Gday people,
So, here is the scoop.
Before reading here is current setup:
657B carbs
105 main, 40 slow, high positioning on needle
4-1 exhaust
Stock air box from 750F (mine went missing)
Bought a 1972 CB750, went through the whole thing, (valve adjustment, cam chain adjustment, set timing properly, sonicleaned carbs, vacuum synced carbs, cleaned air box and put new filter, changed oil and filter)
Upon starting it I ran it for about 25km then the plugs fouled (D8ES), went to parts store and bought DPR7ES-L plugs as they are bit of a hotter plug thinking this will correct the issue. NOPE!
Ran another 30km and she fouled them again. So pulled the main jets and they were a 102 that someone Hogged out to probably a 115 or so. Way too rich, threw some 110,s in and still running way too rich and black.
I just put 105’s in it, cleaned the plugs up and rode it for 7km, plugs are still too black, though I am getting some small view of tan on 1,3 but not enough to be proper. I have some 102.5’s that I could toss in but don’t know if it will make a difference.
Exhaust is popping on the off throttle after accelerating.
What to do? Drill holes in bottom of airbox??
Any and all help is appreciated.