I have three 750 engines. I bought a 18mm long socket a while back. It works fine for cyls 1, 3, & 4, but only fits on #2 for one engine. So I went out and found a smaller outer-diameter 18mm socket, and it works on two of my three engines. The #$%* of it is, the one damn spark plug that I absolutely need to get at is the one I can't get at (dead cold #2 on my cafe)!
None of my bikes came with the original tool kit, and I assume that cheapie spark plug wrench would have worked just fine.
Anyone else have trouble getting at the #2 spark plug? Like I said, I only have this problem on one of my three engines.
YEs this discussion arises from time to time. There were some differences in the casting of the head and/or cam cover, don't know the details as to which and why, but you've got one. The stock wrench was long and skinny so that's the key.
I have a deepwell 18mm that has been extensively ground down on the bench grinder to clear the #2 bump. Once that is done...
use a 3/8" universal joint wrapped a few times with electricians tape to limit its wobbliness. With an extension and a speed wrench you should be able to zip all 4 out with a one step process each.
PS: the plug wrench that came with the CB750 is actuall a pretty good tool. But it was designed to be turned with s screwdriver shaft thru a hole in the top, less than a half turn at a time. Mechanics would take the stock plug wrench and weld something into it to use the 3/8" set up described above.