Damn Terry
you taking up drag racing.

Ha ha, coincidentally Sammy, I was idly thinking about drag racing one of my bikes, lord knows I'm crap at going around corners, ha ha!

My quess is he does take up dragracing! Nice setup, and yes it could be adapted to take up a lock up device. But I think our clutch can handle this power without a lockup

Thanks Rob, apart from the "pose value" of the lockup clutch, I love the idea of a nice light clutch, I've got heavy duty Barnett plates and springs in my 836 engine, and even with my big hands and massive strength, it's a PITA in city traffic. The thought of a nice light clutch that uses centrifugal force and not big heavy springs to hold those plates together really appeals. I'll talk to you about one of your sweet dry clutch conversions once I get the engine together. Cheers, Terry.