that's a tough one - surprised that at 15 she's not into the typical excesses of the mid-teens: designer clothes, sparkling things, those texting monstrosities with a query keyboard. wanting to buy neat things is usually the primary motivating factor for a teenager to get a job. at your daughter's age, she's probably not concerned with the practical aspects of working just yet, so you might want to pitch the idea in a more romantic, but honest fashion. i wouldn't push it a way that she might sense that it's something you want her to do for you, but something that she might gain value out of doing for herself. and that's tough, since it's an unknown. she might have a bad experience with her first job and given the unripened mind of a teenager, it might result in resentment towards you, he who suggested she get a job or worse, a kind of prejudice towards work in general. it's only after one has had enough experiences in general that you realize that you're bound to have bad ones thrown in there. suggest something that's in line with her personality. this is where you might want to do a little research and suggest options that extend beyond the obvious before you pass the idea along to her. of course, there's the more typical choices: fast food, retail, golf course, etc. but then there are options that might better fit the personality of your daughter: a library since she likes to read, lifeguard if she likes to swim (it's hardly any work at all), camp counselor if she likes kids, non-profit work (for less pay) if she's interested in certain causes, and then there's the internet. she can get into web design, graphic design, set up websites and make money through referrals, possibilities are endless.