those super pretty girls are a pain in the ass, and they are seldom amazing in bed.
UNLESS !!! they're totally #$%*in nuts, in witch case i will quickly swoop in and ride that train till the inevitable crash and burn
it's not really a cycle i'm running from anymore... i'm a grown ass man , and set in my ways .... crazy chics have there perks
1. they're usually willing to try out the shackles, with little or no persuasion
2. if they REALLY are crazy, they tend to have some pretty cool pills to share
3. the "bad girls" parents almost always really like me for some reason (i've pulled up to a "10s" house all tatted up on the bike, you can guess mom and dad weren't exactly jumpin for joy)
4. the most important reason crazy girls are awesome ... they are the only ones that put up with my crazy ass