Welp after a long time mulling over wether or not i should buy/build a bike i finally pulled the trigger. A few of you may recognize it from the classifieds as its been for sale for a bit. It actually belonged to a very good friend of mine and ive wanted it ever since i first saw it years ago. Ive had it now for about 2 weeks and have began taking it apart litterally as soon as we unloaded it at my shop. im bummed i didnt think to take pics of it while it was still somewhat put together but here are a couple from the for sale ad

and one of the awesome tank

first on my list of things to sort out was to fix a leaky float bowl and get it fired up.
So off came the carbs to replace the bowl gasket.. unfortunately as we all know its never that simple..

After staring at what looked to be some sort of relic pulled from the titanic for about 30 minutes.. i came to realize there was no saving it. From there i got a bit nervous thinking water may have gotten into that cylinder as well, although i knew the engine wasnt locked up i still wanted to hear it run to make sure everything was kosher. I decided to try and clean the one carb up as best i could and see what would happen.. to my suprise it fired right up!

After that i was super pumped and knew i had a decent platform to work from. needless to say the day it looked like this..

The next night I moved the bike over to my side of the shop and onto a temporary "stand" i knew i would be going the Cafe route with the build so i got a little silly with some cardboard and tape.. also pulled the front end apart to try on some clip-ons . this is pretty much how the it sits now.

knowing I would need replace the one bad carb, i opted to try and find a complete rack in good shape and ended up sourcing a clean set on Ebay. those arrived yesterday and i was def happy with how they looked..

so thats where im at so far.. Ive had the bike for just over a week now so hopfully i can keep the pace up and be riding by my july goal. i have lots to do but i think i can get it done.. A big part of why i started this thread is to hear feedback and have a place to ask questions as this is all new to me, so please dont hesitate to post sugestions and comments... lots of Paint,Polish and new parts are in store