So, like I said, I hate to even ask...
I'm getting some pretty loud clicking/tapping coming from the top end of my 78 F2. I've adjusted the valves & they are spot on. I looked around here for what is considered 'normal' noise and unfortunately nothing was all that conclusive. I'm wondering if I'm starving the top end of oil or if this ticking is just something I'm being anal about. It's not normally an issue until I've been riding for a bit and the bike is getting hot. So, should I freak out and _______ or ? The bike has been performing great since I have everything in order. Timing, valves, sync, air filter, etc. I even did an oil change after 600 miles just to see if that would make a difference and no improvement. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I should also add that there is seemingly a lot of smoke coming out of my breather line from the top end of the engine when it is hot. This might also be an important symptom?
EDIT AGAIN: I'm running 20W50 castrol per Mark/Hondaman's suggestion (well, he didn't say castrol, but that the 20W50 would be a good idea because the bike sat for about 22 years). Also, I've put on around 1500 miles this year and the ticking has really developed in the last 400 miles. Sorry for the multiple edits, but i realized that I was not including a whole lot of info in my original question.