Finally got to the broken bolt in case, the bad news is it wont come out. First tried a left hand drill bit with no luck, the tried an extractor and broke that off. Now I am going to try and drill it out to the thread edge as the pilot hole is very close to dead centre.
If anyone else has any great ideas let me know. i am fearing the engine will have to come out.

Did you post a pic of the broken bolt Tim? When I pulled Mike's K2 engine apart, the bottom alternator cover bolt must have been bashed in with a hammer, it was a hex head (not internal hex) bolt in a place where you couldn't fit a socket or open ender etc to turn it, and the head had to be cut off to remove the cover.
I had enough "meat" to grab then weld a nut onto, but when I attempted to turn it, it just broke the bolt off at case level. Like you, I tried drilling it but the bolt was too hard for even my best drill bits to even make a mark on, so I offered Mike another set of cases, but he was adamant that he wanted to keep them, so I said that if there was a leak, he'd have to sort it.
Luckily, so far there are no leaks, I think I either used two gaskets or made a thicker one, and used a Selley's blue silicon sealant (carefully) that I've had excellent experience with in the past. (I installed a new water pump on my son's XF Falcon 10 years ago, and didn't see the special alloy gasket until after I decided that it didn't come with one, and used a little of this stuff to seal it with, and it still doesn't leak.
Anyway, if you haven't posted a pic yet, please do so we can all throw useless suggestions in your direction.