I have felt your pain quite recently...yesterday as a matter of fact! While I don't know a quick way to solve your problem, I can tell you what was wrong with mine.
While pushing wires back into the headlight shell, it seems I broke a wire, still inside its intact insulation sheath so visual discovery was slow. While tracing each wire, one at a time, with an ohm meter, I noticed that one was not as stiff as the others and confirmed non-continuity with the meter. That and the connector that popped off during the struggle (a green one) were the answer to my dilemma. Have patience, lots of time, a good magnifier to read the wiring diagram, more patience, good light to see the wire colors, needlenose pliers to pull the bullet connectors apart so you don't break any wires,...and TIME...jeez does it take a long time to trace wires.
As for the beeper (screech noise maker) it's on the inside of the headlight mounting ear. follow the wires back into the headlight shell and disconnect them. The only thing you really want to hear is the song from the pipes and the YYEEEH..HHHAAAAAA inside your head.
just for fun.