If we could teleport an object with the mass of a sun into our galaxy. every body of mass would be influenced by that body of mass immediately, even though we'd have to wait to actually see the object depending on how far away it was.
Thats freakin nuts.
Wow. I've never thought of that before!
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In the context of classical theories of gravitation, the speed of gravity refers to the speed at which a gravitational field propagates. This is the speed at which changes in the distribution of energy and momentum result in noticeable changes in the gravitational field which they produce.
The speed of gravity, and of all disturbances, is more often called the speed of light c. Within the well accepted theory of special relativity, the parameter c is not about light, it is a unit conversion factor for changing the units of time to the units of space in a Lorentz transformation. It is then also the only speed which does not depend on the motion of the observer, and equals the speed of gravity and of light and of any other massless particle.
this is my understanding of it also...
Just saying
Also G varies with the mas of the object/objects involved. Big G is often assumed to be earths gravity constant at its surface. Little g is often assumed to be the gravity of any body, including the moon which is 1/6th that of the earth.
FYI the mass of the moon is approximately 7.347 7 × 10^
22 kgs, a hammer is about one kg. The amount the moon travels relative to a hammer is about 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,000 times LESS... the Hammer and the Feather are insignificant in the equations posted by the chief obfuscatory individual.