what was wrong w the plan hillary clinton proposed a few years back? .....
Hillary proposed it. We just weren't ready for HRC as unelected co-president. Perhaps if it was presented as Bill's idea with the Mrs. as #1 cheerleader it might have got somewhere.
So... The Guv'mint can't run a healthcare system...
The Constitution sez so...At last count, the big bad Guv'mint is running at least three (go ahead - count 'em) taxpayer-funded health care systems...
Medicaid - gives poor folks as little treatment as possible in the most expensive place possible - the Emergency Room. I'm just guessing here, but could some of those 'emergencies' be treated more efficiently in an office, with an appointment, before becoming 'emergencies'? ...saving a few $$$ so the system could cover more 'poor folks'?
Medicare - gotta take care of the old folks... 'cause they're old... and they're folks.... and they're 'entitled' to it.
One of the kinfolks got a 'free' pacemaker a few years back. Lived a few years longer than otherwise. 102 or 106? The price tag from that operation would have set a whole busload of broken arms. Doesn't cover everything - hence the 'supplement plans' offered by the insurance folks.(possible model there - as a sop to the ins.
racket industry)
The Veteran's Administration - The Armed Forces agree at enlistment to repair combat damaged warriors, and maintain the rest in fighting trim - and has M.A.S.H. units and base hospitals for the purpose. And then the V.A. takes care(as best it can) with another set of hospitals and 'contract services' after retirement. That should almost count as two systems right there, eh?
I can see how the G.I. docs might have a better handle on shell-shock cases than a civilian pshrink, but does an old man really need to make an all-day road trip to get his cataracts dealt with?
http://www.ktvz.com/Global/story.asp?s=7596814Could it be possible that we already have enough government health care bureaucrats to run a system that covers everyone?
<Ed.... How's this sound?.... Trade your 'gold-plated $300 company plan' for a 'solid-platinum $125 company Fedicare supplement plan' that keeps your same doc and cuts the copay to $5 and has free valet parking to boot .. and okay say $125 more tax.
Same care from the same doc and a few bucks to donate to The Home for Wayward MILFs as a write off against some of the extra tax.
Could ya live with a deal like that or would it still bust your balls to see someone getting a free ride on your bill?
That might not be exactly how it works out but I know you wouldn't want to pocket the whole $300 and send your tab to Warren Buffett.>
The neighbors down the street wouldn't be putting jars on the counter at 7-11 collecting change to pay for the kid's brain tumor.
Our veterans could live wherever they please - without concern about travel to a distant V.A. hospital to receive treatment for ordinary human ills.
'The Guv'mint' now holds half of the country's home mortgages after bailing out FannyMac. 'The Guv'mint is in the insurance racket too, after bailing out AIG. So much for 'Fundamentalist Capitalism', eh? 'The Guv'mint' does lots of things that it can't/shouldn't do. Why not make doctorin' one of 'em?
edit: The McCain Plan from the Nightly News..... a $2500/single - $4K+/family tax credit to spend on private ins.... Apparently health care is yet another one of those things that the Gov't can pay for by cutting taxes.