Author Topic: The story of Abraham and Esther from Brooklyn:  (Read 604 times)

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The story of Abraham and Esther from Brooklyn:
« on: February 19, 2010, 10:19:35 PM »
The story of Abraham and Esther from Brooklyn:


Abraham and Esther from Brooklyn are on their way to Australia to celebrate their 40th anniversary, when the pilot announces: I am sorry, one of our engines broke down. The good news are that I'll be able to land the plane on a tiny island and save all lives. The bad news are, that the island is so tiny, we have no chance we'll ever be rescued!!!

Sure enough they are landing safely, as promised.

Abraham is asking Esther: tell me dear:

Did you pay our seats in the Synagogue?

Sorry dear, did not have the time yet...

And did you pay the JNF yet?

Sorry dear, made out the check but forgot to mail it.

And the donation for the new wing in the Synagogue???

Oy Abraham,I am so sorry, I just forgot!!!!


Upon hearing this, Abraham kisses his wife. the kind of kiss that gives her the feeling they are on their honeymoon!!! Esther cannot believe that after neglecting it all, she is still being kissed like a young bride, and asks Abraham for explanation.


Thank God Esther, THEY'LL FIND US!!! THEY'LL FIND US!!!!


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Re: The story of Abraham and Esther from Brooklyn:
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2010, 07:12:35 PM »
 :D :D :D :D
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