This is my first bike rebuild. Originally I wanted to buy an old truck, rebuild it, and buy a Ducati motorcycle. Instead I ended up buying a new truck, and an old bike to rebuild.
Picked up this bike out in Ft. Worth for $600. It wasn't running, and the carbs weren't even on it. The electrical system was chewed to bits too. Here are pics of the process so far.

Stuff to be cleaned/ trashed


Removing the ugly center stand brackets. I might miss it, but I'd rather shed the extra weight.

Bobbed the rear Fender, so that it lines up flush with the frame. I also filled the holes and painted it black.

Frame is "Real Red" VHT enamel paint.

Comstar rims are now black. These may get re-done though...

Starting to look back to normal. The tank is only primed in the picture. This is my old workshop. aka a tiny ass shed... A horrible place to build a bike, but it worked. I've seen some of the other shops in these threads and I'm super jealous. I just moved into an apt and I have a garage now. It's 100 times better.

The swing arm bolt was shortened, because the new rearsets I have don't bolt onto it. They go around it, and it stuck out a few inches.

Check out the custom seat. I had a friend who used to do upholstery make it for me.

The bike in my friends shop. He's going to be sorting out the engine and electrical for me. He's also fixing all the mistakes I made haha. Like repainting the tank.

Here's the engine. It's getting at least one new piston, and the cylinders are being honed at my dad's machine shop.

More engine stuff photos. You can see the piston there on the far left that is pitted pretty badly. That is the one getting replaced for sure.

This is the end of the process as of now. I will post more as more progress is made.