Oh, boy, where do I start?
Look at the world: We're effectively living in the dystopian future that so many authors wrote about. Increased governmental power, loss of rights, the economy held up by toothpicks on the edge of collapse, unchecked 3rd World immigration destroying the country, massive deficit spending, schools are like prisons, government in people's lives like CRAZY, the rise of foreign powers that are (successfully) challenging America's #1 Superpower status, (FWIW, I believe the Chinese are going to eat our lunch. If the 20th Century was the American Century, then the 21st century will be the Chinese century), etc, etc. Why bring kids into such a #$%*ty world? The generation born since the turn of the century, I believe, WILL live to see the death of the West, as it were, and will be the first American generation to have a LOWER standard of living than their parents.
Grim stuff, yet people are popping kids out everyday. Why? What's the motivation? Do people really not see the world as it is, or do they just not care?
Bear in mind I am pretty much a "Glass is Half-Empty" kinda guy, but I still can't see any positives to growing up in these times. We are living in the decline of a civilization, and life is just going to get worse and worse. Watch.
I just can't see subjecting an innocent life to such horrors.
Y'know, it shows (beside few other things) why some people ELSEWHERE (not in US) don't like Americans. First - without your kids, there will be no workpower to pay for your benefits, but more importantly - to work! Who will work, when you will get old and start looking for new, I don't know, lawn mower? Who will produce it? It's either your kids or this "unchecked immigration". Now hold on here a minute - who are you? Aren't YOU an immigrant? Because to be honest, y'all there are immigrants - except the native inhabitans (I do have a VERY nice Haida bracelet, eh, Alaska.....). So, take it easy there - it's a very bad mentality - I managed to get into that train of good life and future, so now, I will kick everybody else who want to gets in OUT! Why? Give them a chance too! As long as they behave - obey that laws, pay taxes, etc. But this is too much already - just remeber - YOU ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS there. I can trace my ancestors in the circle of 500 km until XIV century (that doesn't make me any better that any other, mind you), so i can say I'm not an immigrant. But at the end, it's VERY BAD thinking. We DO ARE all equal, even if habla espanol.
Superpower status, oh boy..... I traveled and worked with many nationalities, and i can even speak Russian, and i have Russian friends..... This superpower thing is purely some kind of internal complex. Why do guys buy fast cars? To cover up "other" deficiencies? Just give it a break, what the hell YOU are gonna lose when somebody else's country will grow up? Don't worry, nobody will invade you!
But all this aside - I'm not very old, just 34, but I already noticed - the older you get the more you think that before "there were good old times" when everything was better, etc. Well, did you ever heard about PROGRESS? Practically every century there was applauded prophet (starting with St.John's Apocalypse) saying that world is going down the drain. And look! Despite world wars, etc we are still alive, and more, the quality of life IMPROVES around the world. Really!
And one more thing - before I had kids (I have 2 daughters) I remember like today a similar way of thinking, although not so dark. It was more like - why bother with responsibility, lets go and play! And guess what - after having kids this all changes. There is absolutely nothing in this world like your kids saying "daddy I love you". Not mentioning fun of riding 2 bikes (with my wife) with teh kids on the back.
And guess what? When I will be 70 my kids wil take care of me, I will not die abandoned, and forgotten, or dumped in a daily care house. But that's me. Maybe you want to end like that - it's free world, go ahead. But I"D LOVE to have this conversation something like 30 years from now on.
So, in short - world is not as bad as you see it. On teh top of that, you actually are VERY LUCKY living in one of teh most developed countries in this world. LOWER standard of living - what do YOU know about it? I think, not much. Just go few miles south and look at the communist paradise of Cuba. So, stop whining! Be happy, and make others happy! Or tavel around - I did - it helped me to be a better person.
And if there will be more such pessimistic people, then yes, civilization will go worse. But don't worry, human nature is different. Humans are by default, positive - otherwise YOU wouldn't be in this world.
I REALLY wish you that you will become happier person. Because for the moment future looks bad for you.....