I can sure identify with your feelings Retro, There are quite a few of us Pet Lovers here on this forum and I promise you that NOBODY here will mess with you because of your feelings for your Pet. I can feel your pain and indecision about what to do. I can only offer that whatever is best for your dog, is what you need to do. For example, I had an old black female cat (Sam0 who had gone deaf, seemed to have arthritus in her hips, and was loosing control of her bladder, in her last few weeks. She loved being outside and didn't seem to be in any bad pain. So, I fixed up a house for her, putting in a cheap porch light (for warmth in the winter), positioned it so the wind couldn't blow in, put some old blankets in there for comfort, put a split towel over the doorway for her to go in and out, kept her feed and watered and checked on her several times
a day. She lived for a little while longer, out there like that and was always happy to see me, when I checked on her. Sam almost made it to her 21st birthday and now is in the back yard with 7 others (4 dogs and 3 cats), who have gone on before her. Hang in there Brother, we feel your pain.