My name is Frank I am restoring a CB750K from 1974

I received this bike from a co-worker who was moving out of state after retirement. Thanks Ray!
It is funny how my plans keep changing as I go along in this rebuild and look at other peoples ideas.
Some ideas of mine change and some are steadfast..well at this point.
Steadfast includes redoing the wiring as the wiring is the backbone of being able to use the machine. In "past life" I built many a harness for heavy machinery and actually, believe it or not, look forward to making the harness for this bike once I get the materials.
The goals for this bike so far are to get it running, first off, and then the new harnesses and all electrics (headlight, ignition, etc). Once that is done it will be a tear down to get the frame, rims and some other small parts powder coated.
For the motor I plan on punching it out to a an 836 with a cycle x kit and cam.
So far I have bought a new battery, which I killed last night by leaving the ignition on, the head light used to work and now does not. Yet more fodder for me to rebuild the harness.
Once the new battery was in I found the starter solenoid was dead. Installed a new one and low and behold it cranked over. The carbs were in too bad shape, along with the tank, so no fuel was going in till those were sorted.
I started looking at the tank but it had a previous liner so I sourced one on ebay and coated it this past weekend with kbs-systems tank kit. Awesome stuff by the way!
I have been using the aqua clean and rust blast on various other items, such as the master cylinder, to clean prior to rebuild/refit.
So as of now I am in the process of rebuilding/cleaning the carbs. I bought 4 rebuild kits from ebay and have been cleaning the bowls and bodies in 50/50 simple green and water in a gallon paint can from home depot. Works a charm!!!
FYI the coated tank looks rough inside as there was a blob that I brushed out. The coating is still very good.