Now you're talking beer nerd language! We'll have to start exchanging recipes.
My stout is a hit... I'd be happy to share the recipe. I brew in 10 gallon batches though..
I used to mash in the 154F range, but I like a drier beer these days and lean towards 140F. I'll look for pictures of my setup. I use sanke kegs cut and plumbed for brewing.
My mash temp changes with the beer style. 140º would have dried this out far too much for the hop level. You really need some residual sugar and malt sweetness to balance out the high hop level in this beer. 148º to 150º is a common range for me though on several styles, it strikes a balance.
I have been brewing for a number of years and can seriously geek out on it, Beta Amylase, Alpha Amylase, Limit Dextrinase, ect., ect. I am not as bad as some homebrewers I have meet though who sound like Chemistry Phd's.
I am building a new brew system as we speak and almost have everything drawn up in Solidworks. I have most of the cut list and a bit of the welding done on the new Brew Sculpture. I need to pick up a bit more cooper and I can finish the coils for the HERMS recirculating mash system. My current and future system is capable of 10 gallon batches but I normally do 5 gallon. I just do not go through enough beer to have 10 gallons of one kind on tap. It takes me a few weeks to get through 5 gallons.
And Seanbarney, no that is illegal. No one would ever do something illegal like that.