1st link not working now?
2nd link
http://portland.craigslist.org/clk/boa/1869200490.htmlJust a couple of things to look at if you go and view that boat, or any inboard drive. They aren't cheap to work on.
- 2 hydraulic trim tabs, do they function?
- 2 hydraulic trim tabs. There will be a gauge in the steering position that should show you what height the tabs are at. Does it work?
- The above will cost $$$ to make the boat function correctly.
- Drain a bit of the legs oil and look at it. If there is water in there, walk away.
- Looks like it has a speedo, depth sounder, and probably a bilge pump. Make sure they work.
A free boat can most often be to expensive.

It's tough that you want it all for $1000.00
P.S. Never be afraid to take an ice pick and rubber hammer with you when looking at a boat. The hammer will allow you to tap the hull and transom for hollow spots..."you will hear and feel it" ice pick for the inside transom to check for wood punk.