As the name implies, the K70 pattern was common back in the early 70s. Perfectly fine for all purpose use. It came on Triumphs incl their semi "off-road" Trophy series. But also on the street series. I had them on my 67 Bonneville until Dunlop came out with the K81 which was all the rage for street.
As far as wear, there is no way of knowing as the 70s reputation cannot carry to now. We don't know what plant they come from, what compound they are using etc. All we know is it looks like the tire we used to buy. If its anything like the original it should be fine.
Muy recuardos: I had a K70 on my Bonneville in the summer of 1970. I rode it from Indy to Big Sur and back, BWO Phoenix. 6,000 miles in 6 weeks. I had a bobbed rear fender. About 50 miles into the trip, my makeshift tent came unhooked, hit the tire and rolled up to the swingarm, locking the wheel and sliding to a stop from 60mph. Made a heck of a flat spot on a brand new K70. Still made the trip though. The flat spot was bald when i got home. The rest of the tire had some life left.
Oh yeah, I was 17 years old.