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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #75 on: July 23, 2012, 01:18:29 PM »
Out in those counties in Kansas near Sedan you don't have to C&C (Cowley, Harper, Chatauqua, Sumner), you can keep it in plain sight and that may be a made up story but you would get those types of responses from people out there. I laughed a bit when I read it because it is true, the people that pack there for the most part do not live in fear at all. They have a pretty healthy idea of what the second amendment is about.
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #76 on: July 23, 2012, 02:35:10 PM »
Not the Gov'mint but the NRA and the gun lobby that instill the fear.

Fear is a natural survival mechanism.  We all have it from time to time, on different levels.

If you refill your gas tank before it is empty, one could retort that you fear running out of gas.  If you have never run out gas, does that demonstrate proof of the claim?
Do you buy insurance because of fear of accident or illness or some other disaster that you know for sure WILL occur one day?  If you buy or hold insurance, does that mean you live in fear daily?  Do you wait for the house fire and then say, I wish I had bought fire insurance?
Don't you hope that dreaded day never comes when you must cash out/collect on insurance, even though you are paying for it now.

No, you refill your tank (sometimes early) and buy insurance, and in fact buy and do lot's of things because you fear the consequences of not doing so.  It is part of planning for survival and or comfort.

Random violence does exist just as much a planned violence does.   All it takes is some one who believes you have something they want, and is desperate enough or vindictive enough to act upon it.  There are lot's of people.  And even if it is .001 percent of the people that are a threat. As the population grows, so do the numbers of people that fall under that .001 percent.

You can prepare to be a victim or you can prepare or plan to be a survivor.

A gun is a tool that can help you survive.  If you assume to use it for survival, like any tool you acquire, it only makes sense to learn to use it effectively before it use is required.  And, because there is no definite plan for its use, it and you must be ready to employ it whenever the actual need arises.  It could be any time.  But, I suggest it is more likely during times of disaster, when government officials are too busy protecting infrastructure and politician whims than the individuals over which they preside.  Those are the times that you are on your own and criminals know it.  Nice to have tools that lend toward your survival during those times.

When governments take action to disarm the populace against the constitution and bill of rights fundamentals of this country, why is it unreasonable to fear such government action.  And why couldn't that be a portent of more loss of individual rights?  Such patterns have emerged in governments throughout history.  What makes this one immune now?  Is the concept too fearful to face or consider?

Should you fear a government that fears the citizens who own guns?  They don't have a reason to fear me, as long as they play by the rules set down for all.  Why is it that the government must exert totalitarian power over every individual if they are following the tenets under which the nation was founded?

Does the ACLU instill fear because they ostensibly defend the constitutional rights of US citizens?
Do defense attorney's instill fear because they argue for accused criminals to be acquitted?

Why is it that people fear, nee hate, the NRA because of their dedicated purpose is to preserve the 2nd amendment rights for all Americans?  Could it be that they are the most credible source of information, that if dismissed, knocks the legs from under the little people trying to hold on to their constitutional rights against the weight of a massive self-serving government?

Quite frankly, I'm glad they exist and do the job as well as they do.

 Anyway, if you really want to point the finger at fear mongers, you need only look toward the media.   They have it down to a fine art regarding stimulation of human baser instincts, and certainly fear is among them.  Further, with semantics, they can make pleasant story, fearful.

But, I wonder why you don't think the anti-gun lobby groups are fear mongering during their routine business as well as when they ghoulishly come out of the woodwork as soon as a tragedy occurs?  That's not capitalizing on or instilling people's fears in your viewpoint?
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #77 on: July 23, 2012, 03:02:31 PM »
Two Tired why would he hate the US constitution?
Because of this statement portion below.  I assumed he was referring to the 2nd amendment, vague as it is.
... letting any numb nuts who can breathe own a gun ....
Nice to know he considers everyone in the US a "numb nuts".   Kinda puts perspective on the rest of the comments.

FYI.  We have the 2nd amendment because the British were prevented from confiscating guns April 19, 1775. "Their own government had come to disarm them. The first battles of the Revolutionary War were fought over...gun control. It is, I believe, the first and only revolution in history borne of a government's attempt to remove weapons from its citizenry.  "
There was certainly other oppression leading up to this.  The Sugar act, the Stamp act, the Quartering act, etc.  Then the very tools for survival to be taken away.

Anyway, Bill, I do keep quiet about it until some start spouting off FOR more gun control, or for the confiscation of guns, as has been suffered in other countries.
I consider the 2nd amendment as part of my freedom.  And the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.  I won't go away quietly.

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Offline TwoTired

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #78 on: July 23, 2012, 03:27:12 PM »
The question that needs to be asked is why would anyone be allowed to purchase assault rifles with 100 clip magazines? (the real reason for the high killed and wounded toll) 

You are just speculating/conjecturing about the real reason.  Did you not read the post about it being a "gun-free" zone and the cartoon about fish in a barrel?

Anyway, the answer to your first question is that we are a "wants based" society rather than a "needs based" society.

You are not allotted only what you need in any commodity or product.  You want a car with 300HP, that's okay.  Even though there are perfectly serviceable cars that have 40hp or less.  You do not have to demonstrate a "need" for a 300hp car, if you can pay for it and want it, its yours.  Do you "need" a convertible?  Or just "want" one?

I really don't think you want to go down the needs based path, where some agency tells you what you can and can't have for every item in your life.
You don't "need" cashew butter", here's peanut butter instead.

You don't "need" a 50HP, motorcycle 'cause you can break the law and speed with it and go out of control, with the resulting repair costs and hospitalization costs.  But, you can have a moped to get work.  Stay away from the trucks, please.  Why do you "need" to go out of town?  Why not use the bus?  Better for everyone!

You don't "need" a three bedroom house.  You can get by and save a lot for later retirement by trimming down to one room.

Why would you ever "need" a knife of 3 inches long?  No one "needs" a machette unless you prove there is jungle to whack.

You "need" how many channels of TV?  You "need" how big of a TV screen?

You "need" a camera that costs how much?  You "need" extra lenses?

What, why do you "Need" more than two kids?  We can offer sterilization services very economically.

And so on...
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Offline simon#42

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #79 on: July 23, 2012, 03:42:45 PM »
have read this topic with interest , am i correct in assuming

1  americans carry guns because they are afraid americans with guns will shoot them

2  americans carry guns because they are afraid their government is going to shoot them

forgive me twotired this is an over simplification , but it does seem to be the gist of the arguments .  for non americans this all seems very paranoid and strange .

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #80 on: July 23, 2012, 03:50:59 PM »
Anyway, smaller population densities lead to more cooperative and less stressful people.  AU doesn't have anywhere near the population density as the US. Making comparisons, country based, has no fundamental merit, and is seriously disingenuous, perhaps even deluded.  Our society isn't like yours, and you will find out as your population grows and competition for resources becomes more intense.  People get nasty when they can't get what they want, and even nastier when they can't get what they need.  Then, the guy with the biggest club will make you his #$%*, and all your government will do is wander out and fill out a report form about it, eventually.  The smart ones will either bed down closely with government officials, or find effective tools to protect themselves (illegally, of course), and take their chances between the two evils.

And therein lies the problem, that is purely an "American" point of view, nothing more, nothing less. Some of you need, and i mean NEED, to educate yourselves on what happens in the REST OF THE WORLD, it is a lot easier to see the problem if you remove yourself from it and look at it from a different perspective. Australia will only ever have your problems if you guys invade us because we have a completely different mind set, if you had been anywhere else in the world you would know that. The world shares a similar view on America, once again, if you had been a little more worldly you would know this, and by the way, this isn't America bashing, i have some very good friends that are American and funnily enough they get what is being said here, and it becomes more obvious once they see it from an other perspective. Instead of throwing guns at people to solve problems {like that worked in Afghanistan and plenty of other countries}, try throwing Knowledge, an informed population {informed on the truth not fear campaigns} and you will have far better outcomes. You are part of the problem TT, nothing you say here surprises me at all, actually, i could just about write what you post here, word for word its that obvious, whilst you consider guns the solution, you are only a part of the problem.
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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #81 on: July 23, 2012, 03:55:30 PM »

forgive me twotired this is an over simplification , but it does seem to be the gist of the arguments .  for non americans this all seems very paranoid and strange .

Couldn't agree more Simon...  This is exactly the point i am trying to make...

It also makes me laugh that you {TT} keep using the word that best describes your situation on anyone else that questions what you believe or have to say, "delusional" , makes me laugh every time.....  I can understand why some of you think that way, after having all the crap that you put up with shoved down your throats for so long you believe it, just as the Muslim extremists believe what they are doing for the same reasons , it all boils down to education and a change of mindset, if you have been brought up hearing the same thing all your life then i expect you to believe it, How can you expect anyone believe you have the right to bare arms from a document that was written 225 years ago, how can any rational person believe that 1787 has anything in common with 2012, i mean seriously.... Try shooting an Indian now so you can have his land and see how that goes....
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 04:11:58 PM by Retro Rocket »
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Offline ofreen

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #82 on: July 23, 2012, 04:28:31 PM »
It is interesting that rather than addressing TT's points, the conversation becomes about him.  Also interesting that gun ownership is equated with shooting Indians.  What an odd association.  And it is TT's mindset that is questioned? 
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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #83 on: July 23, 2012, 04:48:09 PM »
It is interesting that rather than addressing TT's points, the conversation becomes about him.  Also interesting that gun ownership is equated with shooting Indians.  What an odd association.  And it is TT's mindset that is questioned?

Thats only the way you read it Ofreen, it is addressing a whole mindset, TT just represents that mindset quite clearly here. The Indian reference is related to the 225 year old Constitution and how times have changed {Relevance}, i thought i made that quite clear.... ;)
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #84 on: July 23, 2012, 05:02:26 PM »
have read this topic with interest , am i correct in assuming

1  americans carry guns because they are afraid americans with guns will shoot them
No. Each has a personal reason. One of which would be to deter criminals.  And, it is the most effective tool in doing so.
Even if attacked by a 300 lb 6 ft aggressor, a 90 lb frail granny can effect a successful defense.  It is not guaranteed, but it evens the encounter and makes it possible prevail.
One might also carry to ward off rattlesnakes, cougars, wolves, and other non two-legged vermin.

2  americans carry guns because they are afraid their government is going to shoot them
Actually, our government has already demonstrated the proclivity for shooting us.  Waco was just one example.
However, being armed a small insurance policy against government enslavement.  Being allowed to have guns represents an aspect of control over our own lives and assures us in some small way that the government recognizes and validates that aspect of control.  Further, it is symbolic that the US constitution it still somewhat relative to our government and that free speech is still possible.  Many believe that if the 2nd amendment falls, free speech (1st amendment) will fall soon after.  And really, what's to stop them when you are powerless?

for non americans this all seems very paranoid and strange .
I can believe that.  I also believe that your media outlets forward and project that false veneer.

I watch BBC news frequently, as well as other European news broadcasts.  The semantics game is well afoot and rife with innuendo and posturing about how much wacko anywhere is except wherever the broadcast originates.  Being one of the biggest world powers, there is always a struggle to infer from less influential countries, that anything the USA does is wrong just based on disagreement with minor things or major.  It's the NIH factor (not invented here).  No country does everything 100% right.  But, other countries do punch up and magnify anything that is in disagreement.  And, if they don't get their preferred way, get bent out of shape about it, and downright resentful.  This is well presented in the news media with the bias/slant or semantics that favor the local viewpoint.

You've certainly seen the crime reports, the shootings, basically the worst they can find to to make you feel damn glad to live where you are.  That's the job of a government run media.  Even here, it is unusual to see a report of a successful defensive event, particularly when a gun is involved.  If a cabbie shoots a would be robber/killer in self defense.  BBC news will report it as a vigilante shooting of another American citizen and yet another example of rampant violence in America.  They may not even mention it was a robber that was shot, just another American.  I stopped watching most of the police oriented shows from the BBC, as it is always alluded/ingrained that anything American it outrageous and or foolish, often with a snide remark or in-passing comment.  But, the basic message is reinforced repeatedly even in fictional presentations.

A lie repeated often enough eventually becomes accepted as truth. 

We have similar issues with the US media, pitting west coast with east coast.  When I traveled for work reasons, it was eye opening to see news events local to the cities I was visiting.  There was always that subtle slant in the presentation that made event happenings outside the city much more dramatic and awful than ones that happened locally.  Particularly interesting was the same report topic that I had seen at home was quite differently presented in the city I was visiting.  Usually the very basic facts were close.  But, the semantics and innuendo while presenting the story gave a whole different perspective or viewpoint about what happened.

In the US, it is almost never reported where a homeowner righteously defended home and family in a attack.  If it is, it is buried near the back of the newspaper, particularly if it was child that did the defending (It is assumed to be basically awful to show that children can be responsible a gun).  It will never make the TV news.  That's just not a good news show.  However, if the home invasion killed some occupants, THAT makes big news.
Of course, it is never reported where a crime was thwarted because the intended victim presented a gun to immediately halt the attack or aggression.  Such things are seldom even reported to police because, well nothing bad actually happened to a sensational conclusion.  How would that be a newsworthy story that would help sell advertising?

FYI, many Americans aren't allowed to carry a gun, unless in their home.  There are only 40 states that have must-issue carry laws.   The other states reserve carry permits to law enforcement, military, politicians or those rich and well connected to the above.  Ordinary citizens are not allowed to effectively defend themselves from robbery, rape, or bodily harm.  I suspect there is less paperwork to fill out, letting the citizens suffer more than the criminals.  And the more criminals on the loose, the larger the police force needs become.

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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #85 on: July 23, 2012, 05:06:53 PM »
Just want to insert a cautionary note. This is a sensitive issue just keep it objective and unemotional,  OK?
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Offline JeffSTL

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #86 on: July 23, 2012, 05:13:36 PM »
Don't worry Aussies and Brits not all Americans think this way.  They are the minority.  About 40% of American households have a gun and only a few percent have a conceal and carry permit and most of them don't actually carry.

Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #87 on: July 23, 2012, 05:28:36 PM »
The question that needs to be asked is why would anyone be allowed to purchase assault rifles with 100 clip magazines? (the real reason for the high killed and wounded toll) 

You are just speculating/conjecturing about the real reason.  Did you not read the post about it being a "gun-free" zone and the cartoon about fish in a barrel?

Anyway, the answer to your first question is that we are a "wants based" society rather than a "needs based" society.

I really don't think you want to go down the needs based path, where some agency tells you what you can and can't have for every item in your life.

Forgive me for editing this down to the three salient points.

With your typical pistol or rifle/shotgun you have a limited magazine of what 10 shots or less.  That still would not stop this from happening but the carnage would be much less.  Hell, even a guy in the audience packing his own pistol might even have a chance but who is going to make themselves a target to someone with an assault rifle and body armor?  But allowing these types of weapons, which have no use outside the military/law enforcement, is directly responsible for the high toll of victims.  I don't see how it can be argued any other way.

We are not a wants based society.  Government (us after all) imposes all kinds of laws and rules about what you can do and have.  I can't have an outhouse in my front yard no matter how much I might want one.  I can't burn old tires in my backyard either or own a collection of RPG's or boxes of landmines.  And even though it is easier to dump my used engine oil down the drain I can't do that either.  There are rules imposed for the greater good if you want to live in a civil society but I am sure all of us can find some we don't like.  This is where the big arguments are as to where to draw these lines...but there are lines.  But somehow if people find this is all too much of an imposition maybe they need to separate themselves from civil society and go live a "Lord of the Flies" existence with other like minded people in some remote area.  I don't know how else to take you statement.  All I understand from it is that society has no right to impose any restrictions on your wants, desires, and "individual freedoms".
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 05:37:36 PM by srust58 »

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #88 on: July 23, 2012, 05:29:52 PM »
Don't worry Aussies and Brits not all Americans think this way.  They are the minority.  About 40% of American households have a gun and only a few percent have a conceal and carry permit and most of them don't actually carry.

Careful, now...where I live, 57% of the County population has Carry Permits. And, you have to own a gun and be trained, to get one...and, we are considered 'pikers' in this area. ;)
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Offline Eddie

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #89 on: July 23, 2012, 05:31:15 PM »
I'm totaly with TT on this...

Offline JeffSTL

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #90 on: July 23, 2012, 05:49:16 PM »
Don't worry Aussies and Brits not all Americans think this way.  They are the minority.  About 40% of American households have a gun and only a few percent have a conceal and carry permit and most of them don't actually carry.

Careful, now...where I live, 57% of the County population has Carry Permits. And, you have to own a gun and be trained, to get one...and, we are considered 'pikers' in this area. ;)

I don't think I believe this.  Don't you live in the Denver area?  I used to live in Wash Park.  Are you in Jefferson County? I don't think the number is anywhere near that even in Colorado Springs wich is the opposite culture from Denver.

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #91 on: July 23, 2012, 05:54:30 PM »
I'm totaly with TT on this...


and the "Totally responsible" comment is simply misguided. If for some reason the guns weren't available, there is already the example of the arsonist who murdered 57 people. Bomb material is readily availble, often combinations of non-lethal products. A wacko that wants to kill a lot of people won't let the unavailbilty of guns to slow them down, don't think that for a minute. Could even be worse. Sabotage a train, chemicals in the water. What about that Tylenol murdrer decades back. I don't think they even ever found him/her.
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Offline JeffSTL

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #92 on: July 23, 2012, 06:05:07 PM »
The latest numbers I can find estimate that about 7,000,000 conceal and carry permits have been issued nationwide.  That is about 2.25%.  A very vocal, very small minority .

Offline RAFster122s

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #93 on: July 23, 2012, 06:11:52 PM »
The city of Aurora does not allow open or concealed carry.
Many of the recent gun related rampages have involved no carry zones or cities.
Friday night in Sierra Vista a drunk went to see Batman and sits front row center and he was yelling at the screen and became  disruptive. Then he stands up hoists his backpack to open it and mass hysteria resulted with everyone headed for the exits. Six off duty Border Patrol agents (we are less than 20 miles from the Mexico border) tackled and "subdued" him with force.  Turned out he didn't have anything to threaten others with but it ended in his arrest and a lot of moviegoers panic stricken after what happened in Colorado.
The theatre is a no carry zone but I believe they wouldnt hassle a CCW carry as long as you keep it concealed and out of sight.
No one to my knowledge brandished a weapon, illegal to do so without threat or fear for your life.
So, even very liberal gun rights AZ can have the occassional nut that is handled without getting killed by a citizen carrying. Gun violence in Southern Arizona often takes the form of automatic weapons exchange between smugglers (drug and human) from Mexico resisting being detained or arrested.

Yes people die from gunshot wounds but it is very small when compared to other leading causes of death.
Tragedies like the one in Colorado have and will happen.

Funny no one has mentioned the violence in Ireland and warring that previously had caused lots of deaths due to guns and bombs. What role did GBritian have in that conflict?

Man is a violent creature...just more "civilized" in many places today.

On another thought.... Some think conceal and carry is the answer.  There is a conceal and carry law in Colorado so that didn't help in this situation.  This guy legally bought the guns including an assault rifle.  He could have just as easily gotten a carry permit if he wanted to.  The question that needs to be asked is why would anyone be allowed to purchase assault rifles with 100 clip magazines? (the real reason for the high killed and wounded toll)  I guess the NRA and the gun fetish wackos need them for target shooting and hunting. :P
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 06:22:39 PM by RAFster122S »
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Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #94 on: July 23, 2012, 06:29:14 PM »
have read this topic with interest , am i correct in assuming

1  americans carry guns because they are afraid americans with guns will shoot them

2  americans carry guns because they are afraid their government is going to shoot them

forgive me twotired this is an over simplification , but it does seem to be the gist of the arguments .  for non americans this all seems very paranoid and strange .

1. No. I thought we went over this already. Read previous posts.

2. I am not afraid of my government but being a student of history I know what corrupt governments and militaries are capable of. I am just exercising my rights in the US constitution to keep our government reasonably honest. Prepared for the worst and hope for the best, I don't want people to think I am a general pessimist, I am a realist. Being able to defend my domicile against possible armed attackers is just a bonus to gun ownership.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 06:39:28 PM by DukieFrankenkit »
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

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Offline TwoTired

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #95 on: July 23, 2012, 06:30:15 PM »
Forgive me for editing this down to the three salient points.

With your typical pistol or rifle/shotgun you have a limited magazine of what 10 shots or less.  That still would not stop this from happening but the carnage would be much less.
It would have been easy to substitute/exchange multiple 10, 20, or 30 round magazines for the same result.  Magazines can be changed in one or two seconds with a little practice.

Alternately, he could also have had multiple firearms loaded with the equivalent number of rounds.  That's actually happened elsewhere.

Anyway, you are still blaming the tool rather than the individual.  There are many alternate tools that could have done more or less damage.

Are you aware that 100 round magazines have been available since at least the 1920's?  But suddenly, in 2012 our society can no longer tolerate their existence?  This really seems logical to you?

But allowing these types of weapons is directly responsible for the high toll of victims.  I don't see how it can be argued any other way.
Hmmm, don't see or won't see?

We are not a wants based society.  Government (us after all) imposes all kinds of laws and rules about what you can do and have. 
No, I disagree.  The vast majority of laws and restrictions are punishment based, not preventive or issuance based.
A needs based society does require you to justify why you need something before an allowance or availability is made.  That is NOT the basis for our current society.

I can't have an outhouse in my front yard no matter how much I might want one. 
Yes you can.  No one physically prevents you from installing one.  They may punish you and or apply penalties, and even remove it for you, if you do.
But, no one prevents you from obtaining one before the fact.

I can't burn old tires in my backyard either 
Yes you can.  But if you get caught there are punishments and penalties.  No one prevents you from obtaining tires.

or own a collection of RPG's or boxes of landmines.
There is an open availability restriction with these.  But, with the proper licenses and government contacts, you can probably obtain these, too. It currently varies with Fed and state statutes.  Explosive devices such as these are regulated.
However, I will reject the notion a 100 round magazine as being the equivalent of an RPG or landmine.  That's just silly.

And even though it is easier to dump my used engine oil down the drain I can't do that either.   
Again, yes you can.  But there are punishments when caught doing so.  You don't have to demonstrate a need to buy oil.  Just walk up to the counter and say I want it, here's some money.  No one need ask what you want it for or what you are going to do with it, before making it available.

But somehow if people find this is all too much of an imposition maybe they need to separate themselves from civil society and go live a "Lord of the Flies" existence with other like minded people in some remote area.

No no, that is not what you are proposing.  You are proposing to change the current society to fit your model, with additional laws and restrictions.
It might well be suggested that the reverse is more in line.  That you find an area more in line with your desires rather than change the current one.
I hear the UK or AU may be more in line with your wants.  ;D

Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #96 on: July 23, 2012, 06:31:11 PM »
Don't worry Aussies and Brits not all Americans think this way.  They are the minority.  About 40% of American households have a gun and only a few percent have a conceal and carry permit and most of them don't actually carry.

Like I said in a previous post I do not C&C, I do not personally feel the need to pack heat but if others do so responsibly and obey the laws I don't see a problem with it.

Like Lloyd said guns are only tools, people kill people. If I absolutely felt the need to snuff the life out of another human being not having access to a gun would not be much of a problem, I would find another way to do it.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 06:46:38 PM by DukieFrankenkit »
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #97 on: July 23, 2012, 06:34:43 PM »
If it would have been a bomb- anything different then a gun- this thread would have been more about compassion for the families,friends  the police officers first on the seen The man that had to build 12 more white crosses- same guy that built 13 for columbine
Not a personal opinion thread- not a thread of im right an your wrong which seems to be the case AGAIN in this thread an In some other  recent threads - wouldnt be google search copy paste posting info that again anyone can get themselves
whos the one that sounds like a exisode of GANGLAND now
pretty embarrasing
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Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #98 on: July 23, 2012, 06:43:36 PM »
Well, some people get tired every time some incident like this occurs and the first thing out of some people's mouths is WE NEED TO BAN ALL TEH GUNS THAT WILL KEEP PEOPLE FROM TEH KILLING.

No, it won't.

Look, it is my constitutional right and I legally exercise that right whether you agree with it or not.
I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this subject.
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

"It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The gods will not save you." Ervin Burrell

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Re: Aurora, CO movie theater shooting
« Reply #99 on: July 23, 2012, 06:55:21 PM »

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this subject.

This phrase should be automatically tacked on to every post in any thread regarding gun control, oil, helmets, dynabeads and planes on conveyor belts.
