They say you learn something new every day......
yesterday was busy. learned a few somethings.
myhondas - Consider it jumped.
I've heard that the harness tag isn't always accurate.... s/n chart(attached) puts the production date on your machine between 2/65 and 5/65. maybe not perfect but looks pretty sharp anyway.
There is only one set of serial numbers and they all start C100... It would appear that the CA100 model designation is a creation of American Honda Sales. I found downloadable manuals and the 'Printed in Japan' all call it C100. The only reference to CA models is in literature printed in US by American Honda. Their CA102 parts list cross references old part numbers that almost all start C100.... Most 'new' numbers read xxxxx-001-xxx . 001 model is C100 . Service Honda fiche finder only shows a CA100 .
Might as well go with the rest of the world and say C100(US).
Havoc - that would be cool.... 'chef mark' can cook up great stuff out of leftovers.

$2600 for a Symba.... holy cow! That would cover a lot of parts.
Drained the nappy gas out of the tank - didn't see a speck of rust.
Pulled the carb off and scattered it into the dunk basket - a couple specks in the sediment bowl but no corrosion on the vitals. Didn't break the bowl cover gasket and the o-rings are all in the HF assortment. Carb rebuild should cost all of about 35¢.
I think I'll spring for a piston and rings - these look well worn.
A new fairing is waaaaay down the list.... but the air box looks weird sticking out by itself... but I have a nice round chrome air cleaner off a 5hp Briggs... the local hardware stocks filters at around $5 . Maybe I'll screw in a pair of those finny chrome tappet plugs.......
The spokes aren't rusty. The rims should polish up ok. not perfect but acceptable.
Some progress.
Happy trails.