I believe I'm the "someone" you are referring to.
No, that's not what was said or "implied" at all. It seems he, and apparently you, read something into it that was never said or "implied". By now, you should know that I don't "imply" things. I come right the hell out and say them, typically opening myself up to lots of criticism here on these forums. That's OK with me, I'm a big boy, and I think that people are better off without all the politically correct bull-#$%* that muddles logic and stops people from telling it like it is.
What I actually said was that since there is such a high likelyhood of any one of us becoming disabled and losing our ability to earn a salary, we should be smart about it and get disability insurance rather than hoping for the government -- I mean taxpayers -- to bail our asses out. I also clearly indicated that disability insurance is a benefit that working people pay for in each paycheck, NOT another ugly government entitlement vote-buying scheme for lazy freeloaders (like welfare, etc.).
Perhaps that advice was a little late for fuzzy and many others who have become disabled, but I never said or "implied" that they are lazy.
As for the current question, I am strongly in favor of protecting the Constitution by protecting our right to bear arms. However, posting a clearly pro-gun story, even as a joke, and then getting upset when anti-gun people criticise it, is kinda overboard, eh? I might have posted the same joke, but I would EXPECT the gun-phobes to attack. That comes with the territory.
He did the same thing awhile ago when some one "implied" he was lazy because he is disabled and can not work and collects disability/unemployment or what ever it is called.