm looking for is this, I do it up cafe pretty well, not over the top like some of these 10k builds i see on google. If they were both done up and looked sharp, 5-7 years from now say, and i threw them on ebay, which would get a better dollar return?? rarity or sought after value?
Thanks gents and I appreciate the help for what I have lack of time to invest into learning myself right now, in the near future certainly, but looking to get rid of one of them this weekend, so all opinions or facts helpful!!! much appreciated.
(ps, mind you i moved from a 4 bdrm burb house to a city 2 bdrm rental, the only little bit of room i got, is up in the finished attic {office}, and i've used up all my favors from my buddies moving everything else, it would look neat up there, but thats a hell of a jump out that window once completed!!! look out evil kenieval!!!! )