Bill - not sure that is the answer. How on earth could you legislate morality and behaviour? I offer the following:
With the rise of global terror by a small faction of the human population, we are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics,
but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
Funny how that works.
As has been stated many times, removing guns doesn't solve the problem. At least not here in the US. These lunatics will simply move to another device or weapon to continue their assaults. We need to remove or re-orient these lunatics. That is a permanent solution.
As for "updating" our Constitution, it's lived for 200+ years and is doing quite well when adhered. The only current climate correction "I think" it needs, is a tighter observance of it. You'd be surprised how well things can work when you keep them simple, well thought out, and well executed. KISS, right?
Attempting to provide as legislation, a provision for every nuance you mean inflating our Constitution to above and beyond our Tax Code. We'd all be screwed then...
Bear in mind, our Constitution is structured to do 2 things in its essence: declare and provide "inalienable rights" to all US citizens and visitors, AND limit the scope of the Federal government, by creating individual state's authority. This then allows each state to self-govern, without superseding Federal law, and to prevent the Federal government from usurping State's rights. It's a pretty neat system, not perfect, but well executed.
There are numerous examples of Federal laws needing to be passed to correct historical State laws that prevented the Constitutional protections. But there are also nearly as many times that State judiciary es have isolated themselves from conflicting Federal laws that infringe on States protected self-governing rights. That's why we have Federal District Courts, and even a Supreme Court. It's a system of checks and balances that "normally" works pretty dang well.
I'm sure as a border neighbor, the perceptions of our misbehaving society is quite alarming, and I too would be very interested in "keeping it across the street". Fortunately, international borders are far better regulated than our state lines. So, I think, unless stupidity and mental illness are contagious, you're quite safe.
Was a beautiful weekend here for riding. Hope many others enjoyed some great two-wheeled time!
Enjoy your week everyone-