Hey, wait a minute. What's the problem here? I'm simply offering advice just like the others here. Before one accepts 30 pieces of silver from the government -- i mean the taxpayers, of course -- one should be thoroughly aware of the true costs to themselves, their children, and to society as a whole.
It is very easy for a 20-something to be fooled into thinking Medicaid is free because they don't earn much money and don't pay very much tax, but when they eventually have some success in life and have to start paying taxes, they will probably feel differently about it.
If you truly want to be informed, then go google "Medicaid Estate Recovery" and also "Medicaid Costs".
Better yet, why not call an insurance company if you want an insurance quote, instead of asking the question on a motorcycle forum?
As for helping the girl in question, 21 or 22? year old female, EMPIRE (BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD) offers a $0 deductible hospitalization plan for $151.22/month in New York City. I'll bet that another call to Empire would turn up some even cheaper plans with higher deductibles, especially for 21 year old kids who don't live in New York City. Give them a call.
But I've got to ask, why would anyone ask for health insurance advice on a MOTORCYCLE board where this DISCUSSION HAS ALREADY BEEN BANNED AT LEAST ONCE? Yes, I think this "discussion" should be banned AGAIN, as it serves no useful purpose here, and simply makes many of us angry.
I'm not particularly concerned that my opinions and advice make some of you angry, as many of your opinions make ME angry. I'd be quite happy for you to keep your opinions to yourselves, and I would gladly do the same. If, on the other hand, you people persist in constantly stirring up the #$%*e, then you can expect that I will occasionally introduce a dissenting opinion for consideration by intelligent, open-minded readers. If that gets me banned, then that will reflect more accurately upon the nature of this board and its moderators. I am comfortable with that, too. I trust that the mods are truly interested in CONSTRUCTIVE discussions, rather than making this board an internet platform for socialist propaganda.
Ed, you already tried to have this thread closed, i hope you are not participating now for the same out come. Everyone here knows your opinion on health cover or the planned changes, don't turn this one into a sh1t fight just to get your own way.