New to the board, but not new to this restoration. Don't want to reveal how long ago I started it (ok, 4 years I think), but finally moving forward again.
For reference, here is me on the bike (I'll guess '80-'81) when my father owned it:

And here is what the bike looked like when I started riding it 20 years later (After removing the Vetter):

It certainly wasn't in bad shape, but this photo is flattering. The paint is great, but once you pull the tank and side panels, problems were obvious. Seat pan was rusting, frame was losing paint in lots of places. The pipe had seen better days. The rear fender was broken, and I lost the left side panel.
Here's what she looked like when I started the tear down:

Here's the engine pulled and on my bench:

So tear down was quick, parts off to powder coater. Lots of hours spent polishing aluminum (valve adjuster covers, stator cover, footrest mounts, etc.)
Painted the motor and was in the process of cleaning up every bolt head, when I broke one off in the head.
Other projects got in the way, but enlisted my dad a month ago to help tear into the engine.
Cam chain replaced as well as 1 exhaust valve that had pitted years ago.
Project back on track now.