Author Topic: My 1977 CB750F2 restoration - UPDATE July 24, 2019 - Oil leak fixed?  (Read 34552 times)

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New to the board, but not new to this restoration.  Don't want to reveal how long ago I started it (ok, 4 years I think), but finally moving forward again.

For reference, here is me on the bike (I'll guess '80-'81) when my father owned it:

And here is what the bike looked like when I started riding it 20 years later (After removing the Vetter):

It certainly wasn't in bad shape, but this photo is flattering.  The paint is great, but once you pull the tank and side panels, problems were obvious.  Seat pan was rusting, frame was losing paint in lots of places.  The pipe had seen better days.  The rear fender was broken, and I lost the left side panel.

Here's what she looked like when I started the tear down:

Here's the engine pulled and on my bench:

So tear down was quick, parts off to powder coater.  Lots of hours spent polishing aluminum (valve adjuster covers, stator cover, footrest mounts, etc.)

Painted the motor and was in the process of cleaning up every bolt head, when I broke one off in the head. >:( 

Other projects got in the way, but enlisted my dad a month ago to help tear into the engine.

Cam chain replaced as well as 1 exhaust valve that had pitted years ago.

Project back on track now.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2019, 10:36:41 AM by kap384 »
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
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1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
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Re: My 1977 750F restoration
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2010, 09:25:06 PM »
Here's an almost current shot or 2:

Swingarm and carbs are now on, as well as bars and gauges.

More progress to follow.  Thanks for looking!
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 11:30:25 AM by kap384 »
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
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Offline Bamboozler

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Re: My 1977 750F restoration
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2010, 10:26:14 PM »
She's looking nice and minty, really like the look of fresh paint and polished chrome/AL.  Your attention to detail is paying off!

What's the status on your turbo CX in the back ground? Is it working and happy, ride it often?

Welcome to the forums.
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Re: My 1977 750F restoration
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2010, 10:45:59 PM »

Good eye on the turbo.  Just picked it up in the fall.  300 miles.  Still breaking in.
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
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Offline Bamboozler

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Re: My 1977 750F restoration
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2010, 11:08:33 PM »
Looks like you got a whole bunch of fun in store for you this riding season, now you just have to wait for the snow to go away. :)  

Not to side track your CB thread, but did you get to rebuild the CX or the PO?... assuming its not the original 300 miles... :D  ...edited to add, I guess you could have meant that you weren't breaking in the 'new'  built motor but rather breaking in the bike as in its new to you... :)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 07:52:01 AM by Bamboozler »
'78 CB750F Turbo, 101 rwhp @ 8 PSI (Project thread)
2007 Yamaha FZ1
'78 CB750F basket case crying for a resto
'78 XL250S
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Offline UK Pete

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Re: My 1977 750F restoration
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2010, 12:22:04 AM »
loving your project it is looking real good, i am also doing a similar project on F2 you can see mine by clicking link at bottom


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Re: My 1977 750F restoration
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2010, 03:47:12 AM »
Love the CX turbo!

Neat project....looks like it is coming along nicely.

Thanks for sharing!


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Re: My 1977 750F restoration
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2010, 05:25:40 AM »
This is looking great! Thanks for staying stock. Is your dad involved in this restoration?
Keep up the good work!
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Re: My 1977 750F restoration
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2010, 08:29:35 AM »
Thanks everyone.

Not to side track your CB thread, but did you get to rebuild the CX or the PO?... assuming its not the original 300 miles... :D  ...edited to add, I guess you could have meant that you weren't breaking in the 'new'  built motor but rather breaking in the bike as in its new to you... :)

Actually, 300 on the engine.  Was a collector bike, but I'm going to ride it.

Sorry, can you fill me in on a 'PO'?

loving your project it is looking real good, i am also doing a similar project on F2 you can see mine by clicking link at bottom

Don't worry, already checked out your project.  Great work!

This is looking great! Thanks for staying stock. Is your dad involved in this restoration?
Keep up the good work!

My parents live 6 hrs away.  He's helped me tear into the engine twice during visits, but he's just a phone call away if I've got questions.

I've taken on everything else myself.
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
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Offline Bamboozler

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Re: My 1977 750F restoration
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2010, 10:21:19 AM »
Actually, 300 on the engine.  Was a collector bike, but I'm going to ride it.

Sorry, can you fill me in on a 'PO'?

Wow, how cool is that to get ahold of!! Kudos to you for putting some miles on and enjoying it!  PO = previous/prior owner
'78 CB750F Turbo, 101 rwhp @ 8 PSI (Project thread)
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Re: My 1977 750F restoration
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2010, 03:11:29 PM »
Thanks for the definition
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
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1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
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Re: My 1977 CB750F restoration
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2010, 06:33:42 PM »
Up to date picture:

And here is a close-up of the new oil lines I fabricated.  Originals were seeping oil bad, right through the rubber.  Built these with the original Honda ends, braided stainless line the right size, good looking hose ends and a nylon cover to retain the look of the originals better.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 11:32:27 AM by kap384 »
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
1995 Honda VFR750
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Re: My 1977 CB750F restoration
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2010, 05:14:29 AM »
Not SOHC stuff, but I thought I'd throw out a pic of last year's project.  I restored the GL650I that I'd had for the last 15 years:

« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 12:06:54 PM by kap384 »
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
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Re: My 1977 CB750F restoration
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2010, 07:23:50 PM »
No real progress, been busy.  But here are some pics of my new decals.

You can tell the rebuild is taking too long when my clean powdercoating is starting to look marked up (not really, it's just dust).

You can also see some places where my attention to detail has fallen off a tiny bit.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 11:33:44 AM by kap384 »
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
1995 Honda VFR750
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Re: My 1977 CB750F2 restoration
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2010, 11:04:59 AM »
Finally back in the garage.  Work took me out of town for the last bit.

Well, I'd been stalled with fitting the airbox to the carbs.  I couldn't seem to get the rubber boots to seat properly.  I looked at my dis-assembly photos repeatedly and was sure that the airbox seated fine when I took it apart.  I won't go into detail on the lengths I went to to try and force the boots on.  Finally, I pulled the carbs back out and and set them on my bench, then proceeded to pull a single airbox boot out.  Seating it on the carbs by itself showed there was no way it was going to fully seat. 

Turns out new boots were available from Honda and only $8 a piece ;D

When they showed up, I knew they'd be more pliable than my original ones, but I was still surprised.  The old boots were rock hard where they clamped onto the carbs, and had obviously shrunk some.  The new boots litterly fell right on.

Got the gauges installed too:

Next I'll be cinching down all of the wiring and cabling, and installing the headlight. 
Maybe I'll bolt on the exhaust next.  We'll see.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 11:34:53 AM by kap384 »
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
1995 Honda VFR750
2016 Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin
2015 KTM 200 XC-W
1963 Suzuki T10
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Offline UK Pete

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Re: My 1977 CB750F2 restoration
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2010, 11:52:51 AM »
Keep going at it my friend, quality always takes time, where did you get your warning decals?
Your carbs look so clean what did you do to them


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Re: My 1977 CB750F2 restoration
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2010, 12:02:20 PM »
Warning decals are from 'Reproduction Decals'

I was fortunate, carbs weren't that dirty.  Some brake cleaner, carb cleaner and elbow grease.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 12:14:54 PM by kap384 »
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
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Re: My 1977 CB750F2 restoration
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2010, 05:39:25 PM »
Some more progress today.  Got all of the cables cinched down, and the clutch hooked up and adjusted.  No photo of that though, as I've misplaced the 3 screws that hold on the clutch cover >:(

On a brighter note, buttoned up the front end and got the headlight installed.

Starting to look like a bike again!
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 11:35:32 AM by kap384 »
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
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Re: My 1977 CB750F2 restoration
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2010, 07:14:59 PM »
More progress today.  Finished up the area under the left side panel (really just meant cleaning and installing the black plastic cover that fills the area between the bottom of the electrics and the frame rail).  Not that cleaning 30+ years of chain lube is that easy.

Next, I decided that it would be smart to make this thing a roller and put the back wheel on.  Before I fire it up for the first time in 4 years, it would be better to get it closer the the garage door.  The natural light will make my photos better as well (I hope).

So, that meant a few hours of cleaning up the plastic inner fender and rear storage compartment unit.  30+ years of chain lube and road tar!  No before or after pics, just did it.  Here they are installed though.

We don't see these bits to often on here as they are always thrown in the corner for any custom build.
I've got to work on some better lighting, as these photos aren't currently doing the bike justice.

More cleaning and scrubbing before that rear wheel can go on..............

« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 11:37:46 AM by kap384 »
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
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Re: My 1977 CB750F2 restoration
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2010, 08:27:27 PM »
Almost forgot, got the tool tray installed today too(more cleaning and Mothers 'Back to Black')

People will probably notice the toggle switch.  No, it isn't currently connected to anything, it's actually a nod to my dad.  I really do prefer building most bikes to appear very original, however, I'm intentionally deviating on this build in a few areas.  The toggle is one of them. 

It used to be connected to a mercury switch alarm set-up (can't remember if Dad said it was an engine kill or a noisy thing).  If memory serves, the story was that Dad was out riding with a friend and the two stopped off for a break (maybe lunch).  At the time, they just left their helmets sitting on their respective bikes, unsecured.

I don't think there was an attempt to take the bike, but some punk did swipe the helmet.  A chase ensued (I believe the  helmet was thrown aside in the process), but I don't think the guy was caught.  After that, the alarm was installed.  Telling the story now, makes me think it was an ultra-sensitive noise maker, not an ignition disable).

So, the old toggle stays.

2nd item, Allen head screws.

We all know that the Phillips head screws are from hell and impossible not to destroy, even with an impact driver.  My old man especially hates them.  Whereas on other builds, I would faithfully replace all less than pristine Phillips head screws with new ones of the same kind, this bike gets Allen heads.  I can't deny the the user friendliness, but they'll only go on this build.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 11:38:58 AM by kap384 »
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
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Re: My 1977 CB750F2 restoration
« Reply #20 on: April 09, 2010, 04:05:30 PM »
Never did find the 3 screws that hold on the clutch cover dammit!  So, after 3 new ones from Honda, here she is.  Thought I'd get the kickstarter on too.

Playing around:

« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 11:40:25 AM by kap384 »
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
1995 Honda VFR750
2016 Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin
2015 KTM 200 XC-W
1963 Suzuki T10
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Offline UnCrash

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Re: My 1977 CB750F2 restoration
« Reply #21 on: April 09, 2010, 08:39:30 PM »
Looking real nice!

Keep up the elbow grease and it will be on the road in no time!
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Re: My 1977 CB750F2 restoration
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2010, 09:03:21 PM »

Winter visited yesterday with almost 60 mph winds and an inch of wet snow, but riding season is fast approaching!
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
1995 Honda VFR750
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Re: My 1977 CB750F2 restoration
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2010, 08:24:26 AM »
Personally, keeping the toggle switch is a great idea!  Those touches are what remind you that the bike is more of a family heirloom, than just an old honda.

As I was reading the post, I was going to ask what it was for until you addressed it! ;D

What color are you going to repain the tank and side covers...stock?

Make sure to tell your dad how much fun it was cleaning off all the chain lube/goo that he didn't wipe off all those years! >:( ;D



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Re: My 1977 CB750F2 restoration
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2010, 10:25:32 AM »
The old girl has pristine original paint on the tank and the tail piece.  When I took ownership, the same could be said about the side covers, but I ended up quickly losing the left one >:(.  The right one had a stress crack that had been repaired, so since I was already painting the replacement left cover, I decided to grab a right one as well.  Colour is not perfect, but I'll wait to see the finished product together before I bother trying for a better match at this point.
1965 Honda CB450K0
1972 Honda CT70K1
1975 Honda MR50
1975 Honda CB400F Supersport
1977 Honda CB750F2 Supersport
1978 Honda XL100
1979 Honda CBX Supersport
1982 Honda VF750S Sabre - Adventure Bike modified
1983 Honda CX650T
1995 Honda VFR750
2016 Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin
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