Author Topic: WTF!!?? HELP!!  (Read 13533 times)

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Offline crazypj

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #50 on: October 13, 2011, 11:18:26 PM »
Nah P.J. your a big mouth behind a keyboard.  Mind your manners.

 Your so full of #$%*
 come in from nowhere and that's where you'll be going as soon as the fad your into fades away
I fake being smart pretty good
'you can take my word for it or argue until you find out I'm right'

Offline fastbroshi

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #51 on: October 14, 2011, 12:26:57 AM »
  Come on PJ, give the guy a break.  You seem to be pretty knowledgeable/experienced with things.  I'm sure there was a time when you were just like this guy.   It's not hard to give someone the benefit of the doubt.   Tell me, if you were face to face with this person would you be saying the things you have?   And it's not that we're afraid of being politically correct.  We're just being polite. 
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Offline WarwickE36

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #52 on: October 14, 2011, 05:03:59 AM »
Sorry to jack this thread for a moment... glad the motor wasn't seized!

Your so full of #$%*
 come in from nowhere and that's where you'll be going as soon as the fad your into fades away

You are a dick to people who have never come in contact with you....For no apparent reason...

I'm reminded of the time I asked for advice on clutch friction discs and I said I liked the look of the NOS because it more like stock, and you responded by saying "why do I care how it looks, you can't see it"  No #$%* its not going to be visible wise ass.  I obviously meant I liked how it was designed and thought it would preform more similarly to stock than an EBC disc.

My "fad" saved a bike from rotting away in a barn for all eternity.  Something you stockers seem to forget.  You would rather see a dirty, rusty, non running CB rot away in a field than have it "cafe'd" or chopped.  To me that's flat out hypocrisy.  I will enjoy my bike however I please.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 05:57:02 AM by WarwickE36 »
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

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Offline brycegp

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #53 on: October 14, 2011, 07:05:25 AM »
PJ...I was respectful and asked you nicely to get off my thread.  And I'll ask again...Stop responding, please.  I don't want your input, your thoughts or your opinions on anything.  Stop trying to make the thread about you.  You are just trying to stir up trouble.

So I am new to working on THIS motor.  SO WHAT?  In the three years I've owned the bike I have wrenched on every bolt on her.  And it has been so reliable in that time (daily rider), that I haven't had to mess with the motor AT ALL. 

However, I did fix the clutch push mechanism at one point.  And you don't see me running for the challenge this time either.  I will fix the bike properly and that is why I am learn and benefit from a community that has information and knowledge to offer.

You have nothing but insults and bitterness to offer.  And I'll ask you not to disrupt the peace.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 07:14:46 AM by brycegp »
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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #54 on: October 14, 2011, 08:50:50 AM »
I removed the clutch cover.  I wanted to see what was going by the kicker spindle and clutch basket.  There was nothing immediately evident there.  So I removed the clutch inner and outer...the whole basket.

With the spark plugs, clutch cover and basket, the valve cover, the stator cover and the points cover removed:
1. the electric starter will turn motor. and I can see the Primary drive gear turning.
2. The crank turns freely if i turn the stator bolt and I can see the Primary drive gear turning.
3. The crank turns freely if i turn the points bolt.  and I can see the Primary drive gear turning.
4. when i put it in first gear, I can easily spin the rear wheel and I can see the input shaft turning.
5. in first gear, the kicker will turn the rear wheel AND the input shaft.
6. the inner and outer clutch baskets will turn within each other just by force of hand
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 09:55:44 AM by brycegp »
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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #55 on: October 14, 2011, 10:22:33 AM »
Just reinstalled the VALVE COVER...and I turned  the crank several rotations by the points bolt. 

I guess that rules out Piston / Valve clearance issues....?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 02:42:55 PM by brycegp »
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Offline WarwickE36

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #56 on: October 14, 2011, 10:25:48 AM »
Does the bike move, with everything installed, in neutral? 
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

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Offline brycegp

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WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #57 on: October 14, 2011, 01:23:24 PM »
Does the bike move, with everything installed, in neutral?

yes.  it rolls no problem in neutral.
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Offline d9canada

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #58 on: October 14, 2011, 01:40:52 PM »
There's bound to be drag on the rear wheel when you try to turn it over in neutral.  I'm wondering how hot you got this puppy when you were demo'ing it.  If it idled for a while with low oil you may have scuffed it up a bit inside and maybe it was enough to lock when hot and ease up when cold.  I would be inclined to do a compression test because if it scuffed til it grabbed, chances are good you'll have enough piston & ring issues that she will not have good compression. Just guessing but seeing as how you couldn't find anything else so far.. 
Hope I'm wrong!

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Offline dave500

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #59 on: October 14, 2011, 02:28:02 PM »
drop the pan and try to look up at the inside end of the kick spindle,the tiny circlip on the end might have jumped off,also while your in there try to wobble the counter shaft at the clutch end with a pry bar or decent heavy screwdriver,that needle roller bearing has been known to collapse,you might find debris in the pan if it has,an improvement on the 550s was a little oil pump added to that bearing.

Offline WarwickE36

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #60 on: October 14, 2011, 02:36:26 PM »
Put it back together and crank it over, see what happens
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

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Offline brycegp

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #61 on: October 14, 2011, 02:47:20 PM »
So I had to step away for a couple hours...get some lunch. 

So I just reinstalled the clutch basket (but NOT the pressure plate).  Which shouldn't (and didn't) change anything. 

Everything is moving as it should.  the last thing to install before its back to square one is the pressure plate.  We'll see what adding clutch pressure does to the system.  Standby...
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Offline phil71

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #62 on: October 14, 2011, 03:01:07 PM »
I've seen kickers bind, and then unbind.. but it's definitely got a worn part somewhere. It's important to note that the designers saw kick start as an emergency measure, and they are not built to be as robust as a kick-only bike. this is especially evident in the cb 350 and 360. Guys who ditch the starter for weight savings always end up with a bump only bike because the kicker mechanism is just not meant to be the primary way to start it. If it's 'fixed itself' it may be okay indefinitely if you only use it in a dead battery situation , as intended.

Offline brycegp

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2011, 03:20:25 PM »
It's important to note that the designers saw kick start as an emergency measure...

Agreed and that is only time when my kicker is used. 

On a mysteriously final note...

I reinstalled the pressure plate...and guess what.  It seems to have fixed itself. 

1.  The kicker turns the motor in neutral.
2.  The kicker turns the motor and the rear wheel in 1st gear. 
3.  The electric starter turns the motor in neutral.

How is this possible?  Maybe the penetrating oil freed a stuck piston...??  But that doesn't seem like what happened. 

What can I check for in the way of worn parts so I can them swap?  I have a hunch there is something iffy about the kicker spindle.  Got outta whack and then got back in place or something??

What's next?
1. Oil change and fill.  Anyone know why the  oil filter bolt would get stuck?  I have soaked it with penetrating oil and it is like its welded on there.  WONT BUDGE!!  I changed the oil last and would never have put it on so tight.
2. Valve adjustment.  I read up and learn how. Just did it on my '73 2002 so how hard can it be?
3. Cam chain adjustment (if necessary).  It wasn't loose but need to check valve clearance and timing.
4. Compression test.  I'll consult the FAQ and find the spec readings.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 03:52:53 PM by brycegp »
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Offline FuZZie

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2011, 03:27:18 PM »
Did you find any medal bit's in the old oil?

Offline brycegp

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #65 on: October 14, 2011, 04:21:20 PM »
Did you find any medal bit's in the old oil?

No metal bits in the oil!!!  Sweet...

BUT still haven't gotten the oil filter cover off...WTF?  I've put all I've got into it...its a wonder it hasn't stripped!  But if I turn it any harder, it WILL strip.  Suggestions?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 04:22:58 PM by brycegp »
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Offline FuZZie

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #66 on: October 14, 2011, 04:27:39 PM »
Have you tried a strong bar, apply pressure and then tap on the knuckle with a hammer.
Nothing to hard (either in the pressure or tap) the idea is to make a bit of a old school impact driver. 

Offline d9canada

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #67 on: October 14, 2011, 04:36:15 PM »
Use an impact driver on it!  Make sure you have a decent fitting socket and extension if necessary so you have a perfect alignment.  The only way to deal with that frozen crap.

As I mentioned earlier, I am concerned you overheated it sitting idling with low oil.  I just pulled the oil side cover of a CB900C and saw the dipstick as it sits inside.  If you only had 1/8 inch oil on the stick, there is a very good chance it was getting little or no oil.  Sorry but I was thinking about you when I saw that.  I know the motors are different but it's a warning to everyone.  If there's not at least a half inch, add oil.

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #68 on: October 14, 2011, 04:40:41 PM »
   Bryce, didn't you take the rotor and stator off earlier to rotate the engine by the rotor's bolt?   Reason I ask is because I'd locked up my motor when I first got my 550 after dropping it on the left hand side from a standstill.   It seems somehow I'd forgotten to put those three screws in that go through the left side cover that hold the stator to the cover.  It came off the aluminum cover when I dropped it, binding the rotor on it and stopping the motor. 

Symptoms much like you describe.
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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #69 on: October 14, 2011, 04:46:32 PM »
As I mentioned earlier, I am concerned you overheated it sitting idling with low oil.

The bike didn't even have time to get full heated up before all this happened.  I remember being able to grab the head shortly after it it certainly didn't stick a piston by overheating. 

I just drained the oil and there was quite a bit that drained.  I didn't measure it...but it was sufficient. 
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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #70 on: October 14, 2011, 04:47:45 PM »
The reason I didn't say impact driver d9canada is because of the force on the oil filter housing, little afraid of cracking the case around the bolt. Old school kind of splits the force needed vs just using a direct hammer blow to free it. 

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #71 on: October 14, 2011, 04:51:07 PM »
   Bryce, didn't you take the rotor and stator off earlier to rotate the engine by the rotor's bolt?   Reason I ask is because I'd locked up my motor when I first got my 550 after dropping it on the left hand side from a standstill.   It seems somehow I'd forgotten to put those three screws in that go through the left side cover that hold the stator to the cover.  It came off the aluminum cover when I dropped it, binding the rotor on it and stopping the motor. 

Symptoms much like you describe.

Nah.  I've done exactly what you did before...not knowing those three bolts hold the field coil suspended around the rotor. though I didn't lock up the motor just made a bit of noise before I quickly realized what was happening.  That's not what happened here....
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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #72 on: October 14, 2011, 04:53:15 PM »
The reason I didn't say impact driver d9canada is because of the force on the oil filter housing, little afraid of cracking the case around the bolt. Old school kind of splits the force needed vs just using a direct hammer blow to free it. 

All ready took a hammer to my rachet...didn't budge.  And I put a length of pipe on the rachet for more leverage...I saw the socket extension start to "twist"...and still the bolt didn't budge.  UGH!
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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #73 on: October 14, 2011, 04:55:08 PM »
Damn  :-\

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Re: WTF!!?? HELP!!
« Reply #74 on: October 14, 2011, 04:55:29 PM »
Ya got a dremmel?  May be that time.