Author Topic: 1972 CB750 - A.K.A PROJECT "JuNK" PROGRESS/PICS/UPDATES--> Last Updated 9/11/14  (Read 53952 times)

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Offline ProTeal55

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« Reply #75 on: May 25, 2006, 07:05:06 AM »
Don't have much of an update, but I figured I would post anyways.
Bike has been at shop (Triple-O) sevice for two weeks this coming Saturday. Th entire front-end has been removed from the bike and torn-apart for inspection. The brakes have also been tore-down to do a complete rebuild. All new lines have bene ordered. A new spacer has been made to replace the "Dragman wants to kill ProTeal"unit that was on their. Carbs are off and getting rebuilt, and other little things here and their..

So, Progress is being made, just gonna take some time, and allot of $$$. Realistically I should have the bike back the end of June, maybe alittle sooner. Kinda hard to tell at the momment. But as I said, I have the 55 to keep me happy, though I do miss my CB...

More updates to come, as well as pictures like these  ;D ;D :o :o ;D ;D

I need to work at Exile  :o

Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline golden_child

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« Reply #76 on: May 25, 2006, 07:23:51 AM »
I was just watching the Ride to Laughlin vid on exile and saw that you posted the pic of the girl in checks.

Offline ProTeal55

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« Reply #77 on: May 25, 2006, 07:59:22 AM »
Working/Being associated with Exile would be my dream job...
Oh the women.. ;D

5/25/2006 at 1:45PM Central Standard Time UPDATE............
Just got a phonecall from Fred, the owner of the shop where the bike is being worked on. Said he is going to be working on my bike "full boar" starting after the holiday weekend  ;D Should have it done well before he thought it would be. Good news, for a change...
« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 11:49:29 AM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

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« Reply #78 on: June 05, 2006, 11:29:58 AM »
* Progress Junk Update as of 6/5/2006 *

- Just got off the phone with Fred, owner of Triple-O service in the city. Major progress has been happening with the CB project, which is always a good thing. Things that have been completed are:
1. Front wheel dis-assembled, spokes tightened, inner tube & rim strip replaced
2. Both front calipers re-built, bleeders moved to have proper alignment with new lines, re-sprayed low gloss black.
3. All new lines installed that almost "hug" the front forks for a super clean look. 1960's Moto Guzzi factory "Y" block mounted under the lower triple tree to continue the clean brake-line look.
4. Turn signals re-wired up to a ultra small three position switch mounted in headlight bucket. Still deciding if I want to re-install front signals..
5. Decision was made to keep the factory Tach, and ditch the Speedo. Tach was sent to Tom (ElCheapo) at Anubis Cycles for a custom tach face/resto deal-e-o.. Check out his website below, as he makes some pretty trick parts for these bikes, and is a great guy.
6. Complete tune-up, including points, spark plugs, chain, etc...
7. New axle installed up front after stress-cracks were found on stock piece  :o

It has been awhile, but the bike is ALMOST complete, and ready to be rode hard when I get it back.
I should have it back in two weeks I would say. Will be nice to have the CB back, and try and enjoy the weather...

Will post pics as they become available...
« Last Edit: June 05, 2006, 01:39:36 PM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline Chris Liston

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« Reply #79 on: June 05, 2006, 12:47:24 PM »
Congrats on the progress.  Sounds like you'll be back on 2wheels soon.
2008 Triumph Speed Triple Black and NASTY
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Offline dusterdude

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« Reply #80 on: June 05, 2006, 01:10:01 PM »
1972 k1 750
1949 fl panhead
1 1/2 gl1100 goldwings
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Offline ProTeal55

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« Reply #81 on: June 09, 2006, 06:16:59 AM »
* * PROJECT "JUNK" UPDATE AS OF 6/9/06 * *

Got some pics of the new brake line setup that is now on the bike. All the lines were custom ordered to be as tight fitting to the bike as possibile. That sweet ass brake-line "T" is from a 60's moto-guzzi I was told. Gave me about a 1'' more wheel travel compared to the older one I had on their. Which I will need with the front-end being so low, and the larger 21'' front wheel. The entire front wheel was gone thru, and all spokes tightened, along with both lower legs being completely rebuilt. Each caliper was also torn down, gone thru, and rebuilt with new parts. Even the bleeders were moved so they both came out the same on each caliper for a cleaner look.

Fred (owner of the shop) is a busy guy, with about 20 bikes in his shop. He is the most known/reccomended guy in the city for these bikes.So I must give him some credit for doing so much in the itme my bike has been their, along with all his other projects. Every time I stop down their to check out the scoot, their is some other ultra rare bike in need of help. If ANYONE is in need of some quality vintage motorcycle service, and in the Chicagoland area, I would highly recommend Fred at Triple-O service. His site is --->

My stock Tach was sent to Tom (ElCheapo) of Anubs Cycle out of Cheese Land (WI)to get a complete rebuild, and one of his custom gauge overlays. I won't tell ya when I am going with, as you will have to wait and see it when it is complete. But let me say it wil lbe sweet... ;DTom is another one of those rare guys who actually tries to help you out, rather than just sell you a part and take your $$. His website is located at . He has been a huge asset to this site, as well as to me and my own project. A big thanks goes out to him..

More pics and updates to come, stay tuned... ;D
« Last Edit: June 09, 2006, 06:34:01 AM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline Tim.

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« Reply #82 on: June 09, 2006, 06:36:53 AM »
I'm not sure I understand how a Guzzi brake line splitter translates into suspension travel?
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« Reply #83 on: June 09, 2006, 06:50:48 AM »

I wish that I had a shop that could do that type of custom work.  All of the "custom" shops around here are for HDs.
1972 CB750 K2 Cafe' Style

GO AWAY SNOW AND COLD!  Can you see the Hot Rod wants to run...
“That's thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten.”

Offline ProTeal55

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« Reply #84 on: June 09, 2006, 06:59:33 AM »
I'm not sure I understand how a Guzzi brake line splitter translates into suspension travel?
Sorry TINTIN, let me rephrase that statement for ya.
With the addition of the Guzzi splitter, more space for wheel travel was made available, as the new T block sits higher on the lower triple-tree, compared to the other setup that was on their.
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline Tim.

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« Reply #85 on: June 09, 2006, 07:23:49 AM »
AHHHH - now I see.
Roule comme dans les années 70...   Roll as in the Seventies...

Offline dusterdude

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« Reply #86 on: June 09, 2006, 08:22:06 AM »
uh joe,dont forget to put a tire on that front rim before you ride it. :D
1972 k1 750
1949 fl panhead
1 1/2 gl1100 goldwings
1998 cbr600 f3

Offline ProTeal55

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* * PROJECT "JUnK" UPDATE AS OF 6/17/2006 AT 10:04am CST... * *

I got the scoot back alst night from Fred at Triple-O service. Picked it up about 2pm, and got home around 1am from my ride. I went EVERYWHERE. Met up with some friends in the city , cruised down lake shore drive a few times, went out into the burbs to meet up with some people, etc.. I had to put ATLEAST 2oo miles on the scoot last night , and it was great! Weather was a balmy 80 at 10pm last night , so t-shirt weather was in full effect. VERY RARE to be able to ride in Chicago without a jacket..Only bummer of the night was when I was about 10 min from my house and the right side muffler decided to come off the bike and skitch down the street  :o. ;D.I pulled the bike over and ran to get it, not before one truck ran it over, thus the dented up end part of the pipe (in the pic) Works fine, just looks alittle "weathered". New exhaust is allready in the works... ;D

My hat goes off to Fred at Triple-o. He went above and beyone what he was instructed to do on the bike, and was very very fair when it came to pay the bill. I am def. a customer of his for life, thru and thru. The knowledge he has, and his easy going attitude makes him the easy choice for ANYONE needing some work done on these type of bikes.

21'' Front wheel is on, spoke re-tightened with a new tube & tire
Front - End completely torn down and rebuilt (the right way this time)
16'' Rear wheel has a new Avon 130mm - Spokes tightened - new brake shoes
All new brake lines, fittings, and rebuilt calipers (thing actually stops now)
All new fuel lines, fittings, etc..
Re-Positioned clip-ons, new tach face from ELCHEAPO himself

I would write more but I need to go get some fuel and meet up with STLROCKER & CBJUNKIE downtown..
Ride on fellow CB'ers....
More updates to come...
« Last Edit: June 17, 2006, 08:16:19 AM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline ProTeal55

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Here's some more....
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline cbjunkie

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that's the balls, man!
1971 750K1
1972 CB350 (deceased)

sometimes naked, sometimes mad -
now the poet, now the fool -
thus they appear on earth,
the free men.

Offline ProTeal55

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that's the balls, man!
Hey man , we missed ya at the Mods Vs. Rockers show today.
They had a HUGE turnout, and our own STEVEF won best Jap bike in his class- Way to go STEVEF !!

New issue with the scoot is that the idle like to jump around way to much. I think I am finally gonna have to dive into the carbs  ::)
I have been dreading this day sience I bought the bike, but it needs to be done. I am gonna do a complete go thru, rebuild & sync.
Also need to figure out a seat idea, along with some sort of exhaust (that smashed up tip hurts me everytime I see it...)

Rock on fellow CB'ers....
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline cben750f0

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man i love a happy ending, thats unreal m8, you must be stoked!!!, bike looks a bloody treat too, sad about the muffler though, but alls well tht ends well....  now ll you have to do is catch up on all the riding you missed out on:).... peace
you are never to old, to act like a kid... be safe
funny thing,chasing someone down hill on a bike 30 years older than theirs..
he said \\\\\\\'it was like watching a 250kg unguided weapon getting stuck up you bum\\\\\\\

Offline ProTeal55

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now ll you have to do is catch up on all the riding you missed out on:)....
I agree with ya 100%.
I rode more in the past two days then I did pretty much all last seasn , which is def. a good thing  ;D
From my night in the city last night , to the show/ride today , the CB is def. getting the thrashing it deserves.
Need to address a few area's tomorrow (said to rain all day), to get the bike ready for the next nice day of ridin..
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends


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Wow, it looks better everytime I see it.  Now put a seat on it and sell it to me ;D.

Offline ProTeal55

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Wow, it looks better everytime I see it. Now put a seat on it and sell it to me ;D.
Thanks 4 the kind words. Amazing what some low gloss black spraypaint and a box of 3M Scotch brite pads can do to some ratty CB huh ?? ;D

Still in the market / investigation stages for a seat.
I keep leaning towards the reg. old cafe style fiberglass seatpan, but I feel that
it will "stereo-type" the bike as a "cafe", which I don't want. Might do a all leather seat, maybe with a built-in taillight like that Benji guy sells...??

Pic of my bike at this past weekends Mods vs. Rockers show.
More pics from the show can be seen here
Burned thru three tanks of fuel this weekend, and loved every minute of it ;D
« Last Edit: June 19, 2006, 11:42:58 AM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends


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Any pics of the event this weekend?  How many bikes showed?


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Nevermind, just caught the other thread in the open sec.

Offline cben750f0

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M8 check carpy out, he makes full cafe seats, they look really ool.... check his site out... peace
you are never to old, to act like a kid... be safe
funny thing,chasing someone down hill on a bike 30 years older than theirs..
he said \\\\\\\'it was like watching a 250kg unguided weapon getting stuck up you bum\\\\\\\

Offline ProTeal55

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* Project Update 6/27/06 *

Thought I would throw some pics of my new "diamond cut" headlight up here, as I know a few people were asking me about it. The headlight itself is from a company called ADJURE, who is mainly in the American V-Twin market, but a 7'' headlight is a 7'' headlight. I still get my employee discount at the last V-Twin shop I worked at, so I try to use it as much as possible  ;D Came with a blue/hyperwhite bulb, that puts off about 30% more light than the sealed beam that was in their prior, plus it just looks killer..

Install took about 10 min. Had to do a slight modification to the bracket that actually holds everything together inside the bucket, but that was done with a hammer and some tin snips. Very happy with the overall look, as it makes the bike aliitle more "modern" looking so to speak. Next is to get a new headlight bucket, because mine is cracked, and looks like ass... ::)

More updates to come as parts continue to arrive..
Seat should be here soon  ;D
« Last Edit: June 27, 2006, 06:24:58 AM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

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that kills, bro - I guess that's not a stock bucket? which one are you using?

what happened to the white stripe on the tank - was that just a temporary decal for the meet?
1971 750K1
1972 CB350 (deceased)

sometimes naked, sometimes mad -
now the poet, now the fool -
thus they appear on earth,
the free men.