Author Topic: 1972 CB500 Four "project insomnia"  (Read 4503 times)

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Offline TMHackCB500

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1972 CB500 Four "project insomnia"
« on: March 30, 2011, 08:55:37 AM »
So I picked this bike up last summer for a steal.  It's in pretty rough shape but I've been in that position with bikes before...  The engine seems to have good compression when cranked with the kickstart so that's good.  Going to check it with the comp gauge this week.  I'm planning on getting it back to running condition first and then start on the customizing.  It's pretty beat up or I would try to get it back to OEM+.

So I started working on it this last weekend.  So far I have it tore down to this point and am cleaning up the carbs.

Gonna finish up the carbs once all the o-rings come in.  They are cleaning up pretty well after letting em soak in the gunk carb cleaner for a while.  Can def tell they have been sitting with varnished/stale gas in them though.  The float posts and main jet post have been pitted pretty badly... luckily not to the point where it till affect the workings of the carbs tho!

I'll keep things updated as I move along, and post some more pics as I take them...

Here's a shot of the project bike I worked on last spring, still a few small details I need to finish on it this spring but for now I'm riding it! 82 yamaha xj550 seca with a multitude of mods and parts from other bikes.  "The Mutt"

« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 11:44:05 AM by TMHackCB500 »
1982 Yamaha XJ550 Seca, 1977 Kawasaki KE250, 1972 CB500 Four(the newest project and my reason for being here!)

Offline TMHackCB500

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Re: 1972 CB500 Four project
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2011, 07:25:10 PM »
Well got the carbs all cleaned up nicely, just waiting on all the o-rings to get them back together.  Unfortunately one of the overflow drains was bent.  I tried to heat it up and bend it back, didn't heat it up enough and it snapped.  Anyone have a spare bowl I could buy?

Also took a little break to organize my thoughts and made a dry erase board with some vinyl on my kegerator freezer door.

As you can see I have a few projects to get done this summer!  Things are probably going to move slow on the Honda this summer unfortunately, at least want to get it running and on the road...
1982 Yamaha XJ550 Seca, 1977 Kawasaki KE250, 1972 CB500 Four(the newest project and my reason for being here!)


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Re: 1972 CB500 Four project
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2011, 07:41:42 PM »
Awesome, I still have to get around to building my kegerator!!
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Offline Greggo

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Re: 1972 CB500 Four project
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2011, 07:53:49 PM »

Here's a thread I'd recommend for any new 500/4 owner regarding the clutch lifter/adjuster mechanism

Have Fun!

Offline mjstone

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Re: 1972 CB500 Four project
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2011, 08:11:06 PM »
Welcome to the Forum TMHackCB500.  Nice bike.  Mine sat for 20 years or so, cleaned the carbs good cleaned and lined the tank, new battery and it fired right up!  Hope things go well for you.  Strip your brakes down, rebuild the caliper and be sure to replace the seal with a new one.

1972 CB500Four (Honda)
1973 CB500Four (Oliver)

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Re: 1972 CB500 Four project
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2011, 06:39:58 AM »
@kap384: Thanks man, the kegerator is probably one of the best additions I've made to the garage.  Nothing like a cold beer on a hot day out there.  I generally wait till after I'm done unless it's something menial like changing oil.

@Greggo:  Thanks for the heads up, I'll def take a look.  I have a Clymer but haven't looked to see how detailed it gets and usually forums are more helpful than service manuals as long as you are reading with a grain of salt. 

@MJ: Thanks for the welcome and the comments.  The tank is in pretty rough shape so it will def be cleaned and lined before I ride.  First thing to do it to get it running so I'm not putting money into the wrong spots to start with.  The brakes will be coming off after that along with new tires and rear pads.  The yamaha had been sitting neglected for about 5 years when I picked that up and was in far worse shape than the CB is.  So as the saying goes "This ain't my first rodeo" but as they also say "Every little bit helps".  So I love getting the tips on what to look at first.
1982 Yamaha XJ550 Seca, 1977 Kawasaki KE250, 1972 CB500 Four(the newest project and my reason for being here!)

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Re: 1972 CB500 Four project
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2011, 06:52:24 AM »
Pics of the GTI?  ;D

Offline TMHackCB500

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Re: 1972 CB500 Four project
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2011, 07:46:39 AM »
It's in pretty rough shape as I had to daily it for the winter up until the end of February and haven't been able to give it a bath but here you go.  Also don't have too many good shots of it right now.

Engine Bay as it sits... will be getting EFI soon(crosses fingers)

and the start of the custom interior.  Probably changing that up this spring as well...

1982 Yamaha XJ550 Seca, 1977 Kawasaki KE250, 1972 CB500 Four(the newest project and my reason for being here!)

Offline mjstone

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Re: 1972 CB500 Four project
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2011, 09:00:58 AM »
Just saying it would be a good idea to clean out the tank before running fuel through it.  Don't want to have to clean those carbs again, just because rust and crap from the tank got into them, do ya?  As for the brakes, just don't want you to get yourself killed on your first test ride.

1972 CB500Four (Honda)
1973 CB500Four (Oliver)

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Re: 1972 CB500 Four project
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2011, 10:10:35 AM »
Just saying it would be a good idea to clean out the tank before running fuel through it.  Don't want to have to clean those carbs again, just because rust and crap from the tank got into them, do ya?  As for the brakes, just don't want you to get yourself killed on your first test ride.


Sorry if I sounded defensive or condescending, didn't mean to.  Totally understand where you are coming from and appreciate it.  I plan on cleaning the tank and going over everything with a fine toothed comb before I ride it.  I will be using my "tuning" tank for initial fire up and whatnot.  I'm not in a rush to jump on and ride as I have other bikes to ride.  This will be my first time being able to take my time.  The Yamaha's final tear down and rebuild was done in less than a month and it shows in the details.  Glad I don't have to deal with that on the CB.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 12:44:39 PM by TMHackCB500 »
1982 Yamaha XJ550 Seca, 1977 Kawasaki KE250, 1972 CB500 Four(the newest project and my reason for being here!)

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Re: 1972 CB500 Four "project insomnia"
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2011, 10:13:22 AM »
So I started reading Leanings by Peter Egan last night.  It really got me in the mood for working on this bike and my other ones too. :) 

Anywho, I pulled a page from his book and took the honda and put it in the middle of my garage, set up a chair, cracked a beer and just looked it over. top to bottom.  I realized how complete it really is and what few parts it would take to get it back to OEM+.  Most of the stuff there is in rough shape and will need some refurb work, but it shouldn't be too difficult. that being said.  I have changed my direction with this bike and will be working to save it.  Now it's just a matter of waiting for the money to come in to order the parts needed to repair it. 

My list is actually pretty short:
  • Side Panels
  • Carb to Airbox Boots - may try and customize something here if these are too expensive/hard to find.
  • May need new Left and right controls - they are missing some buttons, but I might have spares in my parts bins... forget what all I have floating around in there sometimes.
  • Brakes
  • Tires/Tubes
  • Paint
  • Bearing Upgrades/Replacement
  • A Hefty cleaning when the weather gets nice enough to keep the hose out!
  • Tune up of the engine internals including ignition, timing, valve clearance, and clutch adjustment
  • oil change

I may do some slight mods depending on how well the stuff I have cleans up.  Hence the + in the OEM+.  I know the exhaust is not original and that will get some attention.  I'm waiting to hear how it sounds to determine which way I want to go with it.  right now it is a 4-2 and I don't think there are any baffles so it could roar pretty nicely for a 500.

More to come in the coming weeks/ Months

Tips/tricks/comments/concerns welcome!   :D
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 01:20:27 PM by TMHackCB500 »
1982 Yamaha XJ550 Seca, 1977 Kawasaki KE250, 1972 CB500 Four(the newest project and my reason for being here!)

Offline TMHackCB500

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Re: 1972 CB500 Four "project insomnia"
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2011, 10:56:49 AM »
Carbs are back together...

Thinking I might get a chance to clean the engine up this weekend and look it over and do some adjustments before trying to start it up.  Once I get it running the teardown and refurb will begin for real!

I also got some new side covers, so we will see how they fit when I get to that point.
1982 Yamaha XJ550 Seca, 1977 Kawasaki KE250, 1972 CB500 Four(the newest project and my reason for being here!)