Whelp....Found the culprit for smoking. Cylinder #3 not looking so pretty
Will take a closer look when its on the bench.
Other cylinders look ok
At least now I know I'm not doing this next phase for nothing. Will be a longer term build, but we're going bigger. Head will be going back to Mike for repair and a workover so that it can pair well with one of his Billet Blocks
- JMR 1000CC billet Block - Discussing with Mike...haven't settled on specific pistons yet.
- Cleanup and and reinforce the frame
- CALFAB swingarm from motogpwerks....already had some communications with Chris
- New Wheels with rear disc conversion and front end upgrade. Currently thinking of the goldwing fork route. Still researching
And I'm sure more....Tearing it down now.
Cheers, Joe