I like to see something more positive to locate the parts and prevent movement.
Fist off determine if you wil, use the fixture again for another arm or different arm, then you want length/width adjustability.
The pivot tube, i would probably use blocks that are bored to fit the pivot bolt, then fit to a keyway or pinned in place with dowels., try to prevent movement while welding.
The way it is in the pics, it looks like the pivot tube can get pulled over while tacking.
I am not a welder, but i would tack everything first, then wel part of the tube to pivot,then jump to the other side..alternate back and forth.
If you have the elements of the fixture high enough like 1.5 inches of the plate, or cutouts in the plate...you can probably weld 3/4 of the weld before, turning the part over to finish