thanks for the encouragment FJ! its funny cause i litteraly used the same string and vac trick last night to run my right side controls.. it was so much easier.
so after i completed getting the rest of the wires through the bars it was time to solder the ends back on.. oddly enough i have never soldered in my life ahaha. A good buddie of mine let me use his sweet little snap on butane iron, let me tell you that thing kicked ass!
took me a little while but i got them all done and shrink wrapped..

this stuff is AWESOME. Techflex. fire retardent and everything. for those not famliar it works by pushing the wrap together, it will expand up to an inch to let you feed your wires through, kinda like chinese finger cuffs

. after you let it go it shrinks to the exact size of whatever your covering. complely removable if need be and reusable.. looks pretty nice too

also got my filters put on.. i know these arent the best option but they will do for now.. and they actually fit.