My computer is much more modern than the bikes that are popular on this site, by about 20 years. Just like these old bikes, it was quite fast in it's day, and still serves well to this day.
Animated gifs slow the load time of articles, are a mostly annoying distraction beyond the 2-5 second initial viewing, and rarely if ever add any value to the ongoing discussions. Most of them remind me of repugnant advertising seen in other web pages that I mentally mark to avoid whenever possible, though there are rare exceptions.
When I have multiple animated avatars from posters on my screen, simply scrolling the page becomes noticeably sluggish and often outright delayed, as they rob processor time needed for the requested scrolling function. I've no doubt that Microsoft plays a major role in this. But, they and other software companies won't correct this issue without a large balloon payment.
Animated gifs appear to be the "loud pipes" and "thump-thump autos" of the forum and advertising world. Yet another desperate attempt at attracting attention to a person or product that is otherwise unremarkable. They seem to be preferred by individuals that regard a slap in the face as a proper and appropriate greeting. And, repeated slaps during the conversation are perfectly acceptable social behavior.
Perhaps I wouldn't feel as I do if most of the animated gifs WERE of scantilly clad women. But, the technical content of my posts might degrade in detail and accuracy (If I didn't go outright blind). Further, I'm also sure such gifs would offend a different segment of the populace who might demand equal animated gifs of men, perhaps even with other men. Even a new computer won't improve such mental scaring as that would impose.
Speaking of which... I'm sure someone out there is going to suggest I buy a new computer to correct the screen performance woes. To those I suggest you buy a new motorcycle, preferably a Harley, with all the options and add-ons. Yup, Yup...Yuppie.
Some of the above was in jest, which, of course, none of the animated gif proponents will "get". And, the rest of you have pain in your sides, and tears in your eyes from laughing so hard, that you won't see the disclaimer.
I have to stop now and put a band-aid on my cheek over the hole I poked in it with my tongue.
P.S. Stop the sensless proliferation of animated gifs in avatars.