Hey, I'm working on lowering my 650 so I can flat foot it a little bit better, but the handlebars don't allow much room for me to slide up through the triple tree- 1/2" at best... I've seen posts ad nauseum about cutting springs (and not cutting springs) tossing 750 tubes for 500/550 tubes b/c they're 2" shorter, PVC spacers, etc etc. I'm not going to go the clip-on route because I'm a little short and pretty new and like the upright position a lot more. I'd use barbacks, but that's exactly where Honda put the 650's fuse box, unfortunately. I don't want this to turn into a big production, I just want to be able to lower my front end to match or come close to my (proposed) 11" shock length. I haven't installed the 11" shocks yet because I had a feeling just this kind of thing would happen.
I want to lower the bike as much as possible while still maintaining the stock angles as much as I can, though I guess I could tolerate the front being a bit higher than the rear, 'cruiser' style as long as it didn't affect handling to the point of being unsafe.
If none of that's possible, I'd be interested in seeing if I could make the clip-on handlebars from a yam. venture work (and look good), because the angle should be right, extending right from the fork, that is... if only the internal diameter of the yamaha's clipon portion (or something similar) is 35mm. Sadly, I haven't seen clip-ons like that anywhere else, and I think they look kinda neat.
here's a sorta lousy pic but you can get the point...
If all else fails, I can still reach the ground with this set-up, just not really well enough to *push* the bike anywhere very well, should I need to (like backing out of a space or something) ...but I'd still like to find an answer.
I have a pic of what we're working with, cockpit wise... don't see much of the triple tree, but the handlebar overlaps it about 1/4-1/2 of an inch... didn't measure, shame on me...