Author Topic: Colorado to Key West via Biketoberfest 2010-5552 miles in 17 days-Epic Ride X  (Read 14641 times)

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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Every year for the past 10 years, my buddy Howard and have have embarked on a ride during August. The culmination of a 40 year friendship. This year was no exception except October had to be the time frame. Each year we chart new unridden territory for the most part. Sometimes we overlap a few routes or destinations such as parts of US50 in Nevada, San Francisco south then north, Sturgis, I-70, etc. We started out in 2001 as an alternative to the 5 day Colorado Rocky Mountain back pack hike we had embarked on in 2000. I had purchased my 2001 Fat Boy in the fall of 2000 to go along with my beloved 1975 CB750F Honda. My family relocated to Colorado Springs in 9/99 and the great wide open western US beckoned! With my wife originally from the Black Hills of South Dakota I often heard of Sturgis. I planted a seed into the mind of Howard that we should go. He wasn't a rider so I gave him a couple of brief lessons on my Honda. He caught the bug and it was on. Feeling that it wasn't the best idea for him to ride my beloved Honda 400 miles there and back as an unlicensed newbie I rented a trailer and we pulled my 2 bikes. Well, that was the beginning. The next spring, 1982, Superman, er Howard, decided he was buying a bike. Damned if he didn't buy, as his first bike, a new Honda VTX 1800R. Cajones is all I will say about that! Makes my Harley look small! We've been at it every since. Year before last we decided to island hop and ended up on Gabriola Island, BC, Canada at Seaweb's (aka Derek) doorstep and it's not like we had ever met either. Last year Derek jumped on his 836 Cafe and met up with us outside Yellowstone and we did Sturgis, so you just never know, nor do we, what we'll get into. We've covered all the western US states and 3 Canadian provinces. 40,000+ miles. It's getting a little tougher to find uncharted territory but we work hard at it. Just on a lark I mentioned that Biketoberfest in Daytona Beach would be coming up in October so we started mapping and calculating. Damned if we didn't make it happen. 5552 miles in 17 days. We ride far and fast. We pick strategic places and cities to stop over, rest, do laundry, and explore. Not much time in our schedule to side track so we do miss a lot sometime. Many overnight stops usually arriving at dusk. We camp at good motels or cheap motels only. Ride hard, eat, drink, sleep. Start over the next day. This is our madness. If anyone is interested I thought I'd post some of our trip this year. I'm not the journalist that some of our guys are so my accounts won't be as glamorous. Some days I take pictures and some days I don't. I don't take notes either so I'll just be shooting from the hip. 17 days is a lot of riding so I'll spread it out and post as I have time. Maybe you'll enjoy or maybe not but here goes.

10/6/2010 Day 1:

Howard says he will be arriving in Colorado Springs at 7:00am from Denver (Aurora) where he and the family live. From my home we will head south. Destination for the day: Carlsbad, NM. At 6:15am it is 40 degrees in Colorado Springs and a beautiful crisp fall day. My nuts are drawn up just thinking about it. It's not like we want to pack winter gear along the deep south for 17 days either! A hot shower and down to a packed bike. I'm ready. Where is Howard?! I'm slightly layered up top with my leather jacket and jeans. There's always a layer of rain gear to help keep out the cold wind. "Howard the usually punctual" arrives around 7:30 and immediately decides another dump is in order. Why couldn't you do that at your house dewd?! Oh, you and the wife had to do a photo opportunity huh! Doesn't matter, we're riding for 17 days! Hit the road. It's about 8:00 - We got some #$%* to do!

Working south on I-25 from north Colorado Springs we really aren't aware of the coolness as we have THE ride on our mind. Clearing Pueblo about 60 miles south the coolness is beginning to set in as we once again begin to gain altitude. At 160 miles in Raton, NM after crossing Raton Pass it's time for gas. Especially considering my gas gauge is acting up! I'm counting on a minimum of 35mpg with a 5 gallon tank. Probably conservative I'm thinking but it's best to be safe. Fuel injection means no reserve and that sum#$%* is HEAVY! About 900 lbs loaded. Plus after 2 hours (we ride about 80 to 85 on the open road) it won't hurt to give the ass a break and warm up. So far so good. 39mpg at 80-85. I'm happy. Gas and a short break and we're back on the road. Next stop Santa Rosa, NM. 175 miles. We exit I-25 after about 100 miles from our gas stop onto US84 which is about 10 miles south of Las Vegas, NM. In my planning I notice that section of US84 is also marked as "Historic Route 66". Not only is this a cool idea but it's a short cut as I-25 starts looping west toward Sante Fe and Albuquerque and we'll be heading more directly south PLUS we're getting the hell off of the Interstate and onto a very rural wide open 2 lane US highway which are usually very good in the west. Looking really nice then I spot the one sign I'm looking for - "Historic Route 66 prior to 1937". I'm seeing living history even if much of it has/is falling apart only to be replaced by mobile homes/trailers with attached junk yards. Too bad! It seems like too soon but here comes I-40. We can head south and bypass Santa Rosa but no guarantee of gas when we will need it. Quick decision - I-40E to Santa Rosa is the safe call but a really busy Interstate. That sucks. Good thing though. 2 reasons. First, 1 mile out of Santa Rosa my bike dies! Oh f@#k! Only 169 miles. What happened to 39mpg? Seems as if altitude and fuel injection mapping has gotten my ass. Clutch and coast as far as possible except that semi I just passed is bearing down on my ass. Perhaps if I let out the clutch to see what happens I'll get lucky. I got lucky. It fires. Clutch, coast, clutch, coast. You know the routine. Howard hasn't figured out whats going on even though my loud bike keeps quitting. His is getting low also, unknown to me. EXIT AHEAD! He doesn't see a service station , is in front of me, and keeps going. I'd rather run out of gas OFF I-40 so I exit. Clutch, coast. Gas after 1 mile, I'm saved! 5 gallon tank takes 5.1 gallons. Damn close. Works out to 34mpg. WTF! Where is Howard?! I backtrack to I-40 and take the next exit. There he is at the closest gas pump. Screw it, let's eat. It appears we're on Historic Route 66 again and there is a diner ahead.


Well deserved break at a historic diner much like I'd seen as a young kid growing up. Pretty cool. Nice folks and about a gallon of SWEET tea. Hell yeah! Peel off the cold weather gear. Down to t-shirts and no helmets finally. Great day so far even though my ass is just beginning to unpucker. On south on US54 to Vaughn, wide open and very little traffic, wind turbines everywhere, then US285 south to Roswell, NM. Yeah, I watched for aliens! None dammit! Really nice clean town that looks like the recession has had no effect on it. Look ahead and there is a large aerial tanker flying around in circles? WTF? A little further down the road I look to the right. WTF are MULTIPLE 747's etc doing over there?! This town is nowhere near big enough for even one! UFO searchers? More than likely a large repair facility. Probably an abandoned Air Force base. Gas stop. Only been about 125 miles. Holy #$%*, it's getting worse. Can you say close to 30mpg! DAMN! That has ruined all 40 gas stops I had meticulously planned out at 35mpg. Oh well, life on the bike road. Press on, it's starting to get late in the afternoon and we still have ~60 miles to Carlsbad. At least we won't run out of gas on this leg! Here comes Carlsbad. I expected more from Carlsbad than Roswell. I was wrong. The recession has been here. Roads are rough. Shops closed. BUT, cheapest motel of the whole trip (about $40 at Motel 6). That's good. Best find was the Bar-B-Q! Bar-B-Q Heaven is just beginning, we're back down south. OH YEAH!! Unload the bikes and open the cooler. Doesn't everyone ride with a beer cooler?! Time to kick back! 612 miles from Denver. Long day but we know tomorrow will be spent in cool Carlsbad Caverns. Time to catch a buzz and pass out. Howard says I snore loudly. Naw, not me ha ha. It's his problem as I go out like a light. Sweet dreams.

Our digs for the night - Motel 6

« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 01:17:52 AM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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10/7/2010 Day 2:

After the 612 miles of day 1 we were in no particular hurry to get the day started. Not many miles today just a lot of sights to see. Sleep in a little and repack the bikes. My backpack and cooler are easily enough removed and reinstalled each day as are my saddlebags. I don't want to leave a thief an opportunity nor do I want to find I no longer have my possessions while I'm out who-knows-where. Cup of coffee and shoot the #$%* with a rider and his wife on a big Suzuki road bike. Of course you each have to explain where you've been and where you're going and this can take some time. Told us to not ride the Florida Keys which is our turn around destination. "Too much water and not much to look at". To each his own but I've been there many times and done quite a bit of scuba diving throughout but I've never ridden the Keys. Gotta bag 'em! Time to head out. We watch as this short round Texan and his equal wife mount his big Suzy and proceed to back out on tip toes in some loose gravel. I'm thinking we can always help them pick it up! Experience prevails. They pull out as we do also. I inquire if we're gassing. "Don't need to yet". Yeah, right. It's now Howard's problem to find me gas when I run out with that decision. WTH, let's ride!! Proceeding south on US62 our next destination is Carlsbad Caverns, 20 miles down the road. Plenty of gas for that but what lies beyond?! Plenty of highway construction on these US Highways but nothing that really slows us. I've found that many of these roads are being converted into 4 lane divided roads. Wide open and little traffic. Really nice. About 15 miles we come to the turnoff to the Caverns. At the intersection is the only gas station until we reach our next destination. Unattended! I manage to get my credit card to work and the Fat Boy is full and happy. However, Howard doesn't have the same luck. Oh well, let's go on to the Caverns. We can always back track to Carlsbad for gas. We ride 7 miles up a twisty mountain road. At the top is the Park Center.

Time to spelunk! There are several tours available. For our morning enjoyment we decide on the self guided tour. Few bucks, not expensive. We take the elevator down the shaft 755 or so feet rather than take the walking entrance which adds 1 mile. Just barely inside we discover why it's called "Cavern". It's BIG. Scratch that - ENORMOUS! Words can't do it justice nor can my camera do a sufficient job either but I got a few pix. We're now in "The Big Room". Yeah, no #$%*!! REAL BIG ROOM! This is a 1 mile self guided tour. Here are a few pix I took.

Hall of The Giants

Cave Boob (as I call it)

Another Cave Boob

Lions Tail

Finishing up the self guided tour it's time for lunch in the upstairs cafeteria. After lunch we decide on going lower into the cave. This requires the ranger guided tour called the "King's Palace Tour". This is the only way to get into this area and it includes the Green Lake Room, King's Palace, and Queen's Chamber.

By now we're blown away but it's over and time to head back to the bikes. Mid-afternoon and we gotta ride. Next /final destination for the day and our overnight stay is Van Horn, TX about another 100 miles. Passing by the gas station again we're greeted by an old-timer attendant. Howard now has gas and we're obligated to shoot the #$%* about bikes with the old-timer. I'll be an old-timer soon enough (I hope) so I can appreciate this but we gotta go. Along the way is Guadalupe Mountains National Park. We arrive at the visitor center only to find it JUST closed but we still get the photo op.


Just down the road near the intersection of US62 and TX54 we stop to enjoy the majestic El Capitan.

Hitting the road again for the final sprint we head south on TX54 aka Texas Mountain Trail. The route passes through a gap between the Beach Mountains and the Baylor Mountains and then emerges onto a large salt basin. 60 miles or so later with maybe 6 vehicles encountered the whole way and running about 85mph in a 55mph zone we finally emerge in Van Horn, TX for the night. Nice small old town situated on I-10 that had seen it's hey day many moons ago. Nice folks. Our desk clerk helps us locate a nice Mexican restaurant and tells us of "the Night Club". Oh yeah, we're all over that! The night club is very western with about 6 people which included 2 single women that were perhaps members of the Dallas Cowboys I'd bet. Finish the beers and back to the room! So much for another great day! Tomorrow it's - San Antonio here we come.

THE (only) Nite Club

Our accomodations for the evening

« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 01:20:27 AM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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10/8/2010 Day 3:

Time to get up and hit the road. Objective for the day: San Antonio, The Alamo, and The River Walk. We had 2 different possible map routes for the day. One would take us south and east from Van Horn, TX along the border areas, through Big Bend and Del Rio (my idea) and the other was I-10 into San Antonio (Howard's idea). We ended up taking I-10. I'm not really sure the rationale for I-10 but Howard said he felt it would be quicker (no #$%*!) and give us more time in San Antonio. My thoughts were there may have been a concern about banditos along the border area. That should only come into play IF we stopped. That was another issue in itself considering the gas mileage we had been getting. Oh well, better to be safe than sorry?! I-10 was interesting. First thing I noticed was those 80mph speed limits! Now, we usually travel 10mph over the limits but at 80mph that was kinda irrelevant. Perhaps the rest of the US should consider this because VERY FEW vehicles exceeded the 80mph speed limit. Imagine that - A SELF IMPOSED SPEED LIMIT! Isn't that novel!

The lay of the land varied. Flat forever, mountain ranges on both sides, desert, wooded but most of all it was LARGE. Large wind turbine fields everywhere it seemed. Somewhere maybe half way to San Antonio I started dodging "things" in the wind with my head. WTF? These "things" became numerous to say the least. Turned into swarms. What was it? It was the annual migration of the North American Monarch butterflies. The eastern population of North America’s Monarchs overwinters in the same 11 to 12 mountain areas in the States of Mexico and Michoacan from October to late March. It seems we couldn't have timed this better. This phenomenom must've lasted for 50 miles along I-10! Simply amazing. I've heard of this but I never would have thought it to be this extensive.

Somewhere past the Monarchs we started into Hill Country. It was GREEN again with San Antonio on the distant horizon. As the day bore on San Antonio came to us. Howard had booked a room in a nice hotel which was very easy to find. AND, it was about 3 blocks from The Alamo and about 5 blocks from the River Walk. VERY good planning. We pulled into the hotel maybe about 4:30pm. Unload, change clothes and head to The Alamo. Still time to check it out before proceeding into the night!

Late afternoon shadows at The Alamo

It's getting to be closing time at The Alamo so the plan is to go back to the room and get cleaned up for the evening. Once that's accomplished it's off to the River Walk. Talking about night life!! Wow!


Oh yeah, The River Walk also has a Hooters

Just wish my camera did a better job in low light situations.

Do the River Walk, have a great dinner, drink, then time to call it a day. Good night. Snore City just ahead. Until tomorrow....
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 12:21:08 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline seaweb11

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Did you put that yellow shirt on Howard so you could find him in large crowds ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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10/9/2010 Day 4:

Time to start all over again. We find out that a once a year Alamo event will be taking place this morning. We have time to check it out before hitting the road. Turns out they are doing some reenactments so we head back over. Before we leave the hotel I spot a familiar face, a parent of a class mate of my daughter and his son. Small world huh!


We have an objective today, SALT WATER, so we gotta hit the road. It's off to Galveston. I haven't been there before and we're hoping it's in decent shape after the hurricanes. Our plan is to avoid Houston. We head south east to Victoria, TX then Port Lavaca. Thinking more Bar B Q for lunch we stop about 1 mile short of the bay not realizing we're that close. The menu shows Fried Catfish sandwich, next best thing to Bar B Q! I'm all over that. REAL good. Damn, I sure miss all this good southern food. Back to the steeds after a lunch break and there is our first real water. GETTING PUMPED! Keep riding and look what we found:


FINALLY THE SALT!! Galveston just down the road. Let's go! Crossing the toll bridge on the west end of the island the sign says "Population 56,xxx" Wow. Seems like we're riding forever. We are seeing signs of previous hurricanes: empty lots, damaged buildings, new and freshly painted homes on stilts. Seems like it's 75% new. Some nice homes and some tremendous homes. I can only wish  :) Getting to be late in the afternoon and what I'd consider Galveston proper arrives. We ride and look finally deciding on a hotel. Check in. Get comfortable. Find beer and food.


Time to call it another successful day. Tomorrow: NOLA!  
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Did you put that yellow shirt on Howard so you could find him in large crowds ;D ;D ;D ;D

Not me, but it does work exceptionally well!
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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10/10/10 Day 5:

Destination - New Orleans, LA

Looks like I'll be bagging another state today. Haven't set foot in Louisiana before. I have always wanted to "attend" New Orleans too! Too bad it isn't Mardi Gras  :(  We haven't had time to relax on the beaches but that's OK too as there will be ample time to attend to that need in a few days. It's time to start over once again. Load up the bikes, gas 'em up and hit the road. We're already close to the east end of Galveston Island and soon we're at our first ferry ride of the trip. Galveston to Port Bolivar. As Foghat says, Free Ride, take it easy. Looking at the map I initially thought there might be a bridge. I knew we were going to cross water but no bridge here! This turns out to be a fairly long ferry ride. Along the way we are greeted by many dolphins too.

Departing Port Bolivar we continue eastward on TX87. We had planned on taking this route to Sabine Pass but determined it is closed, probably due to the hurricanes, and must head up TX124 to Winnie. Gas time once again and on to Port Arthur before heading into Louisiana. Port Arthur is a large complex maze of refinery piping that seems to continue for many miles. Crossing over Sabine Pass on another huge bridge we hit Louisiana. Now, we know this is a mandatory helmet state but it's just a 2 lane highway in swamp land and why would there be any state troopers out here?! We decide to continue on until we have to make the next stop sans helmet. Brave/stupid/dangerous?? Hopefully we won't get pulled over. Approaching Cameron, LA 40 miles later we've been lucky. Up ahead is our 2nd ferry ride approaching. Nice couple running the ferry. We wait for a short time and they give us a nice cold bottle of water. Here we are warned about the gestapo ahead in Cameron and decide to put on helmets. Once off the ferry we gas up again in Cameron as it seems the hurricanes have removed most of the gas stations and never know when the next one will appear.

Continuing on LA82 we travel through the swamps, bayous, and back waters. Fairly uneventful and not quite what I had expected. No alligator dodging! I didn't even see the first gator.  :(  Many empty lots that once had familes and homes. Out of the bayous we head towards New Iberia, gas up and hit US90 for our final assault on New Orleans. Wide open 4 lane fast road. I've never seen so much sugar cane. Long bridges across swamps but not that scenic IMO, at least not what I'd expected. Riding into New Orleans we cross the Huey P Long bridge. Pretty amazing they could build this on swamp land! Up ahead is the Super Dome so we know we are there! A couple turns and we are at our destination for 2 nights, the Holiday Inn Express which is 2 blocks off Bourbon Street. Unload, clean up, and off to Bourbon Street.

It's now time to do New Orleans. It isn't Mardi Gras but it is still New Orleans and the French Quarter.

Many interesting places, restaurants, bars, and establishments where women remove their clothes  ;D among other duties. I didn't take any pictures but saw some really nice........... and it only cost me a few dollar bills.

It was pretty busy for the time of year but it started thinning out around 2am so we decided it's time to head back for the night and manage to stumble back to our place. Another memorable day/night.

to be continued
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 01:29:24 AM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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10/11/10 Day 6:

Is it morning? Are we alive? Hangover?! Naw, still loaded I think so that would be a better answer. Too late for the contintental breakfast. Oh well, at least my stomach won't protrude out my mouth. Now we gotta figure out what we're going to get into. If I can get outta bed I can take a good long hot shower and perhaps come to. OK, mission accomplished. I think it's close to lunch time by now as we stagger slightly weave our way down to the street. Most excellent find! About 2 doors down a restaurant has an all day breakfast special for $3.99! We needed a break anyway as we've walked perhaps 50 feet from the Holiday Inn! That helped! Now we wander aimlessly down the sidewalk, destination unknown. Well not really aimlessly as 2 nice butts pass us, we pick up speed and follow as they seem to know where there are going.  :)  Doesn't matter to us as we enjoy the view. Looks like the ladies have lead us to the river front. Thank you girls  ;) Looks like plenty of things to see and do here! Passing Harrah's New Orleans casino we cross the railroad tracks to the river front. Confronting us is the entrance to a ferry that goes across the Mississippi river to one on the oldest areas of New Orleans, Algiers. We pass on that. Wandering aimlessly again we are at the New Orleans Riverwalk. Here we find river boat docks, restaurants, and a mall. Unfortunately there are no paddle wheelers or cruise ships docked. Looks like it can be a really fun area.

Harrah's New Orleans Casino



Two Jokers


The Famous Street Cars


Being that we are fairly brain dead at this point in the day (no beers/hair of the dog yet) we meander back and stop at a tour booth for some free info but mainly a free map. The guy at the booth says "What the hell do you boys want? You mean you just came here to get a free #$%*ing map?" Coulda been one of our close friends. We immediately liked this guy, seriously! We spent a little time discussing tours and prices then headed off. Neither one of us had actually done this type of a guided bus tour before. We thought that this would be a good way to see parts of New Orleans we wouldn't see otherwise. Actually riding in an air conditioned bus didn't sound bad either! We decided on doing the 2 hour City Tour and met the bus at 4pm. Very interesting and informative. The guide/driver was great and we learned a lot.  Here are some of the sights from our tour.

French Quarters - It seems the wealthy lived uptown and "kept" their mistresses here. The French Quarters are actually Spanish architecture after Spain took over and rebuilt after fires and floods. The streets are one way as they were built before cars were invented. Plenty of room for many horses with the old hitching posts still in existence.


One of New Orleans oldest cemetaries. Some of the masoleums cost $500,000 or more. They are designed to hold 100 family members?!? Turns out they stuff in a coffin and in 1 year and 1 day they remove the coffin. At this point they take out the shriveled up remains and shove them to a hole in the back where it falls through. Ready for the next family member. They say they don't reuse the coffins but rather burn them. The deteriorating wall on the left is made of coffins from a pandemic in the past. Quickest, easiest, and cheapest way to deal with the dead masses.


Across the Mississippi where the largest section of the flood wall gave way during Hurricane Katrina is a large relief effort taking place spearheaded by Brad Pitt called "Make It Right". Brad is building homes with modern green technology and putting them above flood levels. Very affordably priced at cost.


The guide/driver is kind enough to include a break stop at a MOST appropriate place, A DAQUIRI-TO-GO place and the nice lady behind the bar inquires what size. H E L L O, "LARGE of course!" We enter the Garden District and pass by residences of stars such as Sandra Bullock sans Jessie and Archie Manning and family but alas no sightings. At the end of the tour the guide is kind enough to drop us off at Pat O'Brien's since we have now officially started drinking again. Time for a famous Hurricane. That brings the buzz back!  ;D I didn't think it was very tasty but it did what it purports to do. I think we had dinner around that time and it may have consisted of alligator  ;) Now it's time for New Orleans nightlife again, a tough job but someone has to do it  :D  We once again begin to stumble aimlessly and take in the sights and sounds of NOLA.                            

Jackson Square


Another Must-Be-Famous-Should-Be-Famous Landmark


Are we represented here?? Who belongs to this?

B B King. Just kidding, I wish he was here! This was from the September telluride Blues and Blues Festival. Just seems fitting to throw it in here  ;) I had hoped to listen to some major Zydeco, etc but didn't find much on our non-Mardi Gras visit. We did get to listen to many great bands though.

We end up the evening on a balcony overlooking Calle D Borbon hoping and soliciting for, you guessed it, TITS  ;D
Isn't this what you're supposed to do here?!  ::) Too bad the ladies weren't in the mood!  :( Not much luck, perhaps because we didn't have beads to throw. We tried to get the other patrons involved but they just didn't get it.


Painted Lady

Painted Ladies are a good thing!

All I got to say is NEW ORLEANS, WOW! Mardi Gras here I come. Good night Bourbon Street, it has to come to an end.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 01:27:44 AM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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10/12/2010 Day 7:

Well I think we are awake but I'm not sure. Last night sure was fun. I'm not sure how we avoided a hangover! Perhaps we've been drunk for a week and not sobered up  8) Guess we'd better leave New Orleans before we actually get into trouble. It's been fun, perhaps Mardi Gras next time just to make sure  ;)

Our bikes are parked in a garage around the corner. There is supposed to be a $17 parking fee or something similar to that. Supposed to be  ;) The valets take the cars over to park but not our bikes, we did that so we know where they are. No way would we let them either. We have the keys. By now we have brought all our stuff down on a cart and left it with the valet. We head over to the bikes, fire them up and depart before anyone knows WTF, pull around and load them up. Off we go $17 richer. I-10 is maybe 1/2 mile away and we're headed that way. Next destination: Panama City Beach, FL. One option would have been the 28 mile long Lake Pontchartrain Causeway. That would have been interesting, a straight 2 lane bridge for 28 miles, but kinda out of our way plus we'd lose most of that $17 we just saved. Next time, let's get to Florida.

About 45 minutes and we've made it to Mississippi and another 30 miles we head south on US49 to Gulfport to pick up US90 and hug the coast. This stretch is designated as a Scenic Highway and we soon find out why. BEAUTIFUL wide granular white sand beaches. Some of the nicest I've ever seen. CLEAN beaches too, perhaps partially due to what are probably BP Oil crews we see scouring the beaches. Along the way we see many beautiful large homes and many empty lots. It's amazing what hurricanes can do to the landscape. They seem to be somewhat selective. Before we know it here comes Biloxi and it's waterfront casinos, Ocean Springs and Pascagoula. Since we're running out of Scenic Highway we head up to I-10 to exit Mississippi and head into Alabama. On the horizon is Mobile. Coming out of a short tunnel under the Mobile River, ahead looms a large unknown building that just jumps out of the landscape. We cross the I-10 bridge over Mobile Bay and it's a quick 30 minutes until we're finally in Florida.

That was a quick journey through Alabama but it's good to see the Florida border. Now, I've bragged about all the great weather we've had the first week but it's not looking so good up ahead. Welcome to Florida!! Luck was with us as we hit the tail end of a shower and we caught a few sprinkles and a brief wet section of I-10. That didn't last more than a few minutes thank goodness. Ahead lies Pensacola, Pensacola Beach and more scenic beaches and highway. Make a right turn on US90, gas up and look through the trees. Low and behold, Sonny's Bar B Q! Take care of gas and hunger in one stop then press on sans helmets once again. Freedom is nice. Following US90 we take a left on US98 across Pensacola Bay and we're at Gulf Breeze and more Scenic US Hwy 98. We gotta see Pensacola Beach so we cut across to the island. It's time for a whizz and some brief sight seeing. We pass Jimmy Buffett's brand new Margarita Beach Front Resort hotel. That was a surprise as I didn't know Jimmy was into hotels. The next turn was the sight of one of my most favorite porta pots (just because I was getting in a bad way  ::) )  We briefly took in the beach. Really nice and wide with beautiful sand. Here you'll see Margaritaville Resort closest to us on the beach.

That was a quick stop and we depart. We ride a 18 mile stretch of the island and the beach with water on both sides. 40mph speed limits but who would want to ride any faster with this fantastic scenery and no traffic. Over to the mainland. Afternoon traffic starts to pick up as we hit civilization which is due to Eglin Air Force Base and their rush hour. It's really amazing how well the coast is protected! Bases everywhere it seems. Just ahead is Fort Walton Beach and by now we are barely more than 1 hour out of Panama City Beach. It''s about time, it's getting to be a long day. Before you know it we are in PCB. I've been here quite a few times many years ago in my younger days partying and scuba diving but this just doesn't look familiar! Probably because I'd always come in from the north, maybe I've gotten older and things have changed  :o We cruise the strip and decide on a small inexpensive beachfront motel. And as usual it's getting to be dusk.

Our place - no the small one you can't see

Unload the bikes, it's Beer 30!! Let's watch the sunset  :)

Time to kick back and get comfortable. Change clothes and put on shorts. The desk clerk turns us on to a good local restaurant with cold cheap beer and good food. What more could we ask for! Now, I have to ask - Have you ever ridden your bike with flip flops and sun glasses at dark? It doesn't work very well and I probably won't do that again! I think I was sober too  ??? After a good dinner we head back to the room and only make a couple wrong turns but we're finally back. Time to put another adventure to bed. Tomorrow we're headed to Daytona Beach and Biketoberfest!! Woooohooooooo!! The excuse we used to do this trip. We don't really know what to expect but we were betting we'd have some fun!

« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 01:34:37 AM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Stev-o

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Sounds like a great trip so far, and good writing!
 Brings back good memories of trips I have taken to many of the same destinations, Surfside, NO, PCB and everything in between.
Waiting on the next installment.
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Thanks Steve-O. Late night inspiration and usually a Bookers, Makers Mark, Makers 46 or Wild Turkey on the rocks for bedtime. Writing is not my forte but these trips sure pack in memories especially when you're hangin with a friend of 40 years. When I moved to Colorado there was the desire to see many of the things I had missed about our wonderful land. My old ass was mildewing hanging around Kentucky. I had hoped my wife and daughter might share this with me but the wife likes to sit around the TV and eat. She's not interested in travel unless she gets on a plane, flies far away and hangs around a pool drinking and has someone serve her at a restaurant. What a waste of time and a life. She complains about traveling by car so we just don't do much because I get tired of hearing it. To each his own. Not me. I bought the bike and take a yearly trip. Never thought I'd be doing these 5000 mile rides!   

 I have been spending 1 to 2 hours each attempt picking out and loading pix from my SD card onto Photobucket via my laptop while I'm online with my desktop. If I was a techie it might go easily. I attempted this episode a few days earlier but the site said "too large" and it dissapeared.  ??? 
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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10/13/2010 to 10/15/2010   Days 8, 9 and 10

Guys, I'm going to divvie this up some as these 3 days were sometimes a non-specific blur.

Day 8 - Wednesday

Time to head to Daytona Beach, the original excuse, er reason to do this trip. Pumped up! We really don't know what to expect of Biketoberfest. Howard, myself and a buddy did spring break week in Daytona in the 70's but this isn't that. We haven't changed a bit however in those 30+ years. We still like to drink, party and chase young beautiful girls (in our old dreams  ;) ) We've seen websites. We've been to Sturgis many times. While Sturgis is unofficially 10+ days we are headed to a fall 4 day weekend event held in a family beach area. We expect it to be fun but more tame and much less crowded. Probably much less to do too. Pumped up none-the-less! Today is the day. Load up and head out. We wind our way away from PCB through Panama City. We're back on US98 heading east. Now we get to slow down some and enjoy the anti-interstate and all the scenery that surrounds us. Another Air Force base ahead, Tyndall. We meander along the coast. Nice 2 lane road. Not much traffic so we can enjoy the bikes rather than worry about cagers.

We cruise through Port St Joe. As I ride my mind distances itself from my body. This brings back memories of a July 4th trip another buddy and I did way back when. He was a PADI Dive Instructor and I was the Dive Master. After we did check out dives for his students we went on our own way and chartered a dive boat which took us from Port St Joe onto the Cape and into Port St Joe Park. We motored out about 3 hours and dove a ship wreck. Fun dive. Once headed back I realize that I did not remove my car keys from my swim trunks. F@#K! Yes, we were. Not wanting to ruin a fun dive trip I didn't say anything until we were back on shore. Remember, this is the holiday, July 4th. We got back to my car and I couldn't get in. We had incentive inside the car, an unopened bottle of rum. Nothing like being thirsty and locked out in Bum#$%*, FL on July 4th. At least we managed to pry the window back enough to unlock the door and get to the rum. Don't try to find a locksmith on July 4th in BF, FL. We finally found a guy that would come out for a price. That 5th of rum was just what we needed and lasted until he got there. All was not lost.  ;D Anyway, I digress. back to Daytona.  

Rounding the Cape we ride through Apalachicola and head on to Perry where it's gas time. We're now riding in nice pine forests, a pleasant change of scenery. Howard has been craving those slimey-assed hot boiled peanuts the whole trip and they just happened to be boiling at the gas stop in Perry. I resisted for about 2 minutes then gave them a try. Much better than my one and only previous attempt! Leaving Perry there was no more coastline for the rest of the morning and afternoon. Now we're on Hwy 19/27/98. It's a nice 4 lane divided road and since there's not a lot of good scenery we can make up some time lost to those damned peanuts  ;) Our plan is to stay on US27 and head east to Ocala. As these 3 roads seperate I look into the distant sky. Something up there. WTF? As we make our turn eastward it's now obviously the Goodyear Blimp. That's kinda cool. Up ahead we pull into Ocala and gas up for our final assault into Daytona. By now we are encountering quite a few bikers headed to Daytona. It's starting to look like a party. We have a nice ride through the Ocala National Forest and emerge about 30 miles from Ormond Beach. Bikes all over the place, Woooohooooo! There ahead of us is what we've been anticipating the whole trip, Hwy A1A! YES! I gotta digress just a moment here. It was on this famous highway back in March 1976 that I caused the reason for me being on this site. I blew up my almost new 1975 CB750F preparing to race a buddy's 900Z. I've returned   ;) Anyway it's time for the final leg. A nice ride into Daytona Beach, we just can't get there quick enough! Up ahead is our base for the next 3 nights. We proceed to check-in. As I approach the desk there appears an Indian lady. "Oh #$%*" is my thought. I've stayed at many hotels run by the Indian immigrants and it is not good! I am pleasantly surprised. Nice lady. Clean room. Good air conditioner. It seems not that crowded on the streets. Will Biketoberfest be a bust? I must be patient I tell myself. This is Wednesday and the official start is tomorrow. Vacancies at our hotel. Wednesday night is $39 then it gets jacked up to $98. Let's unload and get comfortable. Beers and a quick shower are in order. We take a beach walk towards the pier and head back up to the center of the area. OH YES, IT'S GOING ON!! BIKETOBERFEST HERE WE ARE!! Still seems kinda quiet but I remember it's Wednesday and I must be patient...  

Our accomodations for the next 3 days - The San Marina

Looking out from our room

Ocean View (from across the street)

"Welcome to Daytona Beach - World's Most Famous Beach"

Back in the day you could ride or drive all over the beach for free. We'd watch the newbies park their cars by the water at low tide, run off and get drunk, chase tail, only to come back to a submerged car. That was fun! Now you can access part of the beach for a fee but stay in lanes. Not much traffic now. That sucks because the beach was a huge party!

The days sure get long

I ran out of pictures at this point so I'll have to get Howard to send some more. That's it for today. I'll be back soon and update this post.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 03:24:28 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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OK guys, I've been waiting for 3 weeks for some pictures of the Daytona Biketoberfest crowds, etc from Howard to no avail. Looks like I'll be forced to move along without him. I'll get back to this in the next few days then do some out of sequence updates as I can. 
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Damfino

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Damn that Howard! >:(
I've been anxiously awaiting the continuance of this thread.
Very good read Jerry.  ;) (Not to be confused with Jerry Reed. :P)

Your Message Here!
You can still call me 'Schmitty'

1976 CB 750
2014 CB 1100DLX
2015 Harley Davidson Freewheeler

You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.
Charles Manson

You've got to watch your back in the SSDB, this is where the clever guys get bored with bike talk and make poo jokes.
I like my women a little big. Natural. Now, they shave this and wax that. It's not right. I love natural women. Big women. This trend in women has to go. Bulomia, anorexia. That's just wrong. You know what will cure that? My special sticky buns. One lick of my sticky buns and your appetite will come right back. ~ RIP Mr. Borgnine  01/24/1917 - 07/08/2012  :'(

Offline Stev-o

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Yeah, C'mon man!
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Hey, where have you guys been? I've been waiting  ;)

So now that Howard has his own agenda and would prefer to ski Copper Mountain on his new skis on deep fresh powder   ::) ....... well...... He did manage to send me a quick iPhone video, the #$%*. Where's my damn pix? Guess I'll proceed on and perhaps add some of his pictures at a later date. Let's see, where did I leave off?! My memory can get a little fuzzy but the 101 Turkey is helping  ;D

10/13/2010 Wednesday Day 8 continued (disclaimer: I bet I get my 3 days events somewhat mixed up but WTH!)

It's now evening at Biketoberfest but yet Biketoberfest has not officially started. Not until tomorrow, Thursday 10/14. We're on foot wandering aimlessly as if we know what the hell we're doing  ;) Haven't done Biketoberfest before now. Well we kinda know - it's time to start drinking and observing once again. Not like we haven't done this in the past 24 hours either ha ha. We changed out from our manly biker attire before we set out on foot on the beach into, you guessed it, beach type attire. Shorts and t shirts with sandals and flip flops. After all, it IS Daytona Beach isn't it.  ::) I kinda expected to just be doing the beach thing for now but next thing you know, there it is and there we are. WTF!! Probably the only 2 guys in beach type attire in the midst of all our biker breatheren. Everyone is looking bad except us. FukEm! Beer 30 is upon us. The crowd is really light for what I anticipate but I remind myself it hasn't started yet. Much anticipation is felt in the smallish crowd. The vendors are set up. The beer is flowing and the food is going. Bands are playing. Let's kinda get an idea of what the deal is. We wander from A1A to the bridge over the river and back checking out the sights and the bikes. As usual it's mostly dudes. The road is full and the bikes are loud but the best is yet to come. I don't believe Howard is expecting much of a crowd from what we've seen so far. We see mostly V Twins but there are always a good cross section of Wings, Stars, Kaws, Suzys, Inline 4's, Busas, Beemers, 3 wheelers, etc. A really good representation of the entire cruiser and sport bike world. By now Howard MIGHT be staggering a little and I can't figure out why - I'm pur#$%*tyly sosoburrer  ;) It's getting late and we did quite a few miles today on the bikes and now on foot. We wander back to the San Marino, our motel, and it seems like it's MILES now that Howard is buzzin'. Nothing like a long walk to help sober up and keep us out of jail  ;D BUT, we always have cold beer at the room that we HAVE to finish  8) Hit the comfortable bed and pass out! Let's do this #$%* up right tomorrow.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 11:42:37 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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OK guys, Howard has come through! Now that he has to travel 1100 miles and back to spend Holiday time with mother-in-law he has been reigned in and is complying with the request. Thank you Howard!! I have downloaded some pictures to my computer, done a few updates to some of the previous entries (check them out again and tell me what you like the best  ;) ) and will do some more entries REALLY soon, but it's almost 3am and I'm going to crash. Stay tuned. We are about half way there. More riding and escapades to come.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 01:45:09 AM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Damfino

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Wow! Painted Lady! :P :P

I see Howard was holding out on us! ;)

Your Message Here!
You can still call me 'Schmitty'

1976 CB 750
2014 CB 1100DLX
2015 Harley Davidson Freewheeler

You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.
Charles Manson

You've got to watch your back in the SSDB, this is where the clever guys get bored with bike talk and make poo jokes.
I like my women a little big. Natural. Now, they shave this and wax that. It's not right. I love natural women. Big women. This trend in women has to go. Bulomia, anorexia. That's just wrong. You know what will cure that? My special sticky buns. One lick of my sticky buns and your appetite will come right back. ~ RIP Mr. Borgnine  01/24/1917 - 07/08/2012  :'(

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Let's move painted lady down a little please.
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Day 9 (I think  ::) ) Thursday 10/14/2010

Up and at 'em. Not much going on early but we wouldn't get our asses out of bed anyway  :D  Our alarm clocks seem to begin rumbling down the streets around 10am. That's good. No coffee is not good however. Across the street for coffee. Time to survey the situation and begin activity development.

A morning stroll on the wide and famous Daytona Beach. Pretty deserted. Guess we didn't get up late after all.

Must be about a mile to the Daytona Beach Pier. What used to be an open beach for vehicle traffic has now turned into heavily controlled zones. Entrance fees, traffic lanes indicated with very little traffic, no access under the pier so you must exit and re-enter. In other words it's just F'd up from back in the day when we had free and total access to park our cars at low tide and have them swamped as the tide rolled back in. Can't really remember the hotels from way back when but the beach is the beach and the pier.... hell, it's closed. Under repair/overhaul perhaps. That sucks. Since we can't get on the pier we head back up to the street.

Atlantic and Main. This is where it begins.

Main Street is pretty much shut down except for bikes and foot traffic. The bikes seriously begin to roll in. Many are already unloaded and have found good parking spots along Main. Many will leave them for the duration and well into the night. All the bikes that are just arriving tend to parade on Main Street with all their gear attached. They have yet to check into their motels. Hell, that can always wait. We gotta check it out! We spend time browsing bikes, bars, etc. The wonderful smell of carnival food fills the air. If we're going to start drinking we'd better grab some lunch then head back to prepare for THE event. We hoof it back to the San Marina, change into our manly biker gear and go for a ride. Bikes are continuosly rolling in. Starting to have a few people now. That is allaying my fears that we won't have much of a croud. Biketoberfest has officially begun. We ride north up the coast on A1A and some other roads. Flat but scenic. Beaches and forests. Canopies of trees and sunshine. Houses and motels. Don't see the family vacationers. Guess they got the message about the little event. They probably wouldn't appreciate a little noise anyway. We're out for a few hours enjoying our day but it's time to head back for the evening festivities. Let's head in kinda early so we can find a good parking space. All of Main Street is full but about 6 blocks up we find an opportune waiting parking lot. Park em' and set out on foot.

Bars, bands, and bikes. Doesn't get much better. There is still shoulder room to walk... so far    

We stake out a good vantage point which allows us to sit and drink. Imagine that, huh  ;D  8)

No telling how long we've been here or what time it is but we'd better find our bikes and get out while the getting is good. Easy to find... this time. Head back down Main Street, make some noise and back to San Marina. Upon our return to San Marina my worst fears have been erased. It looks like a biker festival NOW!! Our motel is packed  ;D

And Howard finds it necessary to hold up the door

Another great day. Hit the sack for tomorrow.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 04:21:43 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Day 10  Friday 10/15/2010

Are we having fun yet? OH YEAH! We may actually have an agenda for the day now that we know a little about what's going on. Get the coffee from across the street. They also sell cheap beer, er beer cheap. I like both. Take care of that and load the cooler. WE ARE READY  :D

Just so happens the Bike Show is today. This is a ride-in show. If trailer queens are entered they must ride them into the show. No exceptions. First order of agenda for the day is see what's there. We walk the beach to the boardwalk. Today, I have my camera. Get ready, it's Bike Show Time  ;D


Well, this took care of our morning. Don't know who the winners were except I'd most definitely say MY winners were those sweet old Hondas. Too bad we didn't have any of our favorite Hondas there! I'll get back to the afternoon in a little bit.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 05:49:54 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Stev-o

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Ya, some sweet old Hondas and some wild exotics! And some fuglys. Thanks for sharing.
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

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Put down the scotch and get at er..........

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Dude, I'm trying to get a Relay Party started at yer place in that fancy garage! Besides I don't do Scotch. I do Kentucky! Just for that I'm headed to the cabinet for a glass of creativity on ice  ;D
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

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Started, I thought this was the finish line ;D

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Day 10 Friday afternoon 10/15/2010

For the afternoon it is decided to ride over to Bruce Rossmeyer's Destination Daytona. I've heard much about this place. It's supposed to be a city within itself ie an oasis for bikers on I-95. A destination all it's own. Can it really be all it's advertised to be?? Guess we'll soon find out. It's located on US1 and I-95 in Ormond Beach just north of Daytona.

We retrace some of the routes we took yesterday heading north on A1A. No way are we getting on the I! Make a turn or two different. It's all beautiful so it doesn't matter. Up ahead is I-95 and the bikes begin congregating. We know we are close. Passing under I-95 it's up ahead on our right. I've been playing with my Canon Vixia HF200 HD recorder mounted on a home made handlebar PVC mount on the ride out. I made the mount quite a while ago but have never tried it until now. The supports for my windshield make it difficult to mount and still have a good view without obstruction. Once we rolled into Daytona all the gear (my saddlebags, back rest and windshield) gets stripped off my bike and I once again turn from a cruiser road bike to a bar hopping cruiser. Now I can attempt my handlebar video or pictures! I'm excited about that but I catch myself playing with the camera at times when I should be watching the road better. Not as bad as those A-holes that text while driving IMO but dangerous nonetheless. At this point I don't know how well the video is turning out but I'm very hopeful especially with the image stabilization feature.

As we approach Destination Daytona they have guys directing traffic into and out. We quickly find out it's for good reason. HOLY #$%*! Look at all the bikes and the CITY in front of us. Nothing short of amazing. Talk about a MAJOR investment. Bruce Rossmeyer has brought in the big boys with him too. I can't begin to tell you all the companies that are here so I'll post his link and you can check it out yourself. Nothing like this anywhere in the world guaranteed! If you are down this way you GOTTA check it out! I'm sure it's not populated like this except during Biketoberfest and Bike Week but well worth checking out any time.

I have to figure out how to post some videos now and will be back to add them and update when I can. I think most were too shaky as the bike was too much for a handlebar mounted camera.

After spending hours there in amazement at all that was Destination Daytona we decided it was time to move on. Doubling back on the other side of the I-95 we see a familiar sign on the opposite side of the road. Are we in Sturgis or Daytona?! Damned if it ain't the/a Broken Spoke Saloon! One of our favorite watering holes and campgrounds in Sturgis. U-turn time. WE ARE THIRSTY! Now this is quite a bit different than it's Sturgis counterpart but nevertheless it's THE Spoke!

Not a lot of people here at the time and there are a small number of vendors on site but there is a bar and a stage. What more can you ask for.

One of the local favorites that shows up at all the biker events. Not me, the dude with the beard and the "unique" 1940 something Harley.

Does anyone recognize this guy?

Why YES, it IS George Thorogood but he wasn't here. I just had to throw in that teaser. This was from the Telluride Blues and Brews Festival in Sept 2010. Sorry about that, just had to do it  ;D They had a band but they were unknown to us. After a few brews we head down the road once again. Isn't that what you do in this sort of situation?!  ;)  Up ahead is a left turn we haven't yet taken so we take it. It takes us from Hwy1 to A1A and the beaches again. I make a left turn and we ride up the beaches. Ahead is Flagler Beach with a bar built over a bar. Well that's just so unique we are obligated to stop and look around. We decide beers are in order again.



While we are "attending" Finn's Bar we suddenly hear this loud roaring coming from the skies. Next thing you know there are 2 WWII Mustang P-51's (or whatever they are called) strafing the skies around us. One is pissing a smoke contrail and the other is just hanging in formation. This goes on for 5 or 10 minutes before they disappear into the wild blue yonder. What a nice bonus - happy hour an an air show on the beach!! Howard's leaning again so we call it an afternoon, a good affterernnonoon so we'd better slowly and carefully head south toward the San Marina and prepare for our last evening at Biketoberfest. Too bad Seaweb wasn't with us! I see you looking  ;)

« Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 12:31:10 AM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Day 10 Friday night 10/15/2010

What more can I say at this point other than we gotta leave in the morning? Well, really just a few things. First, let's take care of that problem tonight and the only time I'm at a loss for words usually is when I'm horizontal or going that way. One, I didn't get any pictures because I was too busy enjoying myself and two, ?? I forgot what I was saying..... WTH. But, we musta had a blast because we didn't go to jail  ;D.

Anyway, we roll into Main Street figuring we'd just get the same parking lot spots we had last night. I DON'T FN THINK SO!! This has turned into BIKETOBERFEST and everyone FINALLY showed up.  ;) And to think I was concerned  ;D We're cruising around, circling back and forth, no spots. Who the hell took my spot! Next thing I know Howard is going one way and I'm going the next. I cross over the bridge over the river. I didn't go this far last night. WTF! I'll probably stumble into him at some point. Crossing back over the bridge I realize we have those wonderful magical inventions - cell phones. One quick call and I find out I'm actually at the same parking lot he used. Just too damn easy and he's only a block away. Catching up we do what we do best - begin to wander aimlessly. It's all good and we know it. After all, it's our last night. We drink, watch bands, ogle the few women here, drink, watch bands, drink, etc. Try to hang out in vertical positions. It is worse than shoulder to shoulder at this point so we may as well stay stationary and drink. After 10 days you should now get the point  ;D Well, this can only go so long before it's best to get the #$%* outta Dodge. We actually make it back to the San Marina. We should now have an entry in Ripley's Believe It or Not! Guess what time it is? Correct, it is pass out time. We gotta hit the road in the morning and Howard is foaming at the mouth thinking about the delights that await him at South Beach, Miami. Hope he can sleep through my "alledged" snoring  :D 
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Day 11 - Saturday departure 10/16/2010

Well, it's time to hit the road again. We still have 2 more serious stops to make and we've seen what we need to see at Daytona Beach's Biketoberfest. It's not Sturgis or Daytona Bike Week but it IS Biketoberfest. We didn't know what to expect but we knew we'd have fun. And fun we did have!  :D I'd guesstimate over 100,000 bikes, a beach and a great friend. What more could I ask for? Yeah, OK there ARE a few more things that I could ask for but I gotta stay outta trouble and I've never won Powerball or Mega so.....

As usual we are in no big hurry to get up so we let the "thunder" be our alarm clock. Destination for the day: South Beach Miami! Another "never been there never done that" day ahead. Gotta love those! CSI Miami here we come. More adventure on the road ahead. We stumble out of bed and hit the shower then begin to pack up the belongings and haul them down the stairs to our awaiting bikes. Once loaded we're on our way. We HAVE to cruise Main Street heading out of town and say our good byes. Crossing over the Halifax River bridge to the mainland we're heading out. We head south on North Beach Street and pass by all the vendors set up and the crowds milling the street. We didn't make it this far the last 3 days but that's OK too. Vendors are vendors and there is nothing significant about this vendor row UNTIL I spot my Harley event pin booth. After all these years I've been on a Fat Boy and all the events I've been to I have never stopped and gotten my free Harley event pin. Hey Howard, stop ahead. I'll be right back! I now have my first free event pin souvenir. Up ahead is International Speedway Blvd and we make the right turn that will take us past the Daytona Speedway and on to I-95 but not before gas and some serious bike traffic. The bike manufacturers have been having some events at the speedway including demo rides, which are always fun. We turn south and merge onto I-95 and head toward our destination, Hotel Marseille in the South Beach area of Miami Beach. We have approximately 250 miles to ride today. A short ride for us with a world renowned beach awaiting. We settle into our usual 75-80mph interstate pace and try to enjoy the "I" knowing we're going to have a good time ahead.

Maybe 5 hours after we check out of the motel we are exiting I-95 heading into Miami Beach. We cross over Biscayne Bay and we're in Miami Beach. Now to find Hotel Marseille. We make a couple loops only to discover we passed by it the first time. We are in the Art Deco district of South Beach. Is this the U.S.?! Talking about some serious pastel color paint! I'm not so sure but we're going to enjoy. Pulling up to this very trendy hotel which Howard booked we quickly learn that noisy motorcycles are, well, not pastel shall I say  ::) NO, you can't park here in front! Why don't you park it here?!

Our alley parking spot that allows us to grace the garbage bin but actually helps hide our bikes


We immediately discover that the staffers want no part of letting a guest schlep any gear. It looks bad plus they get no large tip. Oh well, get used to us! Check in and head to the room. Change clothes and hit the beach for the afternoon. Now I gotta say the last time I was on a clothing optional beach was either in Spain at Malaga on the Mediterranean or in Jamaica. H E L L O this is the U.S.?! WTF?!! Think I like it here already. Howard did NOT send those pictures. This is what he sent.

Believe me, there IS more, MUCH more  ;)

We lounge around the beach and relax before we head back for an evening of discovery, Miami Beach style soon to come.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 09:28:57 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

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I love South Beach!  Waiting on the next installment...
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Day 11 Saturday evening 10/16/2010 - Discover the Miami Beach that has no beach

The hoards of umbrellas are coming down and the ladies are heading back to get cleaned up for the evening activities. Must be time to head back! Damned if they don't have a pool bar and it's Happy Hour AGAIN  ;D Just another slight delay but for good reason!


Now that the buzz has once again begun let the evening's activities begin. Head to the room for the daily clean up. Seek some local advise then hit the streets of South Beach! We're told to head a few blocks south and look for a "Lincoln Road". This dude has a strange foreign accent and is difficult to understand. Just hoping he is straight  :o OK, let's see what it's all about. What it turns out to be all about is probably the most fabulous area in Miami Beach. Lincoln Road is an older area of shops, restaurants, theaters, etc. It is basically a pedestrian mall. It is a place to see and be seen. It is a place to dress up or dress down. IT IS FANTASTIC! Wow, good call  :) Check this out.  We once again begin to wander aimlessly enjoying the sights and sounds. We pass a theatre with people in tuxes and jeans. We pass MANY excellent restaurants with wonderful aromas eminating from the insides. The music floats out to the street along with the wonderful smells of gastronomic delights. As we pass one such restaurant we are approached by none other than a Ricky Recardo type guy, accent and all. Full of energy he proceeds to tell us of the wonders of HIS restaurant and presents a menu for our perusal. He pulls up a table for 2 right on the edge of the walkway. Our own table with the best view on the whole street. Surrounded by no one. It's like we have own little place. How can we refuse!! Our meal is heaven and lives up to his sales pitch. Is this as good as it gets?! Perhaps, especially for a couple aging old noisy bike riders that came in out of nowhere! It's finally over and time to attempt to move. Damn, I'm feeling good from the food and drink but I'm fullern a damn tick on a coon dogs back side  ;) . Let's wander and work some off this pleasure off. It's getting late (or so we think) so we mosey back toward the hotel around 2am. I've heard of the famous nightlife but where is it?? We've probably gone the wrong way. I'm beginning to think otherwise as the younger set begins appearing out of the woodwork. Damn those ladies are fine! Damn, there's a #$%*load of 'em! DAMN, I WISH I WAS 30 YEARS YOUNGER!! Ouch, that hurts but I have MANY memories that those youngsters have yet to achieve  ;) ;D  As we're headed back there appears this strange mixed crowd in front of what appears to be a closed storefront. But it's not really closed. WTF?! It's MANIA - Lebron James Mania. Someone thought out loud that the newest Miami star Lebron James may be inside. As the rumor spreads the crowd increases. Still don't know WTF but they were allowing 1 person in at a time. Apparently they had just received a new Lebron shoe model and these people were going absolutely nuts for a pair of shoes at 2am! We ARE in Miami Beach!! Old guys back to the hotel before we do something stupid. Did I say I wish I was 30 years younger?! I'll guarantee it would get ugly, VERY ugly. FAST  ;D Do you know how it is when you're SOOO loaded you have a hard time even passing out?! Not me, I'm history and music to Howard''s ears  ;D
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 10:22:54 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Day 12 Sunday 10/17/2010 Head to The Keys - YESSSSSSSSS  ;D

Awakening Coming to Oh hell the best we can do is "stumble out of bed". You ever "stumble out of bed"? Next best thing to crawling from the bed to the bathroom. Great night but can I function?! Always do, here goes. Nothing like a brief half hour hot shower, huh?! Hit the beach to recover with a long stroll and down time. Hell, I may actually be alive. Time to pack 'em. We "sneak" out the fire exit to the alley where we hope our bikes might be. Don't really want to deal with the bellhop. Load up the bikes and push them to the street in anticipation of waking Miami Beach  ;) How about a fancy breakfast for the road. We're done and we're off. Those beautiful young sweet things that probably have only been in bed a few hours (with the exception of a few that just got here last night and stayed out all night and are still drunkern #$%*) need to get up and start over anyway. Fukem, crank em up. We roar to life and head south over Biscayne Bay. Cruise ships line the port by the causeway. There is Lebron's new home, the whateveritiscalled Miami Arena. Through the town, not much traffic. We're following US1. I've never been on this stretch and I can see why. Will this ever end?! Where is I-95 and why aren't we on it?! All the times I'd been in S Florida heading to the Keys we never even thought about Miami except to bypass it for a straight shot to Margaritaville, Conch Republic via I-95, the Florida Turnpike and the Overseas Highway. It's been a while but my memories are still fresh: salt water on both sides, deep sea fishing, scuba diving off Tavenier and Islamorada, Alligator Reef, the Coast Guard cutters Duane and Bibb at 135', the wreck of the Eagle at 120', seaside bars on each key, Seven Mile Grill, The lower Keys with the old road that had railroad rails (from the old railroad that was detroyed by a hurricane ) welded in place as guard rails and the new old road (not to be confused with the somewhat current new road) at Bahia Honda Key that was built on top of the defunct railroad bridge, etc. Dreaming of times gone by is good. Traffic is not so good and I'd really like to get out of that #$%*!! Won't do this again!!

DISASTER STRIKES!! Just north of Homestead on US1 in stop and go traffic light to traffic light I'm in the left hand lane approaching another light. Howard is in the right lane which is clearing up. He is just about to clear the traffic light. I need to merge into the right hand lane. I'm moving slowly. I look over my right shoulder. It's clear enough to make a move. I turn the bars slightly to the right, look back ahead and the damn car in front of me has stopped or almost stopped. FUK! I tap the front brake. That wasn't a good thing to do. The front wheel locks and crosses up and does a 90 degree turn to the right which stops my bike in it's tracks! DOWN I GO. It happened quick. I remember thinking OH #$%*! I hear the passing lamp scraping metal on the rough pavement. I remember hearing the Lexan windshield scraping on the rough pavement. I DON'T remember hearing my skin scraping on the rough pavement but it did! It was quick and painless but only a few feet as that big ass front tire wouldn't allow much sliding! I dropped on my right side and it was over. Of course no helmet or protective gear other than a T-Shirt, Jeans and  Nikes. First thing I did was look up for oncoming cars about to cream my downed ass. No one was going fast enough to present a problem. The lady in the right hand lane pulled over to the right shoulder. The guy in the pickup truck behind me pulled over to the left and got out. I had already attempted to get out from under 900lbs of loaded Harley but was not able. My right foot was stuck under all that weight and I knew better than to force the issue. I calmly told him I was OK and asked if he could lift up my bike so I could get my foot out. Real nice guy but didn't have a clue about the weight of a loaded Harley or how to go about lifting it. I instructed him how to and he got it up enough for my foot to come out. I'd say less than 30 seconds so far. I immediately thought I should get the bike up and out of the street so I pop it right up. Amazing what you can do with 900lb when you're embarassed  :D About now Howard has heard the cars honking for him and realized I'm down and heads back to me running while I'm raising the Titanic. I reassure him I'm OK and attempt to start the bike. Something about this it doesn't like. Perhaps the lean angle sensor. Oh #$%*, it's not starting, nothing, and I'm 2500 miles from home. Nothing broken on me, sore yes. I gotta ride, we're almost at the turn around and this #$%* can not happen! If your computer doesn't work, reboot it! I turn the ignition off then back on. It fires! Hallalujah!! BUT, what's that red #$%* on my grip?! Dammit!! That's me, I'm bleeding. Get the hell outta there before any authorities show up and ruin our ride, seriously. The bike runs and I'm not broken. Didn't hit anyone so why stick around! It's MY problem only. We ride a little farther down and stop at a convenience store. Time to assess the damage. Rinse off my hand and elbow, road rash on the more obvious uncovered areas. Deep but I didn't look close enough to see bones only because I didn't want to see that. A couple chunks gone but I've been damaged and beat up before. I can still sit and ride. Wipe it off and put on a number of Band Aids. Out to the bike for damage control. Looking at minor but expensive rideable bike damage I realize my Nike was almost ripped off and there is a little blood on my foot, my knee is ripped up some and bleeding, and shoulder took a hit. Looks like I'll put on my riding boots now, eh?! especially since I only have one good shoe. Howard is far more concerned than I and I appreciate that but we have riding to do. My foot board is dangling off. I have boots on now. Lets ride! I'm not letting something that didn't kill me mess up our ride! Gives me something to think about now other than all those old memories that I had racing though my mind prior to this. Rock and roll tentatively. A few miles ahead is the Overseas Highway and we're on the way.

Pictures at 11 on the next installment.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 11:45:04 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Day 12 Sunday afternoon 10/17/2010

Now that the embarrassment and blood letting is behind me we have a final destination that beckons - Key West which I lovingly refer to as Key Weird. Never ridden the Overseas Highway, always wanted to. Up ahead I smell the salt. I sense salt water on both sides. The road appears to have changed. It's been a while, obviously TOO long! 2 lanes to 4 lanes, mid-road dividers. No place to pass, too many previous head on collisions. Change can be good but don't change the Keys PLEASE. There on my right is the Gulf Of Mexico and on my left is the Atlantic Ocean! YESSS finally, the Florida Keys. I have my visions of The Keys from my numerous earlier visits and there are many things I probably don't remember. I have specific places, things, and watering holes to see and stop at. Memories at their best but things have already started changing. Ahead and just past the new roadway is a LARGE, TALL bridge that wasn't there. WTF! That view has changed. Cruising on we're on much more 4 lane than I remember. Key to Key. Key Largo and John Pennecamp Coral Reef State Park. An underwater park with a guided snorkeling diving trail. Tavenier Key. Theatre of the Sea. Town to town. Across inlets with old bridges and new. Where is that confounded bridge?! I still have my "incident" on the back of my mind as I continually need to kick the footboard back inward. It's all good  :D Thinking ahead I'll be looking for that beachside bar on the other side of Islamorada just past the inlet where our favorite accomodations, affectionately referred to as The Brown Turd were located. The Brown Turd was actually 2 moored old houseboats painted with cheap brown paint that could flop maybe 12 to 15 drunks. Cheap. At least they came with 16 foot runabouts we used as scuba vessels. Ah, just ahead, Ah, just ahead, NOT! DAMMIT!! Where in the hell? And to think that was a good watering hole/boat dock combination where watching the sun set was perfect. Keep cruising. I know Howard is getting thirsty. We'll go past our favorite bar where Big Dick and The Extenders were the house band. Gone too! Must be a NEW Keys, don't get it. Surely I haven't gotten older  :( At least Bud and Mary's Marina is still there. Air fills for our diving. We'll press on. You have to be careful as you're traveling on a thin strip of built up 2 lane between 2 bodies of water. Sight seeing is a must but the reason for the barriers was to prevent the drifting across the center line. Riding slower is not a bad thing. Marathon Key and the airport. That means one thing - Seven Mile Bridge is just ahead. AND on the other end 7 miles away is the famous Seven Mile Grill. Cold beer and edible food. Mid way is an aquatic research station. Very cool ride! The end is ahead but (yeah, I'm tagging it on my odometer  ;) )... no Seven Mile Grill. Dammit dammit DAMMIT!! What I discovered is 7 Mile Grill is still there but it's at the NORTHERN end and I rode right past it (both times). Now thats a REAL SHAME!! Seems I had difficulty telling which way I was going back in the day. 2 reasons - water on both sides and alcohol. Imagine that. At least we're kicking back. Ahead is a decent looking bar and restaurant with COLD BEER. We also discover there are some really good folks in there too. Howard has a souvenir pint beer glass collection we've been working on for MANY years. He unknowingly creates a mild distraction and I add one more glass to his collection  ;D. Ahead is Bahia Honda and that bridge on top of a bridge I mentioned earlier. The old highway is there too with it's old railroad rail guard rails. Just like me they are aging. The rails are sagging and falling. Think I did that earlier in the day too  >:( At this rate they will be gone and NOTHING will seem the same the next time. We're getting close, up ahead is Key West and our final destination and turn around. Winding our way we stop for gas then work our way to Duvall Street for the festivities.    
« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 10:13:14 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Sorry guys - I'm running behind. The Rally takes considerable time - stay tuned  :)
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

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I'll be back soon to finish up. I'm getting a little caught up with the realities of life and the Relay is much more self sufficient now thanks to all's trials and tribulations that we have learned from  ;D Ride on Godzilla!
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)