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Offline seaweb11

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Cuban Travel, Now with Bike and Car Photos
« on: January 29, 2009, 11:54:36 PM »
Any one here ever visited?

Going to be booking a week in Varadero in the next few days.
    I need to find some sun and beach ;D  Rain/Snow/Fog/Pooooooo

........and I can't wait to see the old cars and bikes 8)   with no McDonalds, Taco Bell, advertising etc.
Who knows, with The new US regime, perhaps it will be the last time before it goes the way of Mexico?

My picks
Villa Tortuga or Club Puntarena ????????

Offline mmtsquid

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2009, 07:31:07 AM »
Never been, but ALWAYS wanted to go (I take that back, our ship stopped at Gitmo for fuel once).
But there aren't many sights to see on base.

I've never understood why we just didn't bomb Cuba with money.
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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2009, 10:53:51 AM »
Because Castro closed down the casinos in Havana. Mobsters didn't like that at all and Kennedy's money was mobster money. Mess with mah money, get embargoed and Bay of Pigs.
Same ever since.
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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2009, 02:58:22 PM »
I'm heading to Varadaro Cuba next week. lots of good information here...

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2009, 03:25:01 PM »
Thanks TE. I've spent the past few days in there reviewing resorts :-[

I pulled the trigger today on Feb 21st for 8 days at Villa Tortuga.

What accommodations did you decide on?

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2009, 06:29:14 PM »
That sure would be a nice trip. Wish us other N Americans could go. Have a great time.
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline BobbyR

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2009, 06:48:51 PM »
Some friends of mine of Cuban descent went 2 years ago. They applied through the State department and flew from Miami on a regularly schedule American Airlines flight. Since they were visiting relatives they traveled away from the tourist areas and into the real Cuba. Very depressing place. Even those with good jobs can;t make ends meet.
I do not understand why this US vs Cuba thing has lasted so long, really makes no sense to me. I figured Clinton would have changed it, but he did not. They must have done something.   
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2009, 07:06:48 PM »
I'm looking forward to a sunny sandy beach........and all the rum that flows from the free bar ;D

Offline gregimotis

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2009, 08:12:21 PM »
I went last year and I have some advice:

Bring some decent food like peanut butter or canned meats and cracxkers in sealed bags - bread goes stale there pretty fast..  Try to find a panderia where Cubans buy their bread.  The ones we found were dark, dirty, backstreet affairs with good bread.

There were many friendly Europeans when we were there - some on extended vacations who knew where to find things (like food that wasn't terrible).

Cubans were pretty friendly folks, but it seemed like I had to approach them first.  Not like they were shy... maybe reserved is a better word

If you're staying in Havana at all, I know a fantastic hotel with vaulted ceilings, balcony's, only five rooms, all above a restaurant with good food (are you picking up on the theme here?).  We were in Havana and Pinar del Rio so I can't speak for Veradero itself.

I also have some customs advice.  If you feel you need it shoot me a PM with an outside e-mail addy.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 08:21:29 PM by gregimotis »
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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2009, 08:24:36 PM »
Oh wait! :-[

I just realized you guys are Canadians!  Never mind what I said about customs then... just go your merry way.
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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2009, 09:01:59 PM »
Interesting read regarding motorcycles in Cuba.

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2009, 09:23:27 PM »

I have been to Havana.  My wife and I took a flight from Mexico to Cuba three years ago to see a friend of mine that moved there after college.  His family is Cuban.  Anyway, it was an experience.  Miguel's family is well to do, so we saw the best of Havana and smoked some awesome cigars and drank the best cognac, but the rest of the population is dirt poor.  the food was awesome and the people I was around were very friendly.  Miguel's uncle was in the military during the Bay of Pigs and he had some amazing stories.  They speak very good English BTW.  They are for the most part anti-Castro, but they can't say anything about it of they will be sent to prison.  They live a life looking over their shoulder and seek true democracy but fear what will happen to Cuba if it should happen.  They know very well that Cuba will turn into another Caribbean tourist site and be quickly overrun and overdeveloped by outsiders leaving them in the same or poorer conditions.  I can't say they are wrong.

In their schools there is anti-American and anti-capitalist propaganda taught daily.  They told me that the government makes an effort to keep tourists from seeing the real Cuba.  Which is riddled with poverty (most goods are imported so the poor can't afford it), forced labor, and coercion.  You should be very safe because the crime rate is super low.  Criminals are executed and their families are fined.   The police are military so they shoot first and then ask questions.  I was told that if you visit as a toursit, just pretend you don't see anything wrong.  :-X  It was a sobering visit.


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Offline BobbyR

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2009, 06:31:46 AM »
Cuba is dirt poor. A lot of the cars you see that look pristine are a tribute to the Cuban ingeuity. I bunch of American car collectors made a legal trip over there with their mouths watering. What they found was cars that had LLada engines and trannys grafted into to them. Things like A frames had been hand forged or altered. They could not get or afford spare parts, so they made do.
The sad part of the poverty is that young girls sell themselves to Europeans who come over there that very reason. As soon as the Castro brothers are gone, you know the Cuban Americans will be building Hotels and Casinos there. There is an upside and downside to that. I knew a fellow that worked for US Customs. I helped destroy confiscated Cuban cigars. They were destroyed one at a time and slowly.
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2009, 11:50:23 AM »
Those of you from Canada may appreciate the humor in this.  We have some friends from Thunder Bay that have gone to Cuba for vacations a few times.  I asked them what they like about Cuba the best and the answer was "There aren't any Americans around". ;D ;D ;D

Offline gregk

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2009, 11:04:47 AM »

we travelled to cuba a few years ago and had a great time.  The time was spent between havana and one of those verardo resorts.  I must admit that the Havana experience was the best.  We were able to get into a B&B operated by a nice Cuban couple.  The old american car experience is great!  Take a ride in a 53 Olds convertible taxi.  the all abusive resort experience as not that memorable.  I wouldn't do that again. 
check out the variety of motorcycles.  They have some BMW type bikes, which I think are Chinese.  Most are hacked.  I also saw one of the nicest mid 60's triumphs on the street in havana.
the rum is excellent as are the cigars.  Try to take in a baseball game in havana.

I don't want it to go like a motorcycle, I want it to go like a rocket!

Offline tortelvis

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2009, 12:15:45 PM »
It does kind of make you wonder why there still exists an embargo. It's not like we don't do business with other communist countries, now is it? Oh wait...they don't have any money! Maybe that's it? I can see that if it ever does open up, the same greedy land rapers that have ruined most of the rest of the planet will move in and the locals will be no better off.

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2009, 05:36:47 PM »
It does kind of make you wonder why there still exists an embargo. It's not like we don't do business with other communist countries, now is it? Oh wait...they don't have any money! Maybe that's it? I can see that if it ever does open up, the same greedy land rapers that have ruined most of the rest of the planet will move in and the locals will be no better off.
I have often wondered why we have relations with other former enemies. Vietnam in particular. We have a miliatry base on their soil, they could overrun in a few hours. This is all very strange. Very odd. Must be something really bad.
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2009, 07:40:44 PM »
We travelled to Cuba a few years ago and had a great time.  The time was spent between Havana and one of those verardo resorts.  I must admit that the Havana experience was the best.  We were able to get into a B&B operated by a nice Cuban couple.    the all abusive resort experience as not that memorable.  I wouldn't do that again. 


I hear what you are saying about the "all inclusive" let down
This will  be my 1st "all inclusive" holiday I usualy go online and just rent a house.  I have always found that to be a great way to spend time in a community.

Having never been to Cuba before, I decided that at the price, if I don't like to food I can go elsewhere. Perhaps the next visit will be a bit more on my terms.  Looking forward to Havana and all that comes...

Thanks for the replies ;D

Offline gregimotis

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2009, 09:07:35 PM »
The best thing we did in Cuba was rent a moped and spend two days riding around.  I saw all sorts of things I never would have otherwise.

Another good thing we did was walk old Havana, just walking around and diggin it and taking pictures.

The buses are pretty good transportation, though they take awhile like any bus does.  Except for the moped, I found traveling about to be pretty tiring.  My wife has pretty good Spanish, even so it was often hard to figure out was was going on.  One could hire a cab if he had the money.

I read a lot before we went about how there wouldn't be a lot of supplies (toothpaste, toilet paper etc).  Did not find that to be a problem anywhere we went.  Things I would bring if I went again:  salt, pepper, picante sauce... anything to make low-quality, bland food taste better.  Maybe some bisquick, peanut butter. 
I didn't stay at low-ball places, it just seemed like the ingredients were low-quality (gristle in the ham, stale bread, greasy chicken) and the food preparation was less than inspired.  Some places were better than others and some dishes were pretty good, just be prepared to make due.  Bisquick and jam.  and picante sauce.

the mojitos, on the other hand were beautiful.  So were the cars, and the island generally was fantastic.

Lots of people with a hustle, some very aggressive.  I didn't feel unsafe, but I had to get pretty assertive a couple of times to get rid of a hustler.

Lastly, the Peso, Cuk business is a real hustle.  When we were there the money exchange places would only sell cuks and pesos, but would only take dollars/euros/Canadian/etc - no pesos for cuks.  At the airport when you leave there will be a fee payable only in cuks (I think it was fifty) and they won't give change and the exchange place will not buy Cuban pesos. 
It's like buying tokens at the arcade except they won't take them back when you leave, and not all the games use them.

So that's my advice - bring some strong food seasoning, rent a moped, don't be shy with the hustlers, watch out for the Cuk gotchas, drink Mojitos.
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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2009, 02:06:38 PM »

I submitted a picture of a hacked bmw type motorcycle I saw in havana. 
There is some interesting comments in the link above

I don't want it to go like a motorcycle, I want it to go like a rocket!

Offline gregimotis

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2009, 06:29:47 PM »

I submitted a picture of a hacked bmw type motorcycle I saw in havana. 
There is some interesting comments in the link above


This one is similar:

What was your experience like, Greg?  I stayed in Havana a couple days, but in Vinales most of the time.
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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2009, 09:05:44 PM »
To a large extent the embargo has been about sucking up to the Cuban-American voting block in Florida and it's 25 electoral votes.  With the first generation that came over after the revolution dying out the subsequent generations have other concerns and are not so single-minded in their voting habits.  Our government can finally have the courage to do what should have been done years ago.  The embargo has done nothing but hurt U.S. business interests and lower the standard of living for the Cuban people.  What a joke.

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2009, 03:30:18 PM »
Be sure to take a lot of pictures! Us Americans are pretty much shielded away from seeing or hearing anything about Cuba.  ;)
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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2009, 07:20:11 PM »
Thanks for the responses thus far.  8)

I made Dr. appointments today for a couple of "shots" Hep & Tetanus.

Wife went to town today to buy some "gifts" for the maids, locals, bartering etc........ "think.....what do they need?" crayons for kids, make up, blank paper, note books, erasers, dinky cars, T-shirts with English logos. Bic lighters, etc.  Apparently baseball gloves are coveted as are spanish-english dictionaries.

Kathleen still travels on her US Passport so I was glad to see this on line
 "Usually Cuban immigration does not stamp American passports.  To avoid any mistakes, prior to handing over your documents, ask the immigration officer not to stamp your passport. "

Offline BobbyR

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Re: Cuban Travel
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2009, 07:54:37 PM »
Thanks for the responses thus far.  8)

I made Dr. appointments today for a couple of "shots" Hep & Tetanus.

Wife went to town today to buy some "gifts" for the maids, locals, bartering etc........ "think.....what do they need?" crayons for kids, make up, blank paper, note books, erasers, dinky cars, T-shirts with English logos. Bic lighters, etc.  Apparently baseball gloves are coveted as are spanish-english dictionaries.

Kathleen still travels on her US Passport so I was glad to see this on line
 "Usually Cuban immigration does not stamp American passports.  To avoid any mistakes, prior to handing over your documents, ask the immigration officer not to stamp your passport. "
What they used to do is give you a small stamped document to place inside your passport. When you return you just toss it. Enjoy your trip. Post some pics!
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?