Inspired by your support, I went out to do some mundane task like cleaning left over gasket goo from the crankcase halves...and I'm think, hmmm, better not let this crap fall into the case...yes, maybe I better check around...
Holy cow, er, Dogs???!!!...are these what I think they are?..sorry the pic is kinda of crappy but its late.
I found them about around here where they are shown in this photo
see them in the starter area...only they were more in the corners.
I found the first one a few months back when I dropped the oil pan to fix the oil flow problem...didn't know what it was, that and these two, make 3. If they are, I can't see which gear is missing all three yet. I was looking for a damage one, or a gear missing one, but all 3?!
I was keeping the gears on till the new ones arrive so I knew better how to re-install but this must drive me crazy enough to remove tomorrow.