Author Topic: My Dad's Situation, "At Rehab" UPDATE!  (Read 95729 times)

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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #300 on: July 29, 2008, 04:53:16 PM »
Hi Bill,
Haven't checked on you for a while.  Make sure you take care of yourself, first.  If you're down, you can't do anything for anyone else.  The folks at the hospital can treat the congestive heart failure, you need to be there for support for your dad, and at the same time you need to be there for support for your wife and daughter.  Get a good lawyer for your dad, he needs to get his affairs lined up.  333's right, any GOOD lawyer will make sure that your dad is consulting for his own reasons.  When I made an appointment with a lawyer for my Aunt and Uncle, his first question to me was, "Do they know you're doing this?"  I travelled back and forth from Birmingham to Kansas twice a month for 2 1/2 years, and it was a labor of love, as I know yours is.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.  Keep on doing the right thing, and you will always have the memory that you did.

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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #301 on: July 29, 2008, 06:27:58 PM »

        Thank you John. ;)  I appreciate interest, concerns, support and comments. I'm working on getting things to the point where my Dad can relax, have peace of mind and NOT  be concerned about being treated the way he has up until now. >:(  I think we're about half way there (maybe a little more than that). I feel good about the money end, I've got his CDs and savings account info in a safe deposit box with me having both keys and everything that has to do with his money, is in my "Dad's name" OR "my name" (not his AND my name). I knew that was the way it needed to be done plus my Dad wanted it that way too! Yeah, I want him to be content that he's making the right decision.   
Member # 1969
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #302 on: July 29, 2008, 06:48:07 PM »
And that's the way it should be.  With him being able to handle his own affairs until he can't.  People need to be in control of their own lives.  But when they can't, and it will happen to everyone, you'll be in position to, seamlessly, take over and make sure his bills are paid and stuff like that.
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #303 on: July 29, 2008, 07:58:13 PM »
And that's the way it should be.  With him being able to handle his own affairs until he can't.  People need to be in control of their own lives.  But when they can't, and it will happen to everyone, you'll be in position to, seamlessly, take over and make sure his bills are paid and stuff like that.

          Yeah, I just want him to be as content as possible, be able to do pretty much what he wants, take care of his own affairs and NOT have to be concerned about ANYONE messing with him or his assets.

          At the hospital, he's been moved to a room and so, I don't know how long he will be staying. That makes me a bit uneasy cause, I'm going to be spending more money on gas than usual (my finances are a bit tight) Not that he's not worth it, you understand. In MY eyes, MY DAD is the sort that gets his own "Special Rating", you know? I feel like I need to be down there at least every couple of days. Hopefully, they will only have to keep him a few days til they get the test results back and get him set on whatever medicine changes that will be needed and get him ready to go home. Dad had said that he might want to come up here to recuperate, after he gets out of the hospital. Man, at this rate , it's gonna be a while til I can do much of anything on a motorcycle! But, if I can get my Dad to the point where he wants to be, then it will be worth it.

                                Later on, Bill ;)
Member # 1969
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #304 on: July 30, 2008, 09:00:23 AM »

     Well, looks like another trip this evening and staying til tomorrow afternoon (far as I know). Have to find out when he might be getting out of there (if they have any idea) and what he wants to do when he gets out (go home or come up here). Sure is good to have him by a phone, so I can get in touch with him, when I'm not there. ;) And, of course it'll be even better, when he can get out of there and it'll be BEST when we get his affairs settled and my brother (along with his wife) out of it!! :P ;)

                                          Later on, Bill ;)   
Member # 1969
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #305 on: August 02, 2008, 01:51:50 AM »

      Well folks, that Wednesday evening til Thursday afternoon turned into Friday afternoon and ended up making a run back down to the Hospital in Little Rock about 8PM and coming back about 2:45AM Saturday. What it all amounts to is that my brother and his wife are starting to push a bit harder to get control of my Dad's assets and such. My Dad is REALLY getting twisted about this and I convinced him to let me do some calling and get an attorney on this (as far as "Power  of Attorney & Health Care Proxy) AND, after talking with the Attorney that he and I both knew , I found out how to have his property ownership listed (the way it's set up , if one of us dies, the other one assumes full ownership). So, I'm jumping through hoops to get his deed redone and get both the Power Of Attorney and the Health Care Proxy done and, at the same time trying to figure how I could get them signed by Dad AND notarized without unwanted visitors! The reason I had to step it up was, I was on my way home Thursday afternoon and my Dad said something on the phone (I had called him on my way out of town)about going to a nursing home Friday! Well, I turned right around and went right back up there. Glad it was early afternoon. Did some more phone calling and finally came up with a name that (wasn't out of town and actually did that kind of work) I was told that Dad would check out of the hospital Friday Afternoon and thought I had time, when the lawyer said he could have the papers ready Friday Morning, First thing. Then, Friday morning, I found out that he was scheduled to leave Friday MORNING! My mind was racing! I started planning on getting the papers dined at the Nursing Home. Then (Answered Prayer) it was thought that they might ought to wait until Saturday or Monday! ;) So, then I tried to get the Notary Public to come to Dad's room and found that she  was off that day and wouldn't be back til Monday!  :-\ So, I went back to the plan of getting things done at the Nursing Home and left to come back home and go back Saturday, where ever he was. So, I get home and I'm hope for about  2 or 3 hours, when I realize I need to check and see if Little Rock has any Notary Publics that would open Saturday. Then, I saw one that was mobile and said "anywhere". So, I called him and next thing I knew, I was leaving again (8PM), got to the hospital about 10:35,  Dad did his thing with the Notary, I did my thing with the Notary, I spent a little more time with Dad, to reassure him that we were covered and all I have to do now is go back down and file the deed and the Power of Attorney and we've got our foot in the door BIGTIME! Also, I found out that my brother's wife had been to the Bank Friday trying to find out dome info and couldn't because "she didn't have her Power Of Attorney with her". If she had one, she would have gone to get it and come back.

           Man, I've put a lot of miles on the van AND on me! I am SO  Wound Up! I can't wait til Monday morning, so I can file the deed and the other 2 documents! ;D ;)

            I would tell more, but it's 3:50 AM and I am SO tired, I'm going to bed and I'll fill in some more later. ;)   
Member # 1969
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #306 on: August 02, 2008, 02:15:43 AM »
Glad to hear that things are finally starting to work right bill.
Lets hope this all winds up soon, then you and your dad can relax and spend some quality time together rather than just panic time. Be safe mate, your no good to anyone if you burn yourself out.

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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #307 on: August 02, 2008, 06:08:31 AM »
Sounds like a lot of work, but WELL worth it.  Get some rest Sunday.  It also sounds like the S is going to hit the fan when bro and wife find out what's been done.  I'd love to be there to see the look on their faces.
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #308 on: August 02, 2008, 06:55:02 AM »
Glad to hear that things are finally starting to work right bill.
Lets hope this all winds up soon, then you and your dad can relax and spend some quality time together rather than just panic time. Be safe mate, your no good to anyone if you burn yourself out.

          Thanks for that Troppo, Yeah hopefully when I go to the Courthouse and the Bank, Monday morning, we will be on a downhill run. ;) My Dad and I are wanting to As Soon As Possible, for my Dad to get out of the Rehab Part of that nursing home and back to his own home. Talk about feeling burnt out, those last few days were just a blurr to me. I had to stop and think, to actually realize how long I was down there. :-\  You see, I actually was on my way home once, when I had to turn around and go back because of something my Dad told me. This trip has cost me about $300 in gas, but of course that's nothing compared to the discontent, anxiety and just plain stress that my Dad has been dealing with for some time now. My Dad has to get his stamina built back up, so that he CAN get out of there!

                       I'm hangin' in as best as I can,  Bill   

Sounds like a lot of work, but WELL worth it.  Get some rest Sunday.  It also sounds like the S is going to hit the fan when bro and wife find out what's been done.  I'd love to be there to see the look on their faces.

           333, you are right on both counts. It's a lot of work, well worth it and not telling how much more it will require. I just hope I'm up to it. My brother has wanted to change the locks on the house and Dad wouldn't let them. Now that he'll be out of the house for a while, I expect that he WILL do just that and, if he does, I'll get to  see, is the look on their faces when I arrive with a Deputy Sheriff, to get access to the house. ;) 
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #309 on: August 02, 2008, 07:00:56 AM »
Now that he'll be out of the house for a while, I expect that he WILL do just that and, if he does, I'll get to  see, is the look on their faces when I arrive with a Deputy Sheriff, to get access to the house. ;) 

You have got to have someone there with a camera bill, we have heard of all the #$%* you and you father have had to put up with, we deserve the pleasure of the look on his face.
Please......... lol

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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #310 on: August 02, 2008, 07:39:16 AM »
Now that he'll be out of the house for a while, I expect that he WILL do just that and, if he does, I'll get to  see, is the look on their faces when I arrive with a Deputy Sheriff, to get access to the house. ;) 

You have got to have someone there with a camera bill, we have heard of all the #$%* you and you father have had to put up with, we deserve the pleasure of the look on his face.
Please......... lol

                   Good one! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #311 on: August 02, 2008, 05:43:41 PM »

 My brother has wanted to change the locks on the house and Dad wouldn't let them. Now that he'll be out of the house for a while, I expect that he WILL do just that and, if he does, I'll get to  see, is the look on their faces when I arrive with a Deputy Sheriff, to get access to the house. ;) 

           Well, I talked to my Dad's nurse today, they are giving him a different medication to try and help with his heart problem and he'll still be there at the hospital til Monday, at least. That probably Frosts my brother and his wife over. :D ::) Dad seems to be in better spirits and my wife is pretty sure that it's because of the things that I've been able to accomplish in regard to the situation with my brother and his wife. I certainly hope so, I'm doing my best to accomplish what Dad wants. ;) My brother and his son were there (at the hospital) today and my Dad just wishes he wouldn't even bother. >:( All they do is watch tv and talk about what they do, what they have and what they have done. ::) David asked my Dad today, if I had a key to the house? David knows I've been in there and what difference should it make, after all, it IS my Dad's house! :P AND, as of Monday morning, should be legally in not only my Dad's name, but also will be jointly in MY name also! (and it's worded in a way that, in the event that one of us dies, the other one gets full ownership)! Now, what my not-so-wise brother doesn't know is, not too far down on the list is to do the deed to the other place (where my brother lives) the same way AND THEN, he wants my brother and his wife OUTTA THERE!!! Not going to be a very good time, but they won't stop until they have EVERYTHING!!!

           BTW, I WAS going to go down to the hospital Monday, after running Dad's and my errands. :) I called him several times today and my brother, along with his son, was there. Finally, when I called this afternoon, they were gone and he told me that he wished that they wouldn't even bother. Now, he longs for someone that can hold a decent conversation. I thought about that briefly and called him back to tell him that I'd go ahead and come down Sunday afternoon and spend some time with him before I turn in for the night. Also, I  WILL be picking up 3 "Entry Type" (keyed) door knob sets along with a padlock, so when the time comes, I can swap them out and finish up by disabling the garage door opener. I think I mentioned earlier (somewhere) that I had considered "Restraining Order on my brother AND his wife, but wasn't sure because I thought that, even after all he's done, surely he had SOME feeling toward our Dad. My Dad was quick to reply,"No he doesn't, he only thinks of himself and has nothing on his mind except WHAT HE CAN GET!" DO IT!! It really IS a crying shame though. What a mess! What a STINKING mess!!!

          If things go well, this coming week might just come to a close with Dad's Home, Van and possibly the OTHER place (where David, his wife and his son live), might well be back in Dad's control. Now, I really hate that Nick (my brother's son) is going to be in the middle of this.  He's about 15, I believe, and is on his way to being somewhat like his dad. At least, if they were without a place to live, Nick would probably be taken in by his mom (my brother's 2nd wife). You shouldn't have to resort to this with a family member, but he brought it on himself! Things sure seem to be turning out differently that he had imagined last year, when he tried to turn Dad completely against me. This is just TOO stressful of a thing for anybody to go through and I really feel for anyone who has or will end up having to do so. :-\       
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #312 on: August 02, 2008, 06:39:02 PM »
That is a horrible mess to be in Bill. But as you said your brother did bring it upon himself. Keep up with it man..the end is in sight.
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #313 on: August 02, 2008, 06:56:57 PM »
damn Bill, you want me and some former associates to just make your brother and his wife "disappear" ?  ;D


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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #314 on: August 02, 2008, 07:59:36 PM »
Hang in there bill, this will get messier but its coming closer to an end. You now have vindication from your dad that you are doing what HE wants. That in itself should help you feel a little better.
Be strong mate.

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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #315 on: August 02, 2008, 08:52:13 PM »
I don't know what else to say except to repeat what everyone else has said.  Hang tough.
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #316 on: August 02, 2008, 09:29:02 PM »
damn Bill, you want me and some former associates to just make your brother and his wife "disappear" ?  ;D

           ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)
Member # 1969
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #317 on: August 02, 2008, 09:57:48 PM »

      Sure would be nice, to wind this up soon. my brother, has nothing going for him in this except pure GREED!  Never mind that my Parents have worked all the way up til my Dad turned 60 and then, they both retired. My mom got my Dad to leave my Granddad's Motorcycle shop back in the early 60s' and get a Civil Service job and everytime he got any kind of a raise, it went into a savings bond. My Mom went to work in a manufacturing place that made TV snack trays for a while and, when I was in Junior High School, she brought home a used typewriter and a book that was about learning to type. She taught herself to type, started out in an Insurance company called USF&G Insurance. By the time she was to retire, she'd been with 2 or 3 different companies and ended up with a company called Rector, Means & Rowland. By this time, she was Vice President in the Claims Department. She was the driving force behind the nest egg that was saved up for them to retire with. And THAT is exactly what my brother is trying to make off with. That and the house that they retired to back in 1985. Then back about 10 or 12 yrs ago, they bought my brother a place about a half mile from them but not lake front property. But it was a nice size house on FOUR lots. They bought it because he couldn't come up with the down payment! ( I figure he didn't have god credit either) He was supposed to be making payments on it and has never made a  single one! Greed is an UGLY thing!   
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #318 on: August 02, 2008, 10:09:16 PM »
Too bad you have to deal with this Crap with Family.
Glad things are looking up for now.

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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #319 on: August 03, 2008, 09:03:14 AM »
Too bad you have to deal with this Crap with Family.
Glad things are looking up for now.


        Isn't that the truth! There WAS a time when FAMILY used to stick together and take care of them (in the PROPER way). Guess I'm just old fashion, but if someone tries to mess with MY family, they are going to have to deal with ME (and, in my case, "that someone" is my own brother and his wife! >:(

        Yes, At least things ARE looking up and I feel like I'm starting to the light at the end of the tunnel. ;) BTW, Dad seems to be feeling a bit more relaxed and getting some proper rest. THAT'S MY reward, if I really needed one, which I DON'T. :) 
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #320 on: August 04, 2008, 01:32:00 AM »

        Isn't that the truth! There WAS a time when FAMILY used to stick together and take care of them (in the PROPER way). Guess I'm just old fashion, but if someone tries to mess with MY family, they are going to have to deal with ME (and, in my case, "that someone" is my own brother and his wife! >:(

        Yes, At least things ARE looking up and I feel like I'm starting to the light at the end of the tunnel. ;) BTW, Dad seems to be feeling a bit more relaxed and getting some proper rest. THAT'S MY reward, if I really needed one, which I DON'T. :) 

Bill you said a mouthful there, whether they are family or not you dont #$%* on people, if you do you have to expect payback. I`m an old fashioned bloke myself and watch out if you #$%* on my friends or family, do right and your welcomed, do wrong and your in trouble.

And you take the reward you deserve you`ve earned it,, and that feeling is a damned fine one isnt it?

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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #321 on: August 04, 2008, 05:14:09 AM »
Bill, Things are getting straight.  I know you're running your butt off, but you're doing the right thing, and that's what counts.  YOur in my thoughts and prayers, Man.  Tell your dad all the blokes on this forum are thinking about him.
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #322 on: August 04, 2008, 08:24:10 PM »

      I definitely appreciate the kind words guys. ;) Here's how it went though (so far). I went down yesterday evening, got there about 8PM or a little after, spent some time with my Dad and went over what I expected to accomplish. He told me about some other things to look for and I found SOME of them. Didn't go to sleep last night or this morning either. Left my Dad's house at about 5:30 AM and as I drove through town, my brother was at an Exxon convenience store gassing up "For A Fishing Tournament"! >:( Dad's in the hospital "AND HE"S GOING FISHING!!!" He was facing the building and didn't even see me! ::) I like to have croaked. I could just see getting into it with him! At any rate, I went and laid low until he moved on and then I went to the Courthouse and waited. When it was close to opening time, I went up to the front of the building and was told by one of the Assistants, to come on in and they'd take care of my documents. After I got my deed and power of attorneys filed, I went to the bank, put a power of attorney in place there, went to the post office and put a hold on the mail and left to go to Little Rock and see what was up with my Dad. When I got there, I found that they were getting ready to release him to go to the Rehab center at the Perryville Nursing Home. "Then it started to hit the fan!" My brother's wife was coming down to the hospital to take my Dad and WE (Dad & I) had planned for ME to take him and I produced the "Power Of Attorney" and, after a go round with her the hospital intervened and said that Dad had been diagnosed with Azheimer's in 2007 and since her Power of Attorney was just about a couple of months before that, her's won out (as far as the hospital was concerned. >:( :'( :P I Words Can Not Express my feelings for a good portion of the day. :( :( I was so mad, hurt and felt like my ENTIRE life just went away. Our lawyer was loaded with appointments and I had to wait about4 and one half hours to see him. I was SO distressed, I wasn't sure I was going to get over it. :'(
When I was finally able to get in to see the lawyer, He listened, made some comments and agreed with alot I had to say. Then the lawyer told me that even thought the hospital guy said that my Dad's Competency would have to be decided by a court of law. Our lawyer said that was not actually true. All we had to do was to get an order to "revoke" her power of attorney, mine would be the one in place and then they would be the ones that would have to prove  that my Dad wasn't competant and they wouldn't have any money to do that. I hope my brother and his wife "rot in hell" for this! Guess I'd better get some sleep, I just woke up from falling asleep in the desk chair at my computer.         
Member # 1969
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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #323 on: August 04, 2008, 08:53:39 PM »
I should have mentioned that earlier, but i figured your lawyer would.  you can revoke a POA at any time.  The lawyer should have put a clause in your POA saying that it superseded any previous.
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: Yet Another Update On My Dad's Situation "Things Coming To A Head!"
« Reply #324 on: August 05, 2008, 04:44:51 AM »
I should have mentioned that earlier, but i figured your lawyer would.  you can revoke a POA at any time.  The lawyer should have put a clause in your POA saying that it superseded any previous.

          Not sure if a "Durable Power of Attorney" can be written that way or not. If it could have been done that way, perhaps I didn't put enough emphasis on what kind of people I'm dealing with. I knew that a Power of Attorney could be revoked, but I didn't know that the Alzheimer's was for real (and still don't) and I was in formed by our lawyer that even at that, folks in different stages of the disease can be quite lucid, know exactly what's going on and what they want to do. That being said, if I can get a copy of her POA to my lawyer, he will make do a letter that will revoke her's and he WILL sign it with it being notarized on the spot. Then, as soon as that one is filed by me at the Court house, I will PROMPTLY put a copy "in the mail" to her! At that point, they will have to push to prove that he is NOT competent and, PRAY TO GOD, we should be finished with this thing! They DO NOT have the funds to take it to court. Neither do I, so I'm glad to know that the monkey should be on their back! :P :P :P :P :P   
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
                  Dakota LE 4x4 '66 CB77 & '72 SL350K2
Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!